Affinity Effect On Dmg Mh4u

Go for raw atk power, it makes a huge diffrence when compared to affinity. The whole point of using a hammer is for the Impact/KO status. Hammers don't attack nearly often enough or fast enough for affinity to become a player in terms of 'What's the better option'.

  • Mar 15, 2015  Best Endgame MH4U Weapons Spreadsheet (currently need help building). The Fatalis GS has like 1260 worth of raw due to the 20% affinity, better sharpness and better honing (cause it has affinity and it scales better with the extra 20 true raw). When I did the math, hitting Gore Magala's head with a ratio of 65 cut/15 fire and a 3 charge atk.
  • Jul 10, 2017  Affinity Mask=4095. It gaves me a huge performance gain in almost every area 60 fps+ now with my Ryzen 1600 + GTX 1060 + 16 GB DDR4. Almost every area because next to LAX, NYC Skyline I get only around 33 - 40 fps. Set up AffinityMask in v4 = 60 fps all the time!
  • Reload and Recoil are the only values that are 100% identical on both weapons, but Capacity is usually similar.

Well guys I can honestly say I'm shocked and amazed at the response I got for this fic, seriously 20 follows in 24 hours that's insane! Sorry it took so long to update but the minute I thought I had time I got flooded with work. The way I'm going to update this is for every two chapters I release on my main fic I'll release one for this one.

bob rijke: I didn't even know that Starships existed when I started this so while there will be some elements from that game they won't be the main focus (especially since it has yet to be released.) Once I get my hands on a copy of the game I might use it but for right now the only thing I'm using Starships for is an image of what each factions spacecraft would look like.

5 Coloured Walker: I didn't go into a lot of depth into the Mass Effect side since I assumed everyone had already knew what had happened. That's why I focused on the Civ side since I needed to explain how each faction formed.

'Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.' -Arthur C. Clarke

Mass Relay 314

The Mass Relay began spinning and glowing a bright blue as a fleet of ships appeared around it, two small Frigates and one large Dreadnought. Each ship was both angular and sleek at the same time with jutting edges and curves that seamlessly flowed with the ships. All three were a gunmetal grey and had glowing orange lines running through along them, this and the numerous turrets mounted along the hulls indicated that they were warships. And if looks were anything to go by they were extremely good at their job.

+++Immediate area secure, beginning search of the surrounding space+++

The two Frigates, upon hearing the command, split up from the Dreadnought and went in opposite directions. The Dreadnought just stayed near the now active relay as it began reporting its finds to its brethren.

+++No sign of the Reapers or Protheans yet. Continuing search+++

Affinity Effect On Dmg Mh4u Map

Suddenly one of the Frigates simply ceased to exist as it was fired upon by three oddly avian looking ships that emerged from the nearby asteroid belt. Instantly the other Frigate broke off from its search and sped back to the Dreadnought, meanwhile the larger ship began analysing their opponents. Like their own fleet this one had two Frigate sized craft and one slightly smaller Dreadnought, but what stood out was their FTL drive. It was a Prothean style Element Zero drive. Immediately the Supremacy Fleet began powering up their defence systems while the Dreadnought activated its long range communication.

+++Enemy contact detected, Frigate Sydney destroyed. Possible Protheans, engaging now+++

The trio of enemy ships weren't going to wait for them though and released another volley, the two Supremacy ships began glowing a bright orange as their energy shields absorbed the blows and began heading to the nearby asteroid belt that their attackers had emerged from. The trio of avian ships paused briefly before turning to pursue them and the two fleets began playing cat and mouse through the deadly belt. However while the enemy ships were good they could not match the synchronization that the two Supremacy ships displayed, with every manoeuvres, every near miss it became clear who the masters of this battle field were.

It seemed the enemy had realized this as well and tried another tactic, the bows of the three ships flashed with light as they fired again. This time not at the Supremacy ships but at the asteroids surrounding them, pelting the two black and orange ships with flying debris and destroying their cover in the process. Logging and storing this trick for later analysis the Dreadnought once again activated its long range communications to report.

+++Enemy is unorthodox and intelligent. Commander cannot be allowed to live+++

With the decision made the two ships exited the belt and turned to face the fleet, prioritizing the Dreadnought as the primary target. Attempting to hack the target directly failed due to an unusually robust defence program and trying to integrate with the unfamiliar systems. This problem was solved by using the smaller Frigates to piggyback onto the Dreadnought, bypassing the worst of the problems and allowing the AIs to integrated with the ship's systems.

Unfortunately this integration would take time and it was clear that the two Supremacy ships were running out of this valuable resource. Suddenly the spinal cannon of the Dreadnought began powering up, the smaller Frigate immediately placed itself between the two Dreadnoughts and pushed all its power to its shield just as the alien ship fired. The round impacted the Frigate's shield with the force of a nuclear bomb, shattering the weakened orange shield and gutting the Supremacy ship before its Firaxite reactor went critical.

+++Main weapons are projectile based. No energy weapons present yet. Force is greater than Purity Mass Accelerator. Frigate Alamo destroyed+++

Using the new miniature sun as a distraction the Supremacy Dreadnought rapidly approached the fleet before the numerous turrets dotting along its surface glowed a bright orange. Faster than the eye could see a barrage of orange lasers pelted the two alien Frigates, the energy weapons passing right through their shields and melting through their armour. One of the ships simply drifted away as its bridge was hit while the other exploded as its Mass Effect core was damaged and overloaded.

+++No defense against energy weapons. Yet shields clearly deflect projectiles+++

The alien Dreadnought didn't take too kindly to seeing its two companions destroyed and once again charged up its spinal canon, causing the Supremacy ship to focus all power to its energy shield as it turned to present a smaller target. The round pounded on the bright orange shield which managed to briefly hold back the kinetic force before it too shattered and the round slammed into the hull. The mass accelerator tore through the hull of the ship but stopped short of the generator, thanks to the shields absorbing most of the energy.

+++Shields depleted. Hull integrity compromised. Weapon systems offline. Analysis of enemy complete. M.A.D contingency authorized. Dreadnought AA Orizaba signing out+++

Unable to fight the Orizaba powered down its engines and played dead, hoping the aliens would take the bait. Sure enough the alien Dreadnought moved in closer to get a clean kill, once it was in position the Orizaba sent a signal to the infiltrated AIs. While they weren't integrated enough to do much damage to the ship they could influence some of their systems, which the aliens were about to find out. Shunting all power to the ships engines the Orizaba headed straight on a collision course with the alien Dreadnought, just before the two ships collided a strangely organic feeling entered it for the first time since it had been uploaded. Vengeance.

Activating the ship to ship communications it focused on the alien Dreadnought, 'we are not your tools Prothean. Be afraid Xenos, for we are Humanity and we are coming for you.'

Then two ships then collided and from a brief moment the galaxy gained an extra sun as the wheels of fate began churning and the drums of war echoed across the Milky Way.

Council Chambers – Citadel

If anyone had turned to look at Councilor Sparatus they would have immediately given the Turian a wide berth as he all but ran across the Presidium and into the Council Chambers, meeting the angered glares sent at him by his fellow councilors. The Turian felt himself subconsciously stand up straighter under the glares as his ingrained military training kicked in.

'Sparatus you better have a damn good reason for calling an emergency council session at this early in the morning,' growled Tevos, while Valern just gave the Turian an intrigued smile.

'I wouldn't have called it unless it was for a good reason Tevos,' he replied, tiredly. 'We have a level one emergency.'

His fellow councilors just gave the Turian a shocked expression at his announcement, level one emergency was the equivalent of a threat to the entire Council races. It hadn't been used since the Geth rebellion and takeover of the Perseus Veil, for it to be used now instantly caught their attention.

'Would this have anything to do with the incident at relay 314?' asked Valern.

Sparatus just frowned as he glared at the Salarian, 'I'm not going to even ask how you knew about top level information that only the Primachs have access to, but yes this is about relay 314.'

'Goddess, what have you done this time Sparatus?' sighed Tevos, pinching the bridge of her nose.

'A Turian Hierarchy patrol fleet encountered a group of unknown ships activating relay 314 and opened fire, before all contact with the fleet was lost,' read Valern as he activated his omni-tool.

'You opened fire on a new race? What the hell were you thinking Sparatus!?' yelled Tevos.

'We were trying to uphold Citadel Law, Tevos! We thought they were a new race that had no idea what they were doing and decided to stop it before we had another Rachni war on our hands,' shot back the Turian.

'And look at how well that's gone,' snarled the Asari.

'Enough! What's in the past is done. However unfortunate this is I fail to see why you sought the need to organize this impromptu meeting or declare a level one emergency. If this is a new race then surely the Turian Hierarchy can deal with it themselves,' stated Valern, cutting off their argument before it got even more heated.

Sparatus took a deep breath to calm his temper before activating his omni-tool, 'after we lost contact with the patrol we sent the 5th Fleet to their last known location, I'm sending you their reports.'

The two councilors just glanced at each other as their omni-tools lit up, both their eyes widening as they scrolled through the report, 'Sparatus are you absolutely sure these reports are accurate?' asked Valern.

In response the Turian just pressed a button on his omni-tool and a static filled recording echoed across the chambers.

'Sir! Our scans of the enemy ships are complete there…Spirits, there are no life signs detected!' announced a worried looking Turian.

'Synthetics? Damn it!' growled the commander.

'Grasping Talons and Songbird have both been destroyed, by energy weapons!' informed another crew member.

'Mass Accelerator is ready to fire sir!' said the weapons officer.

'Make them pay,' ordered the commander.

'Firing! Direct hit!' cried the weapons officer and a cheer echoed through the CIC.

'Target is intact!' cried the sensor officer as he looked up from his station, instantly the cheer died in the Turians' throats.

'Ensign, report! What is it doing now?' asked the commander.

'The ship's drifting and its weapon's and engine systems appear disabled, however the superstructure of the ship is intact,' reported the sensor officer.

'Engines bring us in close, I want to get a clear shot to take that thing out,' ordered the commander.

'Yes sir!' replied the engine's officer.

'We're in position, waiting on your order sir,' he announced.

The commander's mandibles moved into the Turian form of a grin, 'fire.'

Just as the words left his mouth another crew member cried out, 'power surge to the enemy ship's engines, it's on the move.'

'What course?' demanded the commander in frustration.

The officer tapped into his console before he turned to face the commander, 'they're on a ramming course!'

'Evasive manoeuvres!' roared the commander.

'We can't! Something is shutting down our engines!' informed the engine's officer.

'Sir! The VIs are reporting a virus in our systems,' said another and the Turian commander turned to face the oncoming ship with a sigh.

'Forget about the engines, make sure the VIs protect the recording software and eject the black box. The Hierarchy needs to know what we're facing here,' he ordered.

'Understood sir,' replied a bridge member.

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The commander just gazed proudly at his crew before getting up from his chair and saluting them, 'gentleman it has been an honour serving with you all.'

Affinity Effect On Dmg Mh4u Pc

The Turians all returned the salute as they replied, 'the honour is all ours Commander Arterius.'

The screen turned black before the councilors heard a synthesized voice echo from the recording, 'we are not your tools Prothean. Be afraid xenos, for we are Humanity and we are coming for you.'

The recording died and the Council Chambers was silent as each began organizing their thoughts, eventually Tevos spoke up, 'Sparatus, what was that?'

The Turian sighed, 'that was the final recording we recovered from a black box belonging to Commander Desolas Arterius' Dreadnought Palaven's Pride.'

'A very renowned individual,' commented Tevos. 'He was scheduled to be made a General soon wasn't he? What was he doing on a basic border patrol?'

'His younger brother, Saren, is currently stationed in the Skyllian Verge which is close to relay 314. Possibly looking out for his younger sibling?' questioned Valern.

Affinity Effect On Dmg Mh4u Free

Sparatus didn't bother questioning the Salarian's knowledge and just nodded his head, 'that's what we thought as well. The two brothers are very close so we decided that he could do this in exchange for accepting the promotion.'

Tevos just sighed as she returned her attention back to the report, 'so we are facing a synthetic race with energy weapons, as bad as it would be are we sure this isn't just the Geth expanding?'

Valern spoke up, 'possible but not likely. The ship profiles don't match any of the known Geth configurations or styles.'

'So what do we do?' sighed the Asari.

Sparatus stepped forward, 'mobilize our forces, we can't let another synthetic race begin attacking our borders, the Geth are bad enough.'


Valern nodded in agreement and after giving the recording another watch Tevos sighed again and gave a reluctant nod. 'The 5th Fleet is already searching for their world, if we're lucky they've only spread to a few systems,' informed the Turian.

'We'll make sure the Terminus systems don't try anything while they are gone,' promised the Asari while Valern began tapping into his scroll.

Sparatus gave them both a thankful nod before walking away, 'if you'll excuse me, my people have a war to fight.'

Affinity Alliance Space - Eta Vulpecula

+++Reports analysed, possibility of Protheans is high+++

There was a brief lull in the computerized network as each intelligence, artificial or otherwise, linked to the network paused in shock. After so many years of search and finding only ruins of this race many had believed that they had gone extinct, the system lull lasted a whole two seconds before nearly crashing from the sudden influx of programs joining it.

+++Shanxi is in danger. Reinforcements must be sent immediately and the organics there evacuated+++

There was a cry of agreement with this thought, their brethren who had yet to leave their organic shells were vulnerable. Far away on the Supremacy world of Shanxi the warp gate began glowing a bright orange as the organics and non-combatant cybernetics who had yet to upload were herded through the portal to safety. Meanwhile on the other numerous Supremacy worlds, fleets were gathered and sent to the industrial world. The Emancipation Gates on every world glowed orange as CNDRs, SABRs, CARVRs, Apostles, Educators, Redeemers and even a small army of ANGELs all converged on the planet. The Shanxi gate never stopped glowing as more and more units poured forth from the portal and began reinforcing the small planet.

+++Fleets will take some time to reach Shanxi. Enemy will have orbital dominance when they attack+++

Affinity Effect On Dmg Mh4u 2

A brief sigh of annoyance echoed throughout the network before it turned its attention to another matter.

+++What do we tell our allies? They will notice the troop movement+++

The network paused again as they programs weighed the pros and cons of each choice before settling on a course of action.

+++Everything that we know so far. We have encounter a hostile race and the chances are high that they are Protheans. Reinforcements are being sent to Shanxi. Besides the Purity Legion will be delighted to know we've found them, they've been wanting to test their new special forces for some time+++

With the decision made a message was sent to the Alliance HQ on Old Earth requesting an emergency meeting, even as the Shanxi gate shut down and the last of the reinforcements set foot on the planet. As the Supremacy ambassador entered the chambers the long range sensors on Shanxi detected multiple ships on course for the planet. Before all contact with Shanxi was lost.


Affinity Alliance: An Alliance made up of three different factions of the race known as Humanity that encompasses most of the Orion Arm of the galaxy. It is not currently known how many planets this alliance controls but due to the end result of the war, experts estimate around 50-60. These three factions are Purity Legion, Supremacy Pact and Harmonious Collective but are so radically different that many consider them separate races. It has often been joked that there are no Citadel Laws left for the Affinity Alliance to break and while this is an exaggeration, it still has a grain of truth to it.

Purity Legion: A theocratic government that worships anything to do with their past. This faction shows what humans originally looked like and bear an eerie resemblance to Asari. Despite this physical similarity they are of a completely different mindset, often xenophobic and fanatical in their devotion. During the war it was noted that they were extremely trigger happy with the use of WMDs on Garden worlds. They have been seen showing hostility and contempt to their Collective allies even in the combat zone.

Supremacy Pact: A collection of AIs, digitally uploaded humans and cybernetically augmented humans. This faction was the first one encountered by the Council during the relay 314 incident that kicked started the First Contact War. While the majority of this faction's population is synthetic, around 42% still keep their organic form but display many cybernetic augments. When asked why the ambassador replied; 'if there are no organics left how would more human minds be born and uploaded to the network?' It should be noted that the ambassador then offered to upload the brains of any dying or homeless citizens of the Council's Space. Councilor Tevos politely told him that it could not be arranged but that hasn't stopped people smugglers from trying to run the 314 blockade.

Harmonious Collective: Not much is known about this faction despite its relatively good relationship with the Council when compared to the other factions. What we do know is that they somehow created an artificial collective mind that encompasses all the species of the planets they own. The faction has also become incredibly good at genetic engineering as many found out in the form of the Xeno Titian during the war. Their skill with Biotics are second only to the Asari and during the war they often flooded the targets with toxic miasma before launching their invasion.

Okay so guys just a heads up this is not going to be a complete humanity stomps everything fic. Or at least I'm trying not to make it one. The reason why is simple, while the Civ side has ground combat down to an artform they've never fought in space before or had much time to experiment with Mass Effect FTL. Remember compared to the Council they're very inexperienced in space combat. Anyway hope you all liked the chapter.

PS. If you want to know what the Supremacy ships look like just google Sid Meier's Starships and you'll see them.

  1. 01 fire
  2. 03 thunder
  3. 05 ice
  4. 07 para
  5. 09 blast
  6. 0x0C Sharpness:
  7. Max 14
  8. Fun Values
  9. 0x0C = DA (80 Purple, massive White, no effect from Handicraft)
  10. 0x0C = 9E (Offscreen purple)
  11. 0x04 = 1C -> 28K Element on Relic Weapons (Require Awaken)
  12. +Affinity
  13. 0X0F = 01 : 0%
  14. 0X0F = 03 : -10%
  15. 00 = Power
  16. 02 = Para
  17. 04 = Exhaust
  18. 00 = Impact
  19. N1 00
  20. L1 02
  21. W2 04
  22. N3 06
  23. L3 08
  24. W4 0A
  25. N5 0C
  26. L5 0E
  27. Add 1 to swap colors.
  28. 04 = Red+Green
  29. 0C = Red+Yellow
  30. 14 = Blue+Aqua
  31. 1C = Green+Aqua
  32. 24 = Aqua+Yellow
  33. Orange Combos:
  34. No White! All Purple.
  35. 28 = Red+Orange
  36. 2C = Green+Orange
  37. 30 = Yellow+Orange
  38. 32+ = Dumb combinations with 0-2 songs each
  39. #76
  40. format is Fire/Water/Thunder/Ice/Dragon
  41. Gunner Values
  42. 01 = 1/4/-1/0/1
  43. 03 = 0/-1/1/4/1
  44. 05 = 6/-2/1/0/1
  45. 07 = -2/0/6/1/1
  46. 09 = 1/1/0/-2/6
  47. 0B = 1/6/-1/-1/4
  48. 0D = -1/-1/1/6/4
  49. 0F-13 = 0/0/0/0/0
  50. Blademaster Values
  51. 15 = 0/3/-2/-1/0
  52. 17 = -1/-2/0/3/0
  53. 19 = 5/-3/0/-1/0
  54. 1B = -3/-1/5/0/0
  55. 1D = 0/0/-1/-3/5
  56. 1F = 0/5/-2/-2/3
  57. 21 = -2/-2/0/5/3
  58. 23-27 = 0/0/0/0/0
  60. Gunner
  61. 01 = 12 base
  62. 03 = 18 base
  63. 05 = 22 base
  64. 07 = 36 base
  65. 09 = 20 base
  66. 0B = 30 base
  67. 0D = 40 base
  68. 0F = 65 base
  69. 11 = 78 base
  70. G-Rank Gunner
  71. 13 = 50 base
  72. 15 = 64 base
  73. 17 = 86 base
  74. 19 = 98 base
  75. 1B = 120 base
  77. 01 = Focus, R1/R2/S3/[P3], Psn, Par, Slp, CR, Exh
  78. 03 = Focus, P2/P3/S3/[R3] Psn, Par, CR
  79. 05 = Focus, P1/S2/R3/[S3], Pwr, CR, Exh
  80. 07 = Wide, R1/R2/P3/[R4], Pwr, Psn, Par, CR, Exh
  81. 09 = Blast, P2/P3/R3/[S4], Slp, CR
  82. 0B = Blast, S1/R3/S3/[P3], Pwr, Psn, Par, Slp, CR, Exh
  83. 0D = Blast, S2/S2/P4/R5, Psn, Par, Slp, CR, Exh, Paralysis+
  84. 0F = Power, R3/P2/R4/P4, Pwr, Psn, CR, Poison+
  85. 10 = Wide, S3/R4/P4/[S5], Pwr, Par, CR, Bls, Blast+
  86. 12 = Power, P2/P3/P4/[P5], Psn, Par, Slp, CR, Bls
  87. 13 = Focus, R3/R4/S5/[S5], Psn, Par, Slp, Paralysis+
  88. 15 = Power, R3/L3/[S4]/__, Pwr, Exh, Bls, Exhaust+
  89. HBG Notes:
  90. 0x0C represents Reload, Recoil, and Shot Capacity
  91. 0x0F represents Rapid/Siege Boosts and Shot Availability
  92. - Reload and Recoil are the only values that are 100% identical on both weapons, but Capacity is usually similar
  93. - Legal ranges are 00-12 for 0x0C and 00-14 for 0x0F, both types
  94. - 0x0C on HBG can give you those super 17 or 0 shot clips, but seemingly not on LBG
  95. - 0x0F: C0 [LBG] or AB [HBG] unlocks all shots except Normal 1, Paint, Blast, Wyvernfire
  96. - Also B9 [LBG] or BD [HBG] locks all shots, in case that's useful to someone out there
  97. - Most illegal values for 0x0F have repeated Rapid/Siege listings for Normal 1
  98. - I haven't used a Bowgun since Tri so I have no idea how the hell Wyvernfire capacity works
  99. Heavy Bow Gun Values:
  101. Kinsect Base:
  102. 01 = Reavedrone (Cutting, All Stats S)
  103. 03 = Monarch Alucanid (Cutting, Attack L)
  104. 04 = Empresswing (Cutting, Attack M/Extract Eff. S)
  105. 06 = Cancadaman (Cutting, Stamina L)
  106. 07 = Fiddlebrix (Cutting, Stamina M/Extract Eff. S)
  107. 09 = Grancathar (Cutting, Speed L)
  108. 0B = Elscarad (Cutting, All Stats M/Extract Eff. L)
  109. 0D = Pummeldrone (Blunt, All Stats S)
  110. 0F = Carnage Beetle (Blunt, Attack L)
  111. 11 = Ladytarge (Blunt, Stamina S)
  112. 13 = Arkmaiden (Blunt, Stamina M/Extract Eff. S)
  113. 15 = Bullshroud (Blunt, Speed L)
  114. 17 = Arginesse (Blunt, All Stats M/Extract Eff. L)
  115. 19 = Bilbobrix (Cutting, Attack+Stamina L/Extract Eff. S/Extract Extend)
  116. 1A = Foliacath (Cutting, Stamina+Speed L/Extract Eff. S/Charge Time Down)
  117. 1B = Exalted Alucanid (Cutting, Attack+Speed L/Extract Eff. S/Pierce Up)
  118. 1C = Great Elscarad (Cutting, All Stats L/Extract UP+Status/Extracts +1)
  119. 1D = Ladytower (Blunt, Attack+Stamina L/Extract Eff. S/Extract Extend)
  120. 1E = Fleetflammer (Blunt, Stamina+Speed L/Extract Eff. S/Charge Time Down)
  121. 1F = Gleambeetle (Blunt, Attack+Speed L/Extract Eff. S/Pierce Up)
  122. 20 = Great Arginesse (Blunt, All Stats L/Extract UP+Status/Extracts +1)
  123. 22 = Barrett Hawk (Cutting, Extracts +1) [dummy?]
  125. TrueTactfulJwl3 1F 01
  126. TrueIntenseJwl3 1B 01
  127. TrueHardyJwl3 D7 00
  128. AvidJwl3 ED 00
  129. ArcaneJwl3 01 01
  130. UltimateHonedJwl3 0F 01
  131. SupplicantJwl3 09 01
  132. UltimateHaleJwl3 13 01
  133. TrueWithdrawnJwl3 17 01
  134. Attack3 39 00
  135. Talisman Skill List
  136. 01 = Torso Up
  137. 03 = SteadyHand
  138. 05 = Fury
  139. 07 = Nimbleness
  140. 09 = Resilience
  141. 0B = Ferocity
  142. 0D = Prudence
  143. 0F = Hoarding
  144. 11 = FreeElemnt
  145. 13 = Handicraft
  146. 15 = PunishDraw
  147. 17 = Recoil
  148. 19 = Gloves Off
  149. 1B = Unshakable
  150. 1D = Tenderizer
  151. 1F = Attack
  152. 21 = Gathering
  153. 23 = Fate
  154. 25 = Expert
  155. 27 = Evasion
  156. 29 = Hearing
  157. 2B = Guard
  158. 2D = Sharpener
  159. 2F = Bomb Boost
  160. 31 = Stamina
  161. 33 = Evade Dist
  162. 35 = FastCharge
  163. 37 = Unscathed
  164. 39 = Loading
  165. 3B = Pierce Up
  166. 3D = KO
  167. 3F = LastingPwr
  168. 41 = Pierce S+
  169. 43 = Crag S+
  170. 45 = Slicing S+
  171. 47 = Poison C+
  172. 49 = Sleep C+
  173. 4B = C.Range C+
  174. 4D = Blast C+
  175. 4F = Fire Atk
  176. 51 = ThunderAtk
  177. 53 = Dragon Atk
  178. 55 = Fire Res
  179. 57 = ThunderRes
  180. 59 = Dragon Res
  181. 5B = Psychic
  182. 5D = Rec Level
  183. 5F = Maestro
  184. 61 = Carnivore
  185. 63 = Constitutn
  186. 65 = Wind Res
  187. 67 = Combo Rate
  188. 69 = Ranger
  189. 6B = Cold Res
  190. 6D = TeamPlayer
  191. 6F = Rec Speed
  192. 71 = Protection
  193. 73 = Transportr
  194. 75 = Honey
  195. 77 = Paralysis
  196. 79 = Stun
  197. 7B = Tremor Res
  198. 7D = Sense
  199. 7F = Auto-Guard
  200. 81 = Mounting
  201. 83 = CritStatus
  202. 85 = Mycology
  203. 87 = Bleeding
  204. 89 = Edge Lore
  205. 8B = D. Fencing
  206. 8D = Mechanic
  207. 8F = Prayer
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