Sto What Is Better Dmg X3 Or Dmg X2 Pen

Hello everyone.
I've been playing for 4 months now, and I really like the game so far.
Currently, I'm grinding for some decent weapons. So I bought all fleet [DMG]x3 [CrtD]s a few weeks ago. Now I got some [CrtD]x2 [Pen] and [CrtD]x3 antiproton DBBs really cheap from the exchange. I asked in a stream which one is better, and some people replied that [DMG] is now almost as good as [CrtD], that really got me confused.
Can someone tell me if that's true? So I should keep my fleet weapons? The combat log reader didn't give me any clear answer either.
My CritH is about 17% and my CritD 95%. If I'd have [CrtD]x3 [Pen]s, I'd definetly use them. But what about the two mentioned?
  • Aug 22, 2013  This post is to show your ship setup, might get an advice on your ship or your new to the game and want to see other peoples ship builds. I know there are tons of forums about ship builds, but hardly see any on steam forums or they are out dated. (The list down below is a full info (You don't have to go full detail about your setup)) Exporation Cruiser Retrofit (Zen-store ship) Fore Weapons.
  • Jul 03, 2015  Pen is handled as a total damage bonus with 5 as a default. This may be correct for unshielded targets but is obviously too high vs. Shielded ones. Anyway, Pen adds a debuff to the target making it fairly desirably, even if the raw damage of the weapon might be lower in comparison to a similar one with an additional CrtD mod.
  • Episode Replay was a feature introduced in Season Three: Genesis allowing a player to replay missions for experience and additional rewards. Starting with Season Five: Call to Arms, these can be accessed from the Episodes menu.Not all missions can be replayed in this manner (e.g. Exploration, Special Task Forces, PvP) or through any means in-game (e.g. Promotions, patrols).

After calculating the base speed for the Engine's Mark level, the game will add 10% for one Spd modifier, 20% for Spdx2, and so forth. Thus, final speed for standard Impulse Engines will be (7.5+0.375.Mk) + N.0.1.(7.5+0.375.Mk), where N is the number of Spd modifiers.

Level Scaling Equipment refers to equipment that changes level as the player levels up. Usually, these items are between Marks for your rank, meaning more effective than the lower Mark items and less effective than the higher Mark items for any given rank. These items are often referred to as tier infinity, because of the infinity symbol shown on the icon in place of the Mark, or level-less items.

  • 1Space Equipment
    • 1.2Weapons
      • 1.2.1Energy Weapons
      • 1.2.2Projectile Weapons

Space Equipment[editedit source]

Ship Equipment[editedit source]

Weapons[editedit source]

Energy Weapons[editedit source]

Chroniton Dual Beam Array[editedit source]

The Chroniton Dual Beam Array is obtainable from from the Lobi Crystal Consortium on Drozana Station for 200 .

Sto What Is Better Dmg X3 Or Dmg X2 Penny

It is a Bind on Pickup, Rare, item and is never found with any modifiers. It is also the only energy type Chroniton weapon, which has a 2.5% chance to significantly reduces Flight Speed and Turn Rate.

It also posses a '40% Critical Severity' effect and is affected by consoles or abilities that affect Antiproton energy weapons.

Disruptor Quad Cannons[editedit source]

The Disruptor Quad Cannons are only obtainable by obtaining a Ning'tao Bird-of-Prey, which comes equipped with one set, the maximum that can be equipped on any ship at any time.

They are a Bind on Pickup, Very Rare, item and are only found with a [Dmg]x4 (hidden) modifier.The [Dmg]x4 modifier gives them a higher damage per second than any available Dual Cannons or Dual Heavy Cannons until the Fleet Mk XII Ultra Rare variants (which have a [Dmg]x3 [Acc] modifier).

Kinetic Cutting Beam[editedit source]

Kinetic Cutting Beam is only obtainable through the Reputation System. It is obtainable at Tier II for 500 , 15,000 , 16,000 , and 25 Industrial Energy Cells.

It is a Bind on Pickup, Very Rare, item and is only found with a [Dmg]x3 modifier. It is also the only energy type Kinetic weapon in the game. Only one can be equipped on any ship at any time.

It also posses a 360 degree firing arc, increased chance to kill enemy crew, and is not affected by any abilities or consoles.Although it is a Level Scaling Item, it is only obtainable at level 51, which is the maximum level in the game, meaning that the Kinetic Cutting Beam is always found at Mark XII.

Kumari Phaser Wing Cannons[editedit source]

The Kumari Phaser Wing Cannons are only obtainable by obtaining a These weapons are only mountable on the Andorian Kumari Escort, Andorian Charal Escort or Andorian Khyzon Escorts. Each comes equipped with one set. The Wing Cannons cannot be used on any other ships.

They are a Bind on Pickup, Very Rare, item and are only found with [Dmg]x4 modifier. They are considered a phaser type weapon.

They are also part of the Andorian Assault Set, which can provide Synchronized Targeting and Wing Cannon Synergy.

Phaser Quad Cannons[editedit source]

The Phaser Quad Cannons are only obtainable by obtaining a Tactical Escort Refit, which comes equipped with one set, the maximum that can be equipped on any ship at any time.

They are a Bind on Pickup, Very Rare, item and are only found with a [Dmg]x4 (hidden) modifier. The [Dmg]x4 modifier gives them a higher damage per second than any available Dual Cannons or Dual Heavy Cannons until the Fleet Mk XII Ultra Rare variants (which have a [Dmg]x3 [Acc] modifiers).

Spiral Wave Disruptor[editedit source]

The Spiral Wave Disruptor is only obtainable by obtaining a Cardassian Galor Class Cruiser, which comes equipped with four. After the player owns a Galor, the Spiral Wave Disruptor can be purchased from the Dilithium Store for 45,380 .

It is a Bind on Pickup, Very Rare, item and is only found with a [Acc]x2 [Dmg]x2 modifier. It is also considered a hybrid weapon, as it is a Disruptor, but is capable of a Phaser effect, as well. Both effects have a 2.5% chance to occur.

Projectile Weapons[editedit source]

Wide Angle Quantum Torpedo Launcher[editedit source]
Omega Plasma Torpedo Launcher[editedit source]
Temporal Disruption Device[editedit source]
Breen Transphasic Cluster Torpedo[editedit source]
Thermionic Torpedo Launcher[editedit source]
Tractor Beam Mine Launcher[editedit source]
Concentrated Tachyon Mine Launcher[editedit source]
Rapid Fire Missile Launcher[editedit source]

The Rapid Fire Missile Launcher is obtainable from from the Lobi Crystal Consortium on Drozana Station for 200 .

It is a Bind on Pickup, Rare, item and are never found with any modifiers.

They also posses a '+20% Accuracy' effect, two second reload time, and a 180 degree firing arc. Despite the tooltip, the Rapid Fire Missile Launcher is affected by abilities that affect torpedoes. It is not clear if normal consoles affect it, but it does Kinetic Damage.

5e magic item table a. This is fitting with the 5E assumption that magic items should be relatively rare.I like the idea of using these. But admittedly, I haven't really done it.The list is too brief really.

They are also part of the Ferengi Marauder Space Set, which can provide Sector Space Tycoon and A Lifetime of Experience.

Ground Equipment[editedit source]

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