What Stat Affects Dmg For Sentinel In Swtor

The Jedi Sentinel is one of two advanced class of the Jedi Knight; the other is the Jedi Guardian. Before the Jedi Purge, there were three Jedi Classes, one of which was the Jedi Sentinel along with the Jedi Guardian and Consular.The Jedi Sentinel deals damage primarily through lightsaber strikes, though it does possess several Force powers, most noticeably the iconic Jedi Knight Force leap. Can i delete skype dmg windows 7. This is a Star Wars: The Old Republic guide for optimizing Combat Sentinel (Jedi Knight) characters in end-game PvE. This guide is consistently updated with the latest end-game information and is currently up-to-date with the latest patch of 2.10.1. The stat itself does absolutely nothing except increase the damage done — think of it as the ‘item level’ stat you’re used to seeing in games like World of Warcraft. Armor – Armor, which you should be more familiar with, increases Energy and Kinetic resistances (more on that later), is the dynamic stat increased on pieces of equipped.

  1. What Stat Affects Dmg For Sentinel In Swtor One
  2. What Stat Affects Dmg For Sentinel In Swtor System

Stat Priority Patch 2.10.1

Managing Primary (Aim, Cunning, Strength, Willpower) and Secondary (Accuracy, Critical Rating, Surge Rating, Power, Alacrity) stats is critical for maximizing your character. Mastering your Character Stats helps you pick gear and will improve your overall effectiveness as a Combat spec Sentinel (Jedi Knight.)

Stat Priority

Strength >= Accuracy (110%) > Surge (70%) > Power > Crit (25%)

Stat Summaries

Strength: Increases the damage and healing done by your abilities and slightly improves your Critical Chance.

Accuracy Rating: Increases the chance that your attacks will successfully hit your target.

Critical Rating: Increases your chance for scoring a critical hit. A base critical hit does an additional 50% damage/healing for a minimum of 150% damage/healing on a critical attack.

Surge Rating: Increases the multiplier for damage done by a critical hit. Surge increases the amount of additional damage/healing done by a critical hit by up to an additional 50% damage/healing for critical hits that do up to 200% damage/healing.

Power/Force Power: Increases the damage/healing done by your abilities.

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Rotation & Cooldowns Patch 2.10.1

A rotation is a system for ordering your abilities in a way that maximizes your damage, threat or healing. Mastering a rotation will help you to quickly prioritize abilities during actual encounters so that you will always have the highest possible output as a Combat spec Sentinel (Jedi Knight.)

Single Target

Single target rotations are designed for maximum damage, threat or healing on one target at a time. Single target rotations are more effective the longer you are able to focus on the same target.


Execute the following ability priority for optimal damage, threat, or healing on a single target.

  1. Precision Slash + Master Strike +/- Blade Storm
  2. Dispatch when possible.
  3. Blade Storm with Opportune Attack
  4. Blade Rush to maintain buff and proc Opportune Attack
  5. Twin Saber Throw if okay to AoE.
  6. Zealous Strike or Strike

Short bow dmg dnd 5e guide. The key to the Combat spec Sentinel priority system is to remember the following:

  1. Use Zealous Strike or Strike if below 7 Focus.
  2. Maintain the buff from Zen .
  3. Use Precision Slash and follow with Master Strike . Try to squeeze in Blade Storm if buffed.
  4. Watch for Hand of Justice procs to allow for more frequent use of Dispatch .
  5. Maintain the Blade Rush buff to more quickly activate Opportune Attack .
  6. Follow the priority list and use higher priority abilities as often as possible.

Multiple Target (AoE)

Execute the following ability priority for optimal damage, threat, or healing on multiple targets.


Burst Cooldowns

Burst cooldowns are used to increase your damage, threat or healing for a brief period of time.

  • Valorous Call
    1. Use immediately on every single cooldown after consuming your Centering via Zen or Inspiration
  • Inspiration
    1. Use instead of Zen at the discretion of your raid or party leader. Best followed by Valorous Call + Zen to maximize your personal DPS.

Survivability Cooldowns

Survivability cooldowns help keep you alive and provide relief to healers.

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What Stat Affects Dmg For Sentinel In Swtor One

What Stat Affects Dmg For Sentinel In Swtor

What Stat Affects Dmg For Sentinel In Swtor System

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