What Gear Modifies Assasin Kick Dmg

Aug 22, 2010  How to do Dmg exploit with an assasin on Dragon Warrior Shaiya Hey i saw an assasin and he did 30 k ( max dmg on server) now i want to know how. The sin was no GM. So pls answer. Jan 29, 2020  Assassin's creed odyssey gameplay part 2 walkthrough until the ending of the main story. These gameplays include main missions, side quests.

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Dragon Talon
Finishing Move: An Assassin is taught to utilize her entire body as a weapon

-using this skill, she lets loose a powerful kick to send her opponents flying.

Skill Tree:Martial Arts
Required Level:1
Damage Type:Physical
Cast Delay:
Skill progression
Mana Cost6
Number of Kicks1111122222
Kick Damage +%5121926334047546168
Attack Rating +%20457095120145170195220245
Mana Cost
Number of Kicks2333333444
Kick Damage +%75828996103110117124131138
Attack Rating +%270295320345370395420445470495
No synergies


For this skill, an initial kick is what you get with one point, progressive skill levels will grant a followup kick on multiples of 6.

Number of Kicks per Skill Level
  • skill lvl 1 will give 1 kick
  • skill lvl 6 will give 2 kicks
  • skill lvl 12 will give 3 kicks
  • skill lvl 18 will give 4 kicks
  • skill lvl 24 will give 5 kicks
  • skill lvl 30 will give 6 kicks

and so forth. At lvl 48, 9 kicks are possible.

This skill has the potential to be the fastest attack in the game at high skill level, but it is useful even at lvl 1 (with the correct gear). While many assassin skills are good versus groups, this skill shines when used on one opponent. When using max frames speed (attained by using increased attack speed=ias gear) and the attribute 'crushing blow', most bosses can be dispatched easily. Even ubers can be killed easily with Dragon Talon at lvl 18 (4 kicks) or higher provided that (in addition to fast kicks and crushing blow) the assassin has stacked (max and over) resists and uses Draculs Gloves for life tap.As mentioned, it is useful at lvl 1 but that is only if the assassin wants to sacrifice other attributes for ias and crushing blow gear. The ias neccessary will depend on the weapon used, and 40% or more crushing blow is recommended.Once end game gear is determined, it is also wise to put hard skills into dragon talon until it reaches a multiple of six with end gear. (So for instance, if you only put 1 point to it, and it is lvl 11 with your end game gear, you would want to put another point to it to get it to lvl 12 and 3 kicks.)

Straight plus Damage, (as from Grief or War Travelers), will not work with kicks; however, Magic damage, (as on runeword Chaos), and Elemental damage,(as from Runeword Lawbringer or Baranar's Star), will work. Max Damage from jewels or charms will not. Kick damage can be increased by the attribute enhanced damage = ed (ONLY if it is Not found on a weapon or an ED/Max jewel). Kick damage can be increased with high damage boots and high strength and dexterity. Venom DOES work with kicks, despite not showing up on the character screen kick damage.

Because it delivers so many hits in rapid succession, items that grant the attribute 'chance to cast on striking' or 'chance to cast on attacking' work especially well with Dragon Talon. Amplify damage (on the main claw, atmas amulet, or gavel of pain), and Decrepify (as in Runeword Lawbringer or Reaper's Toll) work particularly well. As previusly mentioned, chance to cast lifetap (from Draculs Grasp Gloves) is almost imperative for killing ubers. Static (from runeword Crescent Moon or Schaefer's Hammer)can also be useful for bosses in high player games; (especially when used on a weapon switch and used for just a few kicks to get the mob to half life, then switching back to a primary weapon set of more effective killing equipment.The 'Rift Assassin build' also revolves around the same premise, that dragon talon is hugely effective for triggering the chance to cast on striking/attack attributes.

For pvp, some suggest that 3 kicks (lvl 12) is optimum so that the length of the kick animation does not impede your mobility.

This 'Rift Assassin build' is centered around this skill and Rift Runeword.

The 'Dancer Assassin builds' use traps in conjunction with kick.

What WorksWhat Doesn't Work

Attributes Listed below when on the MAIN CLAW or OFFHAND SHIELD

  • Enhanced Damage from items other than weapon or ED/Max Jewels
  • Elemental Damage
  • Magic Damage
  • Venom (even though it doesnt show up on the character screen)
  • Chance to Cast on Striking
  • Chance to Cast on Attacking
  • Lifesteal
  • Manasteal
  • Crushing Blow
  • Open Wounds
  • Knockback
  • Prevent Monster Heal
  • Hit Freezes Target
  • Hit Blinds Target
  • Hit Slows Target
  • Hit Causes Monster to Flee
  • Minus Target Defense (PvM
  • Ignore Target Defense (PvM

ANY Attribute (this column or the other) on an OFFHAND CLAW

  • Minimum Damage jewels/charms or on weapon
  • Maximum Damage jewels/charms or on weapon
  • Damage (straight/plain as on War Travelers or Grief)
  • Weapon Damage (including ED or max damage from the weapon)
  • Deadly Strike
  • Pierce target
  • Attack Rating or Damage from Claw Mastery

Assassin Skills
Martial ArtsTiger Strike • Dragon Talon • Fists of Fire • Dragon Claw • Cobra Strike • Claws of Thunder • Dragon Tail • Blades of Ice • Dragon Flight • Phoenix Strike
Shadow DisciplinesClaw Mastery • Psychic Hammer • Burst of Speed • Weapon Block • Cloak of Shadows • Fade • Shadow Warrior • Mind Blast • Venom • Shadow Master
TrapsFire Blast • Shock Web • Blade Sentinel • Charged Bolt Sentry • Wake of Fire • Blade Fury • Lightning Sentry • Wake of Inferno • Death Sentry • Blade Shield
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Assassin Skills
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Intrinsic to the Assassin's arsenal of abilities is her incredible prowess in the mysterious Martial Arts style of the Viz-Jaq'taar. Martial Arts skills come in two forms, Charge-up Skills and Finishing Moves. A Charge-up Skill is an attack that adds a 'charge' for each successive hit within a short time frame. While each Charge-up attack deals normal damage, the charges continue to accumulate until triggered or until the time limit runs out. To trigger the accumulated charges, strike a monster with either a normal attack or one of the Finishing Moves. Nik collection full 1.2 11 dmg free. A Finishing Move doesn't just trigger the release of the accumulated charges-it also adds a powerful effect of its own. Furthermore, by building up a succession of different Charge-up Skills, Assassins can generate a potent combination of effects. Assassins are specially trained in the use of exotic Claw-class weaponry, and some of their skills can be used only when armed with these weapons.

Tiger Strike[edit]

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Charge Up Skill: Through extensive training in human, animal, and demonic anatomies, Assassins have developed the ability to perceive natural points of weakness in their foes and target these locations for especially devastating attacks.
Synergies: None

  • Tiger Strike deals enormous physical damage when charged up at higher levels.
Mana Cost:1
Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlAR+X%Lvl 1: Dmg +X%Lvl 2: Dmg +X%Lvl 3: Dmg +X%SlvlAR+X%Lvl 1: Dmg +X%Lvl 2: Dmg +X%Lvl 3: Dmg +X%SlvlAR+X%Lvl 1: Dmg +X%Lvl 2: Dmg +X%Lvl 3: Dmg +X%SlvlAR+X%Lvl 1: Dmg +X%Lvl 2: Dmg +X%Lvl 3: Dmg +X%
1 15% 100% 200% 300%6 50% 200% 400% 600%11 85% 300% 600% 900%16 120% 400% 800% 1200%
2 22% 120% 240% 360%7 57% 220% 440% 660%12 92% 320% 640% 960%17 127% 420% 840% 1260%
3 29% 140% 280% 420%8 64% 240% 480% 720%13 99% 340% 680% 1020%18 134% 440% 880% 1320%
4 36% 160% 320% 480%9 71% 260% 520% 780%14 106% 360% 720% 1080%19 141% 460% 920% 1380%
5 43% 180% 360% 540%10 78% 280% 560% 840%15 113% 380% 760% 1140%20 148% 480% 960% 1440%

Dragon Talon[edit]

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Finishing Move: An Assassin is taught to utilize her entire body as a weapon-using this skill, she lets loose a powerful kick to send her opponents flying.
Synergies: None

Mana Cost:6
Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlNumber of KicksKick Damage +X%AR +X%SlvlNumber of KicksKick Damage +X%AR +X%SlvlNumber of KicksKick Damage +X%AR +X%SlvlNumber of KicksKick Damage +X%AR +X%
1 1 5% 20%6 2 40% 145%11 2 75% 270%16 3 110% 395%
2 1 12% 45%7 2 47% 170%12 3 82% 295%17 3 117% 420%
3 1 19% 70%8 2 54% 195%13 3 89% 320%18 4 124% 445%
4 1 26% 95%9 2 61% 220%14 3 96% 345%19 4 131% 470%
5 1 33% 120%10 2 68% 245%15 3 103% 370%20 4 138% 495%

Dragon Claw[edit]

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites:Dragon Talon
Requires: Dual claw-class weapons
Finishing Move: This skill allows the Assassin to try to finish her opponent off with a rending double claw attack.

  • Claw Mastery: +4% Damage Per Level
Mana Cost:2
Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlDamage +X%AR +X%SlvlDamage +X%AR +X%SlvlDamage +X%AR +X%SlvlDamage +X%AR +X%
1 50% 40%6 75% 165%11 100% 290%16 125% 415%
2 55% 65%7 80% 190%12 105% 315%17 130% 440%
3 60% 90%8 85% 215%13 110% 340%18 135% 465%
4 65% 115%9 90% 240%14 115% 365%19 140% 490%
5 70% 140%10 95% 265%15 120% 390%20 145% 515%

Fists of Fire[edit]

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Requires:Claw-class weapons
Charge-up Skill: Combining her powerful Martial Arts abilities with her psychic training, an Assassin can charge her own fists with pyrokinetic energies, scorching her opponents when the charge is released.

  • Phoenix Strike: Grants +12% Fire Damage Per Level
Mana Cost:2
Charge 2: +2.6 Yard Radius
Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlAttack +X%Charge 1 Fire DamageCharge 3 Fire DPSSlvlAttack +X%Charge 1 Fire DamageCharge 3 Fire DPSSlvlAttack +X%Charge 1 Fire DamageCharge 3 Fire DPSSlvlAttack +X%Charge 1 Fire DamageCharge 3 Fire DPS
1 15% 6-10 9-156 50% 31-35 48-5411 85% 71-78 110-11716 120% 121-133 189-195
2 22% 11-15 17-237 57% 36-40 56-6212 92% 81-89 126-13217 127% 141-155 214-221
3 29% 16-20 25-318 64% 41-45 64-7013 99% 91-100 142-14818 134% 161-177 239-248
4 36% 21-25 32-399 71% 51-56 79-8514 106% 101-111 157-16419 141% 181-199 264-275
5 43% 26-30 40-4610 78% 61-67 95-10115 113% 111-122 173-17920 148% 201-221 289-301

What Gear Modifies Assassin Kick Dmg 1

Cobra Strike[edit]

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites:Tiger Strike
Charge-Up Skill: A properly trained Assassin can focus her mind to draw upon the ambient energies surrounding her. Using this skill, she can drain her adversary of life and spiritual essence.
Synergies: None

  • Unless she becomes surrounded by too many monsters at once, an Assassin with this skill can maintain her health and mana indefinitely without the use of potions or item-based lifesteal/mana drain.
  • Provided she can land at least two blows with Cobra Strike, the mana drain is more than sufficient to replenish the 2-6 mana cost to charge, allowing the use of this skill to perpetuate itself.
Mana Cost:2
Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlAR+X%Lvl 1: Life Leech +X%Lvl 2: Life/ Mana Leech +X%Lvl 3: Life/ Mana Leech +X%SlvlAR+X%Lvl 1: Life Leech +X%Lvl 2: Life/ Mana Leech +X%Lvl 3: Life/ Mana Leech +X%SlvlAR+X%Lvl 1: Life Leech +X%Lvl 2: Life/ Mana Leech +X%Lvl 3: Life/ Mana Leech +X%SlvlAR+X%Lvl 1: Life Leech +X%Lvl 2: Life/ Mana Leech +X%Lvl 3: Life/ Mana Leech +X%
1 15% 40% 40% 80%6 50% 65% 65% 130%11 85% 90% 90% 180%16 120% 115% 115% 230%
2 22% 45% 45% 90%7 57% 70% 70% 140%12 92% 95% 95% 190%17 127% 120% 120% 240%
3 29% 50% 50% 100%8 64% 75% 75% 150%13 99% 100% 100% 200%18 134% 125% 125% 250%
4 36% 55% 55% 110%9 71% 80% 80% 160%14 106% 105% 105% 210%19 141% 130% 130% 260%
5 43% 60% 60% 120%10 78% 85% 85% 170%15 113% 110% 110% 220%20 148% 135% 135% 270%

Dragon Tail[edit]

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites:Dragon Talon, Dragon Claw
Finishing Move: The experienced Assassin can deliver a kick so powerful it actually causes an explosion on impact, sending any nearby victims sprawling.
Synergies: None

  • Dragon Tail's fire damage calculation is based off the actual physical damage receieved by the target from the Assassin's kick. A level 2 Dragon Tail adds 60% of the physical damage delivered from the kick as fire damage. However, if the target resists physical damage by 50%, the target will receive 50% of the physical damage from the Assassin's kick, and based off that physical damage, 60% of that will be fire damage (30%).
  • Therefore, if the target is physical immune, the Dragon Tail attack does not directly affect the target.

What Gear Modified Assassin Kick Dmg 2

Mana Cost:10
Radius:4 Yards
Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlFire Damage +X%AR +X%SlvlFire Damage +X%AR +X%SlvlFire Damage +X%AR +X%SlvlFire Damage +X%AR +X%
1 50% 20%6 100% 95%11 150% 170%16 200% 245%
2 60% 35%7 110% 110%12 160% 185%17 210% 260%
3 70% 50%8 120% 125%13 170% 200%18 220% 275%
4 80% 65%9 130% 140%14 180% 215%19 230% 290%
5 90% 80%10 140% 155%15 190% 230%20 240% 305%

Claws of Thunder[edit]

Required Level: 18
Prerequisites:Fists of Fire
Requires:Claw-class weapons
Charge Up Skill: Using her weapon's metal blades as conductors, an Assassin charges the ions surrounding her and delivers a devastating lightning attack to any who dare challenge her.

  • Phoenix Strike grants +8% Lightning Damage Per Level
Mana Cost:4
Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlAR +X%Lvl 1: Light. Dmg.Lvl 2: Nova Dmg.Lvl 3: Bolt Dmg.SlvlAR +X%Lvl 1: Light. Dmg.Lvl 2: Nova Dmg.Lvl 3: Bolt Dmg.SlvlAR +X%Lvl 1: Light. Dmg.Lvl 2: Nova Dmg.Lvl 3: Bolt Dmg.SlvlAR +X%Lvl 1: Light. Dmg.Lvl 2: Nova Dmg.Lvl 3: Bolt Dmg.
1 15% 1-80 1-30 1-406 50% 1-180 1-105 1-14011 85% 1-340 1-210 1-30016 120% 1-540 1-335 1-500
2 22% 1-100 1-45 1-607 57% 1-200 1-120 1-16012 92% 1-380 1-235 1-34017 127% 1-600 1-370 1-560
3 29% 1-120 1-60 1-808 64% 1-220 1-135 1-18013 99% 1-420 1-260 1-38018 134% 1-660 1-405 1-620
4 36% 1-140 1-75 1-1009 71% 1-260 1-160 1-22014 106% 1-460 1-285 1-42019 141% 1-720 1-440 1-680
5 43% 1-160 1-90 1-12010 78% 1-300 1-185 1-26015 113% 1-500 1-310 1-46020 148% 1-780 1-475 1-740

Blades of Ice[edit]

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites:Fists of Fire, Claws of Thunder
Requires:Claw-class weapons
Charge-up Skill: Charging the ether around her claw blades, the trained Assassin can chill opponents with a vicious rake of her razors.

  • Phoenix Strike grants +8% Cold Damage Per Level
Charge 2:Radius +4 Yards
Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlAR +X%Charge 1 Cold DamageCharge 3 Freeze Duration (seconds)SlvlAR +X%Charge 1 Cold DamageCharge 3 Freeze Duration (seconds)SlvlAR +X%Charge 1 Cold DamageCharge 3 Freeze Duration (seconds)SlvlAR +X%Charge 1 Cold DamageCharge 3 Freeze Duration (seconds)
1 15% 15-35 46 50% 55-75 611 85% 101-121 816 120% 151-171 10
2 22% 23-43 4.47 57% 63-83 6.412 92% 111-131 8.417 127% 171-193 10.4
3 29% 31-51 4.88 64% 71-91 6.813 99% 121-141 8.818 134% 191-215 10.8
4 36% 39-59 5.29 71% 81-101 7.214 106% 131-151 9.219 141% 211-237 11.2
5 43% 47-67 5.610 78% 91-111 7.615 113% 141-161 9.620 148% 231-259 11.6

Dragon Flight[edit]

Casting Delay: 1 Second
Required Level: 24
Prerequisites:Dragon Talon, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail
Finishing Move: After years of disciplined physical conditioning, an Assassin can develop the ability to move faster than the eye can follow in one quick burst. Using this skill, she lunges at her target and delivers a devastating kick.
Synergies: None

  • Dragon Flight will teleport you and your minions to the monster you clicked. It requires a clear line of sight; in other words, trees, walls and other obstacles will omit a Dragon Flight beyond it. Use Dragon Flight to quickly bypass rivers or to teleport you out of danger when surrounded.
Mana Cost:15
Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlAttack Rating +%Kick Damage +X%SlvlAttack Rating +%Kick Damage +X%SlvlAttack Rating +%Kick Damage +X%SlvlAttack Rating +%Kick Damage +X%
1 100 100%6 200 225%11 300 350%16 400 475%
2 120 125%7 220 250%12 320 375%17 420 500%
3 140 150%8 240 275%13 340 400%18 440 525%
4 160 175%9 260 300%14 360 425%19 460 550%
5 180 200%10 280 325%15 380 450%20 480 575%

What Gear Modified Assassin Kick Dmg Torrent

Phoenix Strike[edit]

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites:Tiger Strike, Fists of Fire, Cobra Strike, Claws of Thunder, Blades of Ice
Charge-up Skill: This mighty skill allows the Assassin trained in its arts to prepare an attack that gives off powerful elemental energies.

  • Fists of Fire: +10% Fire Damage Per Level
  • Fists of Fire: +6% Average Fire Damage Per Second Per Level
  • Claws of Thunder: +13% Lightning Damage Per Level
  • Blades of Ice: +10% Cold Damage Per Level


  • Phoenix Strike launches the active charge, not all three charges at once. So if you have it built up to Charge 2, Chain Lightning will be released.
  • Phoenix strike is a handy skill if you're fighting around monsters with different Resistances, because you don't need to change between skills.
Mana Cost:4
Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlAR+X%Lvl 1: Fire Dmg.Lvl 2: Light Dmg.Lvl 3: Cold Dmg.SlvlAR+X%Lvl 1: Fire Dmg.Lvl 2: Light Dmg.Lvl 3: Cold Dmg.SlvlAR+X%Lvl 1: Fire Dmg.Lvl 2: Light Dmg.Lvl 3: Cold Dmg.SlvlAR+X%Lvl 1: Fire Dmg.Lvl 2: Light Dmg.Lvl 3: Cold Dmg.
1 15% 22-44 1-45 17-356 50% 77-99 1-158 39-5711 85% 161-190 1-339 74-9216 120% 266-305 1-565 118-136
2 22% 33-55 1-67 22-397 57% 88-110 1-180 44-6112 92% 182-213 1-384 83-10117 127% 298-342 1-632 132-150
3 29% 44-66 1-90 26-448 64% 99-121 1-203 48-6613 99% 203-236 1-429 92-11018 134% 310-330 1-700 145-165
4 36% 55-77 1-113 30-489 71% 119-144 1-248 57-7414 106% 224-259 1-474 101-11819 141% 330-378 1-768 158-179
5 43% 66-88 1-135 35-5210 78% 140-157 1-293 66-8315 113% 245-282 1-519 110-12720 148% 361-414 1-836 171-193

Classes of the Diablo games - Skills[e]Diablo II:AmazonBarbNecroPaladinSorceressLoD:AssassinDruidOther:Diablo IDiablo III
The Amazon - Amazon Skills[e]
Bow and Crossbow SkillsJavelin and Spear SkillsPassive and Magic Skills

• Magic Arrow
• Fire Arrow
• Cold Arrow
• Multiple Shot
• Exploding Arrow

• Ice Arrow
• Guided Arrow
• Immolation Arrow
• Strafe
• Freezing Arrow

• Jab
• Power Strike
• Poison Javelin
• Impale
• Lightning Bolt

• Charged Strike
• Plague Javelin
• Fend
• Lightning Strike
• Lightning Fury

• Inner Sight
• Critical Strike
• Dodge
• Slow Missiles
• Avoid

Pipes of the sewers uncommon dmg 185. Success means that they obey the piper’s telepathic commands so long as he continues to play. Failure indicates that they turn on the piper.

• Penetrate
• Decoy
• Evade
• Valkyrie
• Pierce

The Barbarian - Barbarian Skills[e]
Combat Masteries SkillsCombat SkillsWarcry Skills

• Sword Mastery
• Axe Mastery
• Mace Mastery
• Polearm Mastery
• Throwing Mastery

• Spear Mastery
• Increased Stamina
• Iron Skin
• Increased Speed
• Natural Resistance

• Bash
• Leap
• Double Swing
• Stun
• Double Throw

• Leap Attack
• Concentrate
• Frenzy
• Whirlwind
• Berserk

• Howl
• Find Potion
• Taunt
• Shout
• Find Item

• Battle Cry
• Battle Orders
• Grim Ward
• War Cry
• Battle Command

The Necromancer - Necromancer Skills[e]
Curse SkillsPoison & Bones SkillsSummoning Skills

• Amplify Damage
• Dim Vision
• Weaken
• Iron Maiden
• Terror

• Confuse
• Life Tap
• Attract
• Decrepify
• Lower Resist

• Teeth
• Bone Armor
• Poison Dagger
• Corpse Explosion
• Bone Wall

• Poison Explosion
• Bone Spear
• Bone Prison
• Poison Nova
• Bone Spirit

• Raise Skeleton
• Skeleton Mastery
• Clay Golem
• Golem Mastery
• Raise Skeletal Mage

• Blood Golem
• Summon Resist
• Iron Golem
• Fire Golem
• Revive

The Paladin - Paladin Skills[e]
Combat SkillsDefensive AurasOffensive Auras

• Sacrifice
• Smite
• Holy Bolt
• Zeal
• Charge

• Vengeance
• Blessed Hammer
• Conversion
• Holy Shield
• Fist of the Heavens

• Prayer
• Resist Fire
• Resist Cold
• Resist Lightning
• Defiance

• Cleansing
• Vigor
• Meditation
• Redemption
• Salvation

• Might
• Holy Fire
• Thorns
• Blessed Aim
• Concentration

• Holy Freeze
• Holy Shock
• Sanctuary
• Fanaticism
• Conviction

The Sorceress - Sorceress Skills[e]
Cold SkillsFire SkillsLightning Skills

• Ice Bolt
• Frozen Armor
• Frost Nova
• Ice Blast
• Shiver Armor

• Glacial Spike
• Blizzard
• Chilling Armor
• Frozen Orb
• Cold Mastery

• Fire Bolt
• Warmth
• Inferno
• Blaze
• Fireball

• Fire Wall
• Enchant
• Meteor
• Fire Mastery
• Hydra

• Charged Bolt
• Telekinesis
• Static Field
• Lightning
• Nova

• Chain Lightning
• Teleport
• Thunder Storm
• Energy Shield
• Lightning Mastery

The Assassin - Assassin Skills[e]
Martial Arts SkillsShadow Disciplines SkillsTraps Skills

• Tiger Strike
• Dragon Talon
• Dragon Claw
• Fists of Fire
• Cobra Strike

• Dragon Tail
• Claws of Thunder
• Blades of Ice
• Dragon Flight
• Phoenix Strike

• Claw Mastery
• Psychic Hammer
• Burst of Speed
• Cloak of Shadows
• Weapon Block

• Fade
• Shadow Warrior
• Mind Blast
• Venom
• Shadow Master

• Fire Blast
• Shock Web
• Blade Sentinel
• Charged Bolt Sentry
• Wake of Fire

• Blade Fury
• Lightning Sentry
• Wake of Inferno
• Death Sentry
• Blade Shield

The Druid - Druid Skills[e]
Elemental SkillsShapeshifting SkillsSummoning Skills

• Firestorm
• Molten Boulder
• Arctic Blast
• Fissure
• Cyclone Armor

• Twister
• Volcano
• Tornado
• Hurricane
• Armageddon

• Werewolf
• Lycanthropy
• Werebear
• Maul
• Feral Rage

• Fire Claws
• Rabies
• Shock Wave
• Hunger
• Fury

• Raven
• Poison Creeper
• Oak Sage
• Summon Spirit Wolf
• Carrion Vine

• Heart of Wolverine
• Summon Dire Wolf
• Solar Creeper
• Spirit of Barbs
• Summon Grizzly

Diablo I - SpellsHellfire - Spells[e]
Rogue - Sorcerer - WarriorBarbarian - Bard - Monk

• Apocalypse
• Blood Star
• Bone Spirit
• Chain Lightning
• Charged Bolt
• Elemental
• Fireball

• Firebolt
• Fire Wall
• Flame Wave
• Flash
• Golem
• Guardian
• Healing

• Heal Other
• Holy Bolt
• Identify
• Inferno
• Infravision
• Lightning
• Mana Shield

• Nova
• Phasing
• Resurrect
• Stone Curse
• Telekinesis
• Teleport
• Town Portal

• Berserk
• Immolation
• Jester
• Lightning Wall
• Magi

• Mana
• Reflect
• Ring of Fire
• Search
• Warp

Diablo III Classes Diablo III Class Info [e]

Diablo III:
Demon Hunter
Witch Doctor

Other classes:
Archivist (April Fool's)
Dervish (rejected)
Fan-made classes

Skill info:
Active skills
Passive skills
Signature skills
Fan-made skills


Archetype sub-types:

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