Dmg.sha256 How To Terminal

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SHA2 checksum for Sierra's InstallESD.dmg? Ask Question Asked 3 years, 4 months ago. Active 3 years, 4 months ago. Viewed 5k times 1. Before making a bootable drive for Sierra's installer i want to make sure that the download was successful. Install macOS High Sierra using Terminal. Install macOS High does not appear to be a. On Linux use the sha256sum or md5sum command line utilities to verify the integrity of the downloaded file. On OS X use the shasum -a 256 or md5 command line utilities to verify the integrity of the downloaded file.

Malware is becoming more and more common for macOS. I wanted to make sure file I downloaded files such as an ISO image or firmware are safe before install on my system. How do I verify md5 or sha1 or sha256 checksums for my Apple MacOS X when I download files from the Internet?
Matching the checksum of a download file is necessary and useful in some cases. The main reason is to make sure that one can validate the transmission was ok. The downloaded file was not corrupted or modified during the transfer. You need to use the shasum command to compute or verify SHA message digests.
A checksum is nothing but a digit representing the sum of the correct digits in a piece of stored or transmitted digital data, against which later comparisons can be made to detect errors in the data.

Syntax to check and verify md5/sha1/sha256 checksums for MacOS X

Dmg.sha256 How To Terminal

To print or check SHA checksums use the following syntax:
shasum -a algorithm filename
shasum -a algorithm -c input.txt


  1. -a algorithm : It can be 1 (default), 224, 256, 384, and 512.
  2. -c input.txt : Check SHA sums against given list usually stored in a text file.


Open the Terminal application and grab the latest firmware using wget command:
$ wget
Verify the file:
$ ls -lh
Unzip the file using unzip command:
$ unzip
Sample outputs:

Your firmware file named RT-AC87U_380.66_6.trx. You can verify its integrity with sha256sum.sha256 file as follows:
$ shasum -a 256 -c sha256sum.sha256
Sample outputs:

If file is modified during transmission or by malware on the remote server you will get an error that read as follows:
$ shasum -a 256 -c sha256sum.sha256
Sample outputs:

You must delete the file immediately using the rm command:
$ rm RT-AC87U_380.66_6.trx
To calculate SHA-256 checksum for an iso file named foo.iso, run:
$ shasum -a 256 foo.iso

Verifying an SHA-1 checksum

The syntax is:
$ shasum -a 1 -c input.txt
$ shasum -a 1 filename
$ shasum -a 1 centos.iso
To see more info about the shasum command type:
$ shasum --help
Sample outputs:

Another option: openssl command

You can use the openssl command as follows to get and verify checksum.

Verifying an SHA-1 checksum with the openssl command

$ openssl sha1 filename
$ openssl sha1 ~/isoimages/unetbootin-mac-625.dmg
SHA1(/Users/veryv/isoimages/unetbootin-mac-625.dmg)= 8a44b5095ed9b05f8a2643a5df91e932467a0e7

Verifying an SHA256 checksum with the openssl command

$ openssl dgst -sha256 filename
$ openssl dgst -sha256 ~/isoimages/CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1611.iso
SHA256(/Users/veryv/isoimages/CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1611.iso)= 27bd866242ee058b7a5754e83d8ee8403e216b93d130d800852a96f41c34d86a

Verifying an MD5 checksum with the openssl command

$ openssl md5 filename
$ openssl md5 /etc/passwd
MD5(/etc/passwd)= 5e7f80888f3d491c4963881364048c24

Dmg.sha256 How To Terminal A Map



Set of scripts to create MacOS standalone QGIS package (dmg)

To know when we release, see QGIS release schedule

  • Add link to the installed package
  • Add crash report if QGIS crashed
  • State MacOS version (e.g. 10.14.1)
  • Run open /Applications/ from Terminal and add the output
  • Append any messages from QGIS message log or python warnings log if present
  • run ./scripts/check_all.bash to fix travis-ci checks
  • gatekeeper: codesign --verbose --deep-verify /Applications/
  • loaded dylibs: ps -A grep -i qgis; vmmap <pid>
  • signature: codesign -d -vvvv <file>
  • accept by gatekeeper: spctl -a -t exec -vv <path>.dmg
  • signature: codesign --verify --deep --strict --verbose=2
  • Get Mojave server

  • Get Apple Development Program for your Apple ID

  • Login to the server (have static IP)

  • Change default password to some secure one

  • Install XCode from App Store

  • Go to Apple Developer Download page -> More and command line tools. Install both

  • Sign out from the apple developer page and app store

  • Open XCode and accept license

  • install homebrew and QGIS deps by running install_brew.bash

  • Download MrSID SDK referenced in and place it in the folder $HOME/Library/Caches/Homebrew

  • Download erdas-ecw-jp2 referenced in. Open dmg, open pkg and install to default location (Desktop Read-Only Free type)

  • install homebrew packages by install_brew_packages.bash

  • get proj datumgrids by running scripts/fetch_proj-datumgrid.bash

  • Update ~/.bash_profile from scrips/bash_profile

  • How to run dmg files in ubuntu. now clone this repository

  • for upload, add you ssh keys to qgis/ssh/ and secure them

  • copy run_cronjob one folder above

  • to Code Signing (you need Apple certificate to be 'Indentified developer')

    • You need application certificate from
    • Generate production/development signing identify
    • Get cer file and scp to the server
    • Double click on cer file and install it on the server
    • On Machine where you created request, export private key and copy and install on server too.
    • install p12 cert to login identity
    • security find-identity -v to find existing identities
    • create sing_identity.txt with the ID of your identity
    • allow to use it in cronjob (
    • create symbolic link to keychain with the imported identity
  • so your folders structure is

  • Run run_pkg.bash with nightly/ltr/pr to build releases/nightlies (detects the latest version)
  • Nightly releases should be set as launchd once per day (use tabs!)

Dmg.sha256 How To Terminal 4

Server Update

Dmg.sha256 How To Terminal 3

  • remove all build folders
  • remove homebrew (/usr/local/*)
  • reinstall homebrew packages
  • update version & run scripts/fetch_proj-datumgrid.bash
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