Dmg Cap Pre Big Bang

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Before the Storm is a wartime and pre-apocolyptic story set in the world. It isn't long before you are interupted in your meals by a loud bang from the doors. (uncommon, dmg 200), 2 x Potion of Climbing (common, dmg 187), +1 Ammunition (50 blowgun needles) (uncommon, dmg 150), Cap of Water Breathing (uncommon, dmg 157), Potion of Animal. Possibly the best Healer in the game. She comes at a high level with a high cap, pre-Morurun'd, has high stats for her class, has a powerful unique spell that damages all enemies for half of their current HP, and has 6 initial slots to top it all off, which is great for a Healer. Initial skill slots: 6 Skills. Actually, it still can be. It was popular pre big bang. Post big bang they received several nerfs and buffs over the years and they have always had an unstable populations until now. Not saying that people got rid of them but they chose other mains. The processes of jumping on and off a character is the majority of the bandwagon effect.


If you want me to see your posts, either quote me or post in the stickied version of my guide, found here.

Post Big Bang Gunslinger Skill Guide by Halfhearted

I figured I'd try my hand at guide-making, after being inspired by [i]j0s3a4d's[/i] [url=]Post-BB bandit guide.[/url]
This is my first guide, so if I missed something/made a mistake, you see a better way to do things, or you just have something about this guide you wanna get off your chest (please no flaming) just leave a comment or PM me, and I'll take a look at it. Any and all constructive criticism is appreciated.
If you have any suggestions about a build, let me know in the comments section or through a PM, and I'll try to get back to you when I see it.
[i]*This is purely a skill guide.** If you want to know where to train, there are several guides which are better and more complete than what I could [/i](and have)[i] put up.[/i]

Table of Contents

[s=/forum/1761291/#AP][i]AP Information[/i][/s]
First Job
[s=/forum/1761291/#DF][i]Damage-First Build[/i][/s]
[s=/forum/1761291/#PS][i]Potion-Saving Build[/i][/s]
Second Job
[s=/forum/1761291/#ISB][i]Invisible Shot Build[/i][/s]
[s=/forum/1761291/#GB][i]The Mad Bomber[/i][/s]
[s=/forum/1761291/#H][i]Grenade + Invisible Shot[/i][/s]
Third Job
[s=/forum/1761291/#FD][i]Fast-Dice Build[/i][/s]
[s=/forum/1761291/#LD][i]Late-Dice Build[/i][/s]
[s=/forum/1761291/#OS][i]Old-School Build[/i][/s]
Fourth Job
[s=/forum/1761291/#BB][i]Bossing Build[/i][/s]
[s=/forum/1761291/#TB][i]Training Build[/i][/s]
[header=AP]AP Information
There are essentially 3 basic AP routes a Gunslinger could take. These are:
Regular Strength (Reg STR) - [i]STR = level.[/i] This is the route for people with absolutely no funding whatsoever. On this path, you will always be able to equip weapons/armor at your level, but your damage will be slightly lower than low STR Gunslingers.
Low Strength (Low STR) - Stop putting points into STR once you have anywhere between 30 to 80. This is the most common route, and for good reason. Getting extra STR from equips is extremely easy to do.
15 STR zhelm + 5 STR dep star = +20 STR just from 2 equips. Then there are the other assorted STR boosts from the rest of your equips, like say 4 zombie rings, +2 STR from Mushroom Kingdom medal, +6 or so from a clean overall, and other equips which make it very easy to get +40-50 STR total. Add that to say, a base 50 STR, and you have enough STR to equip a peacemaker. And this isn't even accounting for potential stats, which make it even easier to equip your stuff.
Where you cap your STR basically comes down to how much funding you have. If you do not have much funding, then a higher STR cap like at 60-70 might be better for you. On the other hand, if you are more well-off (100 million mesos+) than you could cap STR lower, from 30-50.
Strengthless (STR-less) - I do not recommend STR-less unless you are GODLY funded/get your hands on a really good VIP gun. It's just too expensive to do well past a certain point.
[i]To summarize, your AP build depends on the amount of money you have at your disposal.[/i]
-If you have just started playing Maplestory and are dirt poor, you should probably go Reg STR, or cap really high, like at 90 or so.
-If you been playing for a while and have a decent amount of funding, say from 20-100 mil or so, then go with a low-STR build and cap higher, between 60-70.
-If you been playing for a while and are a good mechant with 100+ mil funding, then cap it lower from 30-50.
-If you are one of those no-lifers with several billion in mesos, you could potentially pull off STR-less. (no offense intended to these people)
[header=FJ]1st Job: Level 10-30
[name=DF]Build 1: Damage First
10: 1 Double Shot
11-16: 3 Double Shot
17: 1 Double Shot i,[/i] 2 Bullet Time
18-23: 3 Bullet Time i[/i]
24-26: 3 Dash
27: 1 Dash i,[/i] 2 Somersault Kick
28-30: 3 Somersault Kick [i](level 11)[/i]
[i]End Result:[/i]
[i]Max[/i] Double Shot
[i]Max[/i] Bullet Time
[i]Max[/i] Dash
*[i]Level 11[/i] Somersault Kick
  • [i]You could also take a point out of Somersault Kick and put it into Flash Fist, if you want to complete all of the pirate training center quests. Somersault kick isn't all that useful anyways, so it won't hurt you at all.[/i]

[i]Explanation:[/i] You max Double Shot first for the damage and range, then Bullet Time to save a few pots, then Dash cause it's better than Somersault Kick, then dump the remaining points into Somersault Kick cause it's better than Flash Fist.
[name=PS]Build 2: Potion Saver
10: 1 Double Shot
11-16: 3 Bullet Time
17: 2 Bullet Time i,[/i] 1 Double Shot
18-23: 3 Double Shot i[/i]
24-26: 3 Dash
27: 1 Dash i,[/i] 2 Somersault Kick
28-30: 3 Somersault Kick [i](level 11)[/i]
[i]End Result:[/i]
[i]Max[/i] Double Shot
[i]Max[/i] Bullet Time
[i]Max[/i] Dash
*[i]Level 11[/i] Somersault Kick
  • [i]You could also take a point out of Somersault Kick and put it into Flash Fist, if you want to complete all of the pirate training center quests. Somersault kick isn't all that useful anyways, so it won't hurt you at all.[/i]
[i]Explanation:[/i] Lower-level potions drop like mad and are mega cheap now, but if you're extra frugal, then this build is for you.
[header=SJ]2nd Job: Level 30-70
[name=ISB]Build 1: Invisible Shot
30: 1 Invisible Shot
31-36: 3 Mastery
37: 2 Mastery i,[/i] 1 Invisible Shot
38-43: 3 Invisible Shot i[/i]
44-45: 3 Booster
46-48: 3 Critical Shot
49: 1 Critical Shot i,[/i] 2 Wings
50: 3 Wings
51-56: 3 Recoil Shot
57: 2 Recoil Shot i,[/i] 1 Wings
58: 3 Wings
59: 1 Wings i,[/i] 2 Booster
60-63: 3 Booster i[/i]
64-69: 3 Blank Shot
70: 2 Blank Shot i,[/i] 1 Grenade
[i]End Result:[/i]
[i]Max[/i] Invisible Shot
[i]Max[/i] Mastery
[i]Max[/i] Booster
[i]Max[/i] Critical Shot
[i]Max[/i] Wings
[i]Max[/i] Recoil Shot
[i]Max[/i] Blank Shot
[i]Level 1[/i] Grenade
[i]Explanation:[/i] If you prefer (or simply end up) standing in the middle of a mob (or finding a safe spot slightly above/below it) and spamming a skill until everything is dead, than this is the build for you.
First you get 1 Invisible Shot for your main training skill, as it is extremely useful even at level 1, then max Mastery to stabilize damage, and max Invisible Shot to increase its damage even more.
Next get 6 Booster so that it lasts for 1 minute, and then Critical Shot to further increase your damage. After that get 5 Wings to unlock Recoil, then max Recoil and Wings for the mobility boost. Max Booster next so that you do not have to recast it as often.
Max Blank Shot next cause you can, and it stuns, which is helpful against stuff that doesn't freeze. Finally, dump the last point into Grenade.
[name=GB]Build 2: The Mad Bomber
30: 1 Invisible Shot
31-36: 3 Grenade
37: 2 Grenade i,[/i] 1 Wings
38: 3 Wings
39: 1 Wings, 2 Recoil Shot
40-45: 3 Recoil Shot i[/i]
46: 3 Wings
47: 2 Wings i,[/i] 1 Mastery
48-53: 3 Mastery
54: 1 Mastery i,[/i] 2 Booster
55: 3 Booster
56: 1 Booster, 2 Critical ShotPre big bang universe
57-58: 3 Critical Shot
59: 2 Critical Shot i,[/i] 1 Booster
60-63: 3 Booster
64: 1 Booster i,[/i] 2 Blank Shot
65-70: 3 Blank Shot i[/i]
[i]End Result:[/i]
[i]Max[/i] Grenade
[i]Max[/i] Mastery
[i]Max[/i] Booster
[i]Max[/i] Critical Shot
[i]Max[/i] Wings
[i]Max[/i] Recoil Shot
[i]Max[/i] Blank Shot
[i]Level 1[/i] Invisible Shot
[i]Disclaimer:[/i] Grenade is NOT an attacking skill, it is a skill that allows for faster training. If you want your mobbing skill to function as a head-on attacking skill, then get Invisible Shot.
To clarify, standing in the middle of a group of monsters while dropping Grenades at your feet is [i]NOT[/i] how this build is supposed to train! If you find either yourself doing this or simply prefer training that way, than the Invisible Shot build is the route for you.
[i]Explanation:[/i] Level 1 Invisible Shot can still be incredibly useful, so put that first point there.
Max Grenade first as your primary training move, then get Wings and Recoil Shot to increase mobility for faster training.
Get Mastery next to stabilize your damage, 6 Booster so that it lasts for 1 minute, and Critical Shot for more damage.
Then max Booster so you don't have to re-cast it as often, and dump the remaining points into Blank Shot.
[i]How this Build trains:[/i] Burn damage is the name of the game here. Instead of mindlessly spamming Grenade, you should hit a monster (or group of monsters) with Grenade once, and then repeat the same thing elsewhere on the map while letting the burn damage do the rest of the work for you.
This build can net you extremely fast training when played right. Just chuck a grenade onto the monsters, head elsewhere on the map on your mad bombing-spree, and come back once you've finished circling the map to finish off the now (presumably) 1 hp monsters.
Also, Grenade does not have to be fully charged to get maximum damage or anything like that. Just tapping the Grenade button when you are in (or above) a monster's face makes it MUCH easier to hit monsters than flinging fully-charging Grenades all over the place.
The way you train during 2nd job using this build is almost exactly how a Pizard (f/p mage that uses poison) would train, except Grenade can mob whereas Poison Brace can not.
Lastly, the burn damage from Grenade stacks with the burn damage from Flamethrower, so you can still get pretty decent mileage out of the skill in 3rd and 4th job, since it isn't totally outclassed by Flamethrower.
[name=H]Build 3: Grenade + Invisible Shot Hybrid
30: 1 Invisible Shot
31-36: 3 Mastery
37: 2 Mastery i,[/i] 1 Invisible Shot
38-43: 3 Invisible Shot i[/i]
44-45: 3 Booster
46-51: 3 Grenade
52: 2 Grenade i,[/i] 1 Wings
53: 3 Wings
54: 1 Wings, 2 Recoil Shot
55-60: 3 Recoil Shot i[/i]
61: 3 Wings
62: 2 Wings i,[/i] 1 Critical Shot
63-65: 3 Critical Shot i[/i]
66-69: 3 Booster
70: 2 Booster i,[/i] 1 Blank Shot [i](level 1)[/i]
[i]End Result:[/i]
[i]Max[/i] Grenade
[i]Max[/i] Mastery
[i]Max[/i] Booster
[i]Max[/i] Critical Shot
[i]Max[/i] Wings
[i]Max[/i] Recoil Shot
[i]Max[/i] Invisible Shot
[i]Level 1[/i] Blank Shot
This build gives you the option to use both Grenade and Invisible Shot, at the cost of sacrificing Blank Shot.
While you can use Blank Shot at higher levels to save pots by stunning monsters that can't be frozen by Ice Splitter, there are very few places where you would actually do this in 3rd and 4th job, and you [i]could[/i] just straight-out kill the monsters at those places with your main attacking skills, so I included this option in my guide.
[i]Explanation:[/i] At low levels, monsters die so fast that attempting to burn-train would actually slow you down, so Mastery and Invisible Shot are maxed first for slightly faster training.
Grenade is maxed next because burn-training becomes more viable as monster HP increases, along with Recoil Shot and Wings to speed up map navigation.
Then Critical Shot is maxed to further increase damage, and Booster is maxed so you do not have keep recasting it as often.
Then the last point is dumped into Blank Shot.
[header=TJ]3rd Job: Level 70-120
[name=FD]Build 1: Early Dice
70: 1 Burst Fire
71-83: alternate between (1 Ice Splitter, 2 Flamethrower) and (2 Ice Splitter, 1 Flamethrower) [i](Flamethrower max)[/i]
84: 1 Ice Splitter i,[/i] 2 Lucky Dice
85-90: 3 Lucky Dice i[/i]
91-96: 3 Burst Fire
97: 1 Burst Fire i[/i], 2 Octopus
98-106: 3 Octopus
107: 1 Octopus i,[/i] 2 Homing
108-114: 3 Gaviota [i](level 21)[/i]
115-120: 3 Homing i[/i]
[i]End Result:[/i]
[i]Max[/i] Burst Fire
[i]Max[/i] Flamethrower
[i]Max[/i] Ice Splitter
[i]Max[/i] Lucky Dice
[i]Max[/i] Octopus
[i]Max[/i] Homing
[i]Level 21[/i] Gaviota
[i]*If you want you can put a point into Homing Beacon at level 71.[/i]
[i]Explanation:[/i] Burst Fire does 172% per bullet at level 1, and 210% per bullet when maxed. So it starts off great at level 1, but gets crappy returns with any further points, so leave it at 1 for now.
Flamethrower and Ice Splitter are amazingly powerful moves that can completely obliterate pretty much any mobs you find. These 2 skills, when alternated, create a devastating wave of icy-hot goodness that will leave your targets both frozen AND burned.
Ice Splitter freezes any non-boss monsters it hits (with a few exceptions), and Flamethrower does burn damage, just like Grenade, only with sightly higher base damage and for 1 extra second.
After your mobbing moves you max Lucky Dice for its potentially awesome effects, then Burst Fire for the extra 1v1 damage.
Next max Octopus, because IMO it's a more useful boost than Gaviota.
Once you max Octopus get 2 Homing, because I'm too lazy to do the math for the guide, and it lowers the chance of accidentally adding too many points to Gaviota when you try to get it to 21.[i](an excuse is an excuse if it lets me be lazy)[/i]
Now get 21 Gaviota, cause the extra points here help more than the extra points in Homing, and finally max Homing.
[name=LD]Build 2: Late Dice
70-83: Same as the above. (1 Burst Fire, 20 Ice Splitter i,[/i] 20 Flamethrower i)[/i]
84: 1 Ice Splitter i,[/i] 2 Burst Fire
85-89: 3 Burst Fire
90: 2 Burst Fire i,[/i] 1 Octopus
91-99: 3 Octopus
100: 2 Octopus i,[/i] 1 Homing
101-106: 3 Homing
107: 1 Homing i,[/i] 2 Lucky Dice
108-113: 3 Lucky Dice i[/i]
114-120: 3 Gaviota [i](level 21)[/i]
[i]End Result:[/i]
[i]Max[/i] Burst Fire
[i]Max[/i] Flamethrower
[i]Max[/i] Ice Splitter
[i]Max[/i] Lucky Dice
[i]Max[/i] Octopus
[i]Max[/i] Homing
[i]Level 21[/i] Gaviota
[i]*If you want you can put a point into Homing Beacon at level 71.[/i]
[i]Explanation:[/i] The reason for which skills are maxed/unmaxed have the same reasons as the above build. However, there are a good few people among the community who sometimes forget to re-cast their buffs (I've forgotten Booster a few times, only to notice when my attacking speed slows down).
Lucky Dice is one of those skills that just seems to be REALLY easy to forget to recast. It lasts for 3 minutes, but the 20 second cooldown (when used for max duration) makes it easy to just evaporate from your train of thought while you're busy killing stuff.
Therefore, I made a build especially for those people, which puts off getting Lucky Dice until all the other skills are maxed, because they are not going to be getting the full use out of it anyway.
[name=OS]Build 3: Old-School
Old-school Jr. Newt build, with lucky dice at the end.
Just max Burst Fire first, then Octopus, then Ice Splitter, get 21 Gaviota, max Homing, max Flamethrower, and finally max Lucky Dice. (I think this is how it goes)
  • [i]Important Notice[/i]*
You will NOT be able to train at newts until well into 4th job, PERIOD. This is just a novelty build that I put in for those who want to challenge themselves, or re-live the 'good old days' by using the build most Outlaws did BEFORE the Big Bang.
This build is no longer exp-optimal after the Big Bang, due to the changes to the accuracy system that will make you 100% miss newts until you're level 130 or so, as well as the massive damage buffs given to Flamethrower and Ice Splitter.
Since this is pretty much a joke build now, I tried my best to write an entertaining story instead of the usual explanation, so enjoy.
[i]End Result:[/i]
[i]Max[/i] Burst Fire
[i]Max[/i] Flamethrower
[i]Max[/i] Ice Splitter
[i]Max[/i] Lucky Dice
[i]Max[/i] Octopus
[i]Max[/i] Homing
[i]Level 21[/i] Gaviota

Pre Big Bang Theories

[/i] (in stereotypical grumpy old man voice) Darn kids, got themselves some new ideas in dem heads. Darn forgot about deir ROOTS! In MY day we didn't have those big fancy numbers on Flamethrower or Splitter. Those moves were a NOVELTY! (grumbles)
My faithful Octopus joined me in the field as soon as he was able. I pulled out the ol' Glaze Caps today. The change wasn't half bad, I guess.
Gaviota dropped by fer a visit today, we had us a nice chat. He gave me some of those Homing eggs, too! That brightened up my day.
Found my old Blaze Caps sitting on the top shelf collecting dust. Figured I might as well dust 'em off and see how they've held up through these years.
My granddaughter gave me a set of those new-fangled dice of all things! They're actually pretty nifty, but the girl should learn what things were like when the ONLY buff we had was booster! She might appreciate these dice then, instead of whining whenever she rolls a low number.
[header=FoJ]4th Job: Level 120-200
There are two basic skill paths you can take in 4th job as a Corsair: Bossing and Training.
-The Bossing route revolves around maximizing your 1v1 damage output, and maxes skills like Battleship, Cannon, and Bullseye as soon as possible.
-The Training route's focus is on killing mobs as quickly as possible, so the powerful multi-target Torpedo gets maxed ASAP.

Dmg Cap Pre Big Bang Theory

Keep in mind that your skills at level 200 should end up being the same whether you took the Bossing or Training paths. The only difference between them is the type of training you plan to be doing the most during early 4th job.
[name=BB]Build 1: Bossing Skills First
120: 1 Elemental Boost/Battleship Torpedo, 1 Battleship, 1 Battleship Cannon
121-123: 3 Battleship i[/i]
124-133: 3 Cannon i[/i]
134-136: 3 Pirates Revenge
137: 1 Pirates Revenge i,[/i] 2 Bullseye
138-143: 3 Bullseye i[/i]
[i]End Result:[/i]
[i]Max[/i] Battleship
[i]Max[/i] Battleship Cannon
[i]Max[/i] Bullseye
[i]Max[/i] Pirates Revenge
[i]*If you want, you can put a point into Rapid Fire at level 121, since it out-damages max Burst Fire.[/i]

Dmg Cap Pre Big Bang Show

[/i] Get 1 point in Battleship to unlock the ship skills, then get 1 Cannon because it deals higher damage at level 1 than any other skill in your entire arsenal.
Level 1 Elemental Boost gives a +22% damage boost to Ice Splitter and Flamethrower, and increases Ice Splitters freeze duration by 1 second, which is pretty impressive for only 1 point.
As an alternative, Torpedo also does a significant amount of damage at level 1, dealing larger numbers than Flamethrower and Ice Splitter, but it only hits 4 targets at level 1.
[i]After testing the skill out for myself, I highly recommend getting a point in Wrath of the Octo at level 120 or 121. The first point you get in Wrath adds an extra 55% damage, increases the summon duration by 5 seconds, and doubles the rate of fire.[/i]
baka1123: I think 1 wrath is really useful. The fire rate increases by a lot and can actually kill a monster now . It has many uses in pap, which you would normally be doing at 120s, such as pinning pap and summoning it in his sleep mode. I heard somewhere that it goes through cancel weapon atk too, not sure though. It can rack up to 300k+ dmg in one summon, about 20k per hit for me (dont have the best range in the world)

Next max out Battleship for extra durability and decreased cooldown time, and then Cannon to further increase your 1v1 DPM.
After that max Pirates Revenge because for a free damage boost, then Bullseye because it is basically a free '5' Lucky Dice roll on a single target.
Pirates Revenge should be maxed first because it gives a greater boost per point of SP than Bullseye, and it is practically impossible to NOT get hit when bossing, so it should be active most of the time anyway.
[name=TB]Build 2: Training Skills First
120: 1 Elemental Boost/Battleship Torpedo, 1 Battleship, 1 Battleship Cannon
121-123: 3 Battleship i[/i]
124-133: 3 Battleship Torpedo i[/i]
134-142: 3 Battleship Cannon
143: 2 Battleship Cannon i,[/i] 1 Pirates Revenge
144-146: 3 Pirates Revenge i[/i]
[i]End Result:[/i]
[i]Max[/i] Battleship
[i]Max[/i] Battleship Cannon
[i]Max[/i] Battleship Torpedo
[i]Max[/i] Pirates Revenge
[i]Explanation:[/i] Level 1 Elemental Boost gives a +22% damage boost to Ice Splitter and Flamethrower, and increases Ice Splitters freeze duration by 1 second, which is pretty impressive for only 1 point. Get 1 point in Battleship to unlock the ship skills, then get 1 Battleship Cannon because it is stronger than max Burst Fire.
Max torpedo next because it is a stronger mobbing move than the Flamethrower/Ice Splitter combo, then max Pirates Revenge because it increases your damage at regular intervals.
I sincerely thank Rokistory for telling me how to use headers, and thus making this guide look somewhat professional. Thanks a ton, dude.
j0s3a4d inspired me to make this guide, AND taught me how to make a working table of contents. You are officially a badass in my books, man.
Heads up to iFatalPunch for pointing out the flaw in the newt-build, as well as giving me a more accurate level of newts. I assumed that the flaw was glaringly obvious, and proved myself an idiot in the process. Any new Gunslingers/Outlaws post-BB should thank this guy for the notice that would save their lives (and exp, and potions) they might have lost if he hadn't spoken out.
I can't remember the guy's name, but I was chatting to another Outlaw in the Mu Lung Dojo, and he gave me the inspiration for the 3rd Job late-buff build.
So all thanks should go to him if you go with the late-buff build. If the guy is reading this guide, great suggestion.
A suggestion by evilkaz lead to the [i]End Result[/i] format being made easier to understand.
Tagg reminded me about needing Flash Fist to finish the pirate training center quests in a PM.
AquaV caught a potentially confusing mistake I didn't notice.
baka1123 pointed out a rather stupid-looking mistake I made in the 4th job section.
I can't believe I forgot for keeping me in Maplestory long enough to write this guide, as well as the awesome forums where I posted it.

Dmg Cap Pre Big Bang 2017

I'm so forgetful. Thank you, Basil.
Comments are closed.