Where Is The Oathbreaker Paladin In The Dmg

Descargar lion 10.7 dmg. May 23, 2018  The Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 DMG is an upgrade of OS X version 10.7 to improve the stability, compatibility, and security of the Mac. Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 Review Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 DMG is an upgrade of OS X version 10.7 to improve the stability, compatibility, and security of the Mac.

Where Is The Oathbreaker Paladin In The Dmg
  1. Where Is The Oathbreaker Paladin In The Dmg 2
  2. Where Is The Oathbreaker Paladin In The Dmg Free

Where Is The Oathbreaker Paladin In The Dmg 2

  1. Oathbreaker (DMG): Not an actual “Oath,” but rather the path a DM may let you take if you break your Oath unrepentantly and turn entirely over to the “dark side.” Becoming a full-blown evil Oathbreaker (or what was classically referred to as an Antipaladin or Blackguard) definitely has its perks gameplay-wise, mostly geared toward offense. It even has a pretty strong anti-horde debuff as a Channel Divinity power.
  2. Control Undead: Lv. 3, Channel Divinity (1 total/short rest). This one can get really, really powerful as you level. Pretty much any undead creature without Legendary Resistance that’s at least 1 CR lower than your level is fair game to be controlled for an entire day. Imagine yourself at Lv. 18 in full command of a Death Knight. Good times.
  3. Dreadful Aspect: Lv. 3, Channel Divinity (1 total/short rest). Mass frightening on everyone you choose within 30 feet of you for a full minute. This one is superior to Conquest’s Conquering Presence, since this only allows enemies to roll saves to end this once they’re more than 30 feet away from you.
  4. Oathbreaker Spells (overall rating): Lv. 3. Unlike the Oath lists of the more righteous, the Oathbreaker spell list is very much a mixed bag. There are some real duds on this list (Hellish Rebuke, Inflict Wounds, Crown of Madness), but on the flip side, there are also some pretty good additions (Animate Dead, Confusion).
  5. Aura of Hate: Lv. 7. The chief offense-boosting feature of the Oathbreaker with CHA-mod damage bonus to all of your melee attacks, plus the melee attacks of any undead and fiends. This aura has some wonderful synergy involving any undead creature on which you used Control Undead, as well as some undead foot soldiers you gained with your Animate Dead Oathbreaker spell (or better still, if you have a necromancer ally providing you with an Animate Dead army). Note, however, that this aura boosts enemy undead and fiends as well, so in fights against those creature types this ability becomes a double-edged sword. Hey, being evil had to come at a price, somehow.
  6. Supernatural Resistance: Lv. 15. Resistance to all the usual weapon damage types from nonmagical weapons. You’d be surprised at just how many monsters that protects you from, even some legendary monsters with really high CRs. That includes all dragons and even the Tarrasque.
  7. Dread Lord: Lv. 20 (1/long rest). One of the better Paladin capstones with a host of nice benefits, best cast in the next round after you used your Dreadful Aspect, in which case you can rack up some pretty serious auto-damage figures. The other really nice part includes forcing disadvantage on enemies’ attacks against you and any allies, and the bonus action melee spell attack is a neat side benefit if you weren’t already attacking consistently with a bonus action.

Where Is The Oathbreaker Paladin In The Dmg Free

Second is that they have no oaths so they lose out on one of the big RP drivers behind being a paladin. It's in the DMG guide as a villainous NPC archetype and not in the main players handbook for a reason. If you do end up allowing a player to have an oathbreaker as a PC I highly recommend you write out a set of oaths for him, or do so together.

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