True Dmg Akali In Game

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True Dmg Akali In Game 1


Chapter 1

1. Amazing burst damage even early game
2. Very good escape abilities
3. Excellent harass abilities
4. Becomes nearly impossible to escape her after lvl 6
5. Has acknowledged by riot a 'Flippin Ninja' (see her natural buffs while playing her)

1. Target above most other units
2. Squishy

True Dmg Akali In Game Series


My name is brahmzy, this is the first guide I have written so do not be to hard on me, now to Akali, I have been playing Akali for about two months now and she is my favourite champions in the entire game this is because she is one of the most op assassins in the game assuming you know how to use her, early game she can only burst down squishy targets but after about lvl 16 she can bring down tanks. that said she herself is SQUISHY so dont think you can engage three people and expect to win, that is unless you are fed =D


The runes have been set up so they activate your passives before you buy a single item, you do not need as many Seals Of Greater Potency, Glyphs Of Potency or Greater Quintessence Of Potency but MAKE SURE THE ABILITY POWER YOU HAVE ADDS UP TO 20 however you should not swap any Greater Marks Of Strength or you will not activate your life steal passive removing ALOT of your early game survivability


The item build that i have should be changed a little bit depending on who you are fighting, for example if you are playing a game and not getting any kills Majai's Soulstealer becomes useless so invest in another ability power based item or if you are fighting against a ranged champion who is doing a lot of damage swap the Majai's Soulstealer for some armour to counter their damage however do no not swap anything but the Majai's Soulstealer unless you really have to as it may severely hinder your damage output late game. another example would be if enemy's are always narrowly escaping you rush the Boots Of Swiftness and so on however when playing against a tanks with no squishy unit to feed off always get an Amplifying so you can get some kills or it will effect your late game performance. Another thing to remember is that people with sometimes buy items that reduce magic damage, if it is just one or two of the champions you are facing you can just ignore it however if any more than that start getting magic resist consider investing in a Haunting Guise, Abisil sceptre or Sorcerer's Shoes.

Skill Sequence

you should stick to the skill sequence exactly as I have it, the only one thing you should change is very early game and you feel as if you can get a kill instead of getting the Twilight Shroud (your one and only defence mechanism) get your cresent slash first but remeber you will become very vulnerable without your Twilight Shroud.
why? because Akali is energy bases and she get 20% heal from spell vamp which requires you to cast spells and since she runs off energy it takes10 seconds to get back to max energy and on top another 10% passives heal from the amount of physical damage you do, so what is bad about using spells on minions? nothing
Your basic skill sequence should be
Mark > Shadow Dance > Twilight Shroud > Crescent Slash > Hit then rinse and repeat
(note that if you have Lich Bane 2 hits occur meaning, 2x your AP.)

Team Work

Akali is a very squishy champion but she has a HUGE damage burst especially late game, is she is used properly she can easily make win the team fight, however their are certain rules you must follow in a team fight because you must leave as soon as your target is dead.
1.NEVER TARGET TANKS - it doesn't matter what stage of the game it is never target tanks because they don't do nearly as much damage as other characters and they are harder to drop.
2.NEVER INNATE - remember you are squishy so it is suicide to initiate any team fight.
3. Always Target the people with lowest health (excluding the tank)
4.LEAVE AS SOON AS YOU GET YOUR KILL - i know have already said this but it is of the utmost importance because she is targeted because of her high burst damage and will be destroyed if in the middle of the team fight for to long.

Ranged Games

In ranked games, you MAY want to build a little tankier, even after the rylais. My first suggestion would be to build up your resistances, because you wont need a crazy amount of health. Your best bet is switching the Mejai's Soulstealer for a late game guardian angel (Magic and Physical Resist), or even for an abyssal scepter (magic resist and magic penatration bonus). Take advantage of that last item and tailor it to the game you are in

True Damage Akali Gameplay

In a ranked game, it is likely that you will have a jungler, in which case you should take the solo lane. You are really potent as solo lane, all you really have to do is turtle back until level 6, then take advantage of your cloud to harass them. When the teamfight phase comes around make sure you target the squishy dps heroes or the casters (as they likely will be dealing the most damage and you want them dead A.S.A.P).


Akali is a brilliant champion however she is extremely difficult to master targeted above most other champions however once you master her expect games going positive 10-20 kills and countless assists.Not Updated For Current Season

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Aug 03, 2019  Right-click on it (or ctrl-click if you haven't configured your mouse to use two buttons, or two-finger tap if using a trackpad) and hold down Option while selecting “Open” from the context menu. You will get the same message about the app not being from a verified developer. Fixing a Macintosh.pkg that gets stuck in the 'verifying' stage. The High Sierra issue appears to be a known bug that Apple is aware of. There are a couple of options that may resolve this prior to Apple releasing 10.13.1: 1) Try restarting your mac, and trying to open the.DMG again. 2) Hold down the Control key when you click on the.dmg then select Open from the context menu. Theis should give you a. From the 'Finder' on your Mac, press 'Command + Shift + G' and enter the path '/System/Library/CoreServices/.' Locate '' and open it. Navigate to the '.pkg' file that is stuck on verifying and click to open it. It should now run through the package installer or update as usual. Question: Q: Stuck on 'Verifying' when launching dmg, updates, opening.jpgs. Now, whenever I double click on a picture on the desktop, or try to install a new program (try to open the.dmg file to allow for installation, or even just update adobe flash, I instead just get a 'verifying' pop-up with a security icon that never loads or finishes. Download mac os dmg file.

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Hello, my name is Joakim Johansson AkA 'jocke med skeden'. I main Akali for several reasons. First extremly hard to gank, second high skillcap high reward if you can play her. In my point of view she is a bit overpowerd. Well, carry on I´ll describe many things in this guide how I play what you should do what you NEVER EVER EVER goin to do and so on.
Thank you for reading and don´t forget to tell me what I can do better, it´s though my first guide.


Akali is really dependent on runes, If you know that you don´t have these runes I´ve picked for you(The 7 AD is the most inportant, the armour is your choice if you want to trade for AP) You´re gonna have a bad time. Why? Because I´ve set the runes to match up perfect with the Mastery page. With both the runes and masteries you will have 10 ad. For new Akali players you need 10 AD to trigger her passive. So the Marks(red runes) IS A MOST, the glyphs(blue runes) would I recommend AP but you can go for something else, the zeals Is in my opinion best as armour first because that´s what they are made for so they give you most armour(exepct quintessence), and you will need armour when you´re facing top almost everyone of them are AD. And the quintessence´s What´s up with these little fellas? Ofcourse we will pick flat AP for these, because we want early dmg and to trigger Akali´s passive NO.2(when Akali reaches 20 AP her basic attacks deal a bit extra magic dmg).
Conclussion: If you don´t have these runes, stay away from ranked untill you get it cause Akali´s runepage is very very very inportant.


With my mastery setup I´ve fixed Akali´s passive(10 ad will trigger it) this gives you 8%ish spellvamp IT HELPS A LOT. So for quack sake pick the offense masteries exactly nhow I put them. On the other hand what about the 7 others? I play Akali as a Magic dmg brusier, why? Cause it´s flippin unbeat able, so I pick mu last seven on defence. But feel free to place the LAST SEVEN not any else as free as you want.


In this build I´ve got some new things because of the new season things, like DFG I didn´t use it so much on Akali before but now OH MAMA. DFG will now AMPLIFY your DMG by 20%!! How epic is that the dmg is just A+. The reason I don´t start with boots on Akali have I never thought of so feel free to begin with them. I use the extra ap to harras/outzone the enemy. After your first recall you should buy hextech revolver(dat spellvamp) and for QUACK SAKE don´t forget to buy wards! I don´t care if you have a support, you will buy wards even if you play solo top! remember the support is not your mommy it´s your savior(hopefully) You can´t expect a plank to become a flippin rock. you have to buy wards!!! get it? then carry on, second B buy full boots and start roam( if you can, cause you shoud not leave your tower while it´s pushed at max for obvius reasons. The most inportant here is if you know you will forget to use your DFG like everyone else then don´t buy it(not that hard, right?)

Skill Sequence

When you´re in the lane try to harass as much as possible, if you fail with this no problem. Akali is quite weak pre 6(yeah right) but after lvl 6 the will beg for murcy. but be sure to have 3 stacks up befor you jump´em. when you have your ult and plan to jump on the ememy for maximum dmg first throw a Q on them wait for the cooldown to reset(Akali´s Q have longer duratation then it´s CD) then jump use your W E, Q again basic attack. If you can kill them without risking your own life do it, if not it´s just a harass(walk away from it).

Pros / Cons

PROS: Cons:

True Dmg Akali In Game List

OP Vision wards/oracle will quack somethings up badTrue Dmg Akali In Game
high burst Her best skin is unavalible :(
good escape tool
Will rape the enemy AD/AP
extreme survival
can carry games


I have a great picture(not done yet) so I´ll upload it soon. But the basics is to ward your
river place your ward at the way to the jungle(a bit higher then baron) then you will have good time to react and surive/maybe even get some kills. Second ward their blue buff. BUT NOT SO YOU CAN SEE WHEN THEY TAKE IT, you shall ward it so you can take it and see what happens on the other side of the wall. Trust me on that one I´ve had a couple of breakdowns cause of the fear IF their jungler would show up. So ward on the ither side of the wll for your safety. Did I mention you should place wards here and there cause it´s not the support problem and noeone elses.


When you enter a teamfight what will you do? Rush for the enemy darius or for their ad/ap carry? Ofcurse it´s an easy answear you will attack their most isolated carry so you can finish him/her up without worriyng about someone else. Then go for the next carry then feel free to kill anyone.

When to not pick Akali?

I´ve only foun 2 champs that are suicidal to play against as Akali. Renekton it´s something with this malformed croc that just counter akali as hard as it can. Even if you are in your soulshrood he can kill you with ease so just don´t pick Akali if you´re up against him. 2.nd no surprise Lee Sin the reason? not ony his anti stealth device but his jumping. As akali you want the target to be slow and have no escape tool. But Lee Sin is more jumpy then Akali + he can kick her out if he feel for it.

End of story

This is it. My guide please rate with your mind. And the most inportant, tell me what I can do better and what you like about my build. Have many hours of fun with my build
'Akali is the one to rule´em all' Darius

True Dmg Akali In Game Pc

True Dmg Akali In Game Pc

// jocke med skeden
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