When To Get Crit Vs Attack Dmg

  1. When To Get Crit Vs Attack Dmg 2017
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  3. When To Get Crit Vs Attack Dmg Download

Feb 26, 2013  i just want to know attack speed vs physical damage in skill tree. I dont have time to memorize every skills in there. And i can't compare each of them. Just tell me speed or phy dmg is better if i use lightning strike with 100% correct proof with numerical value. Attack beats out the other stats for a while, the easiest way to test if crit dmg has become stronger than attak for you, is to compare gems in your gear, then seeing whether your CR is higher with attack or crit dmg. I'm at 156k right now, and attack is still better than crit dmg for me. When To, ADC Edition: Attack Damage VS Attack Speed VS Crit Chance. When To, ADC Edition: Attack Damage VS Attack Speed VS Crit Chance. ZenithEevee (NA) submitted in Tips & Tricks. Alright, This is one thing I have a problem with the most. Its not the fact that Its 'Attack Damage Carry' And 90% of the ADC's are built with like, 1 damage item. Apr 19, 2014  40% Crit Chance and around 420% crit damage with 56% more fire damage and 30% Blessed Shield Damage (I don't know why the boots says 10%). On top of that I do an extra 20% more damage on elites. My Blessed Shields are hitting for 11m-13m crits on elites with Charge Up and I can run T4 solo with no problems. You end up with a base crit attack of (1692) With a crit set you just use the base attack (836) and multiply by 1.9, that's the new crit damage (190%) and you get a base crit attack of (1588). So on paper attack is better but I tested it in-game with a set of attack and crit damage gear, and consistently got the same results as you can see here.

@Yuletide said:

@Grievuuz said:

Monster hunter world highest base dmg hammer. 94 rows  Iceborne Hammers are Master Rank Hammers in Monster Hunter World Iceborne (MHW). These rare 9 and above weapons were added with the Iceborne Expansion and can only be obtained by players who own the expansion.

@Yuletide said:

@Grievuuz said:

What relevance does that have? ;o

it means that if you build crit you wont have any dmg in pvp, if you're a pvper its relevant, whats with the dumbass rhetorical question?

Considering how it was established that pure attack far outweighs crit dmg anyway, it's absolutely irrelevant - especially since the OP asked which of the two stats would yield him the highest return, he can only be speaking of scenarios where crit damage actually functions.

Stay small.

When to get crit vs attack dmg free

When To Get Crit Vs Attack Dmg 2017


so you'd rather it not get mentioned at all so people reading this thread can build both attack + crit if they have a high crit % roll on their items, only to find out later that there are no crits in pvp and they wasted all that money rerolling attack + crit dmg? yea ok kid u stay humble urself.

When To Get Crit Vs Attack Dmg Free

@Nopi said:
Now, if you do have a lot of crit chance, you could buff crit damage to give it more power.

Taking some liberties with those leaps in logic.

When To Get Crit Vs Attack Dmg Download

Find out later? So you're telling me that people gear up, spend tons of money on enhancing, rerolling stats and combine gems waaay before they step into pvp and find out that nothing crits?
If a person is even interested in pvp, they'll discover it on their own way before it becomes an issue.

Also who the hell rerolls gear from attack into crit damage? That makes no sense in the first place (I'll repeat myself since you didn't understand it the first time: We already established that attack > crit dmg), your story is full of holes - but your pride won't let you just accept that you were wrong and then move on, will it?

Also 'kid' is like the most generic insult in existence, try a little harder next time you incestuous offspring.

Continue reading after the break to read the complete process to do that.How to Extract DMG File Data on WindowsStep-1Download and install on your PCStep-2Just follow the installation wizard of HFSExplorer and check mark the box followed by “Register.dmg file association” while you reach on this screenStep-3. Free fix file extension dmg. DMG is a disk image format used on Mac OS X and it is difficult to open on Windows computer. So, the guide below will let you people give a way to open DMG files on Windows through a free utility name HFSExplorer.

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