Trap Cluster Trap And Mine Dmg Arc

Trap cluster trap and mine dmg arc system

Trap Cluster Trap And Mine Dmg Arc 2

Why using vaal version (I'm aware, that it grants both versions) specifically? It's not supported by cluster traps, so despite being nearly twice as powerful, if we do some rough math:
Say normal version does 100% dmg. We got four in one drop.
Normal + cluster [-36% dmg at lvl 20] x 4 = 400 - (36 x 4) = 256% overall damage. So four mines in total whack stronger than one vaal.
Also, there is 21 lvl corrupted version of normal ver that chains 8 times (vs 7 at 20l) and does significantly more dmg being sold for 1ex, while 21 lvl vaal arc starts at 2ex. Am I missing something?

I use both Arc and Vaal Arc, primarily Arc but I put Vaal Arc because it implies using both. The Vaal Arc gives you a more powerful Arc, which still chains, but is great against bosses or rares because of the extra DPS (especially Architects who have mobs nearby to still chain well).
Posted by
on Jun 8, 2018, 12:10:08 AM
Are Stormchargers ok with this or are they just not that great in general?

I don't find these boots to be useful. Maybe grab some Deerstalkers while leveling and then some good old Life + Resists + Move speed boots? And as Neehan mentioned, we don't do physical damage, so I wouldn't use these.
Posted by
on Jun 8, 2018, 12:11:48 AM
Thanks for the build man, trying this one with friend now) Why no phase acro in trees tho? Im pretty new to the game, but it seems like a stong upgrade over any hp nodes to me. Am I missing something?
Posted by
on Jun 8, 2018, 12:21:16 AM
Any particular reason to not take phase acro?
Edit: Nvm. I forgot how to read
Last edited by redragonblack on Jun 8, 2018, 1:05:15 AM
Posted by
on Jun 8, 2018, 1:01:01 AM
how about 2 pure trap damage weapons? they all have like 90+ damage for traps . good or no?
Posted by
on Jun 8, 2018, 1:21:19 AM
As soon as you have a 4 link, switch to Arc-Trap-Cluster Trap-Trap and Mine Damage (or) Added Lightning. You can use Multiple Trap until you are high enough level for Cluster Trap. Do not switch to Arc until you can use Multiple Trap.

Am I wrong in thinking that this description only shows 3 skills? What is the 4th skill?
Edit: Trap Support. Must be losing my mind. Leaving it up, hopefully it will help someone.
Last edited by ElJayGee on Jun 8, 2018, 2:24:35 AM
Posted by
on Jun 8, 2018, 2:21:57 AM
how about 2 pure trap damage weapons? they all have like 90+ damage for traps . good or no?

As long as you still have a good crit chance (and hopefully some mana regen), sure!
Posted by
on Jun 8, 2018, 4:47:31 AM
No Expeditious Munitions in the tree? Is it because we don't need the damage anymore?
Posted by
on Jun 8, 2018, 10:00:23 AM
Thanks for the build guide - really enjoying it so far. Destroying Act 6 with a Tabula and pretty rubbish gear. Suspect I will have a few nasty deaths when mapping but hopefully my dodging skills will improve. I've just come off the back of playing 92 levels of a face-tanking Jugg build - my reactions are still very slow!
I've not taken Acrobatics yet because I'm concerned of the downsides. Is it a key part of the build in terms of survivability?
Posted by
on Jun 8, 2018, 11:03:28 AM
Posted by
on Jun 8, 2018, 12:03:45 PM

Page 182-Path of Exile thread, the revival - Part 2 PC Gaming. Mar 28, 2018  Boots: Vortex + cluster trap + concentrated effect + trap and mine damage. Mac os x dmg file format 2017. Helm: Frost bomb + trap + cluster trap + cold penetration/added cold damage. Quality Herald of Ice. A: Literally any spell ingame. Ice Trap, Arc, Firestorm, Bladefall, Fire Trap, Explosive Trap, Ball. 6 Link Lightning Trap. Lightning Trap, Cluster Trap, Trap and Mine Damage, Controlled Destruction, Pierce, Lightning Penetration (controlled destruction doesn't mean you can't crit. If you use ele focus you can't shock/shatter.

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