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Where some rangers specialize in slaying dragons or giants, many rangers seek to purge the world of unliving creatures. Those who face the undead learn to strike hard to ensure a zombie’s destruction; to steel themselves against the curses, diseases, rot, and necrotic energies that suffuse many undead attacks; and to lash out at a ragged swarm of shambling ghouls before it can get too close.


Hunter’s Prey

At 3rd level, you can choose the following feature as your Hunter feature for that level.

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Zombie Killer. When you damage an enemy with a weapon attack, that enemy has disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes before the end of your next turn.

Defensive Tactics

At 7th level, you can choose the following feature as your Hunter feature for that level.

Resist Death. You have advantage on saving throws made to avoid being cursed or paralyzed and you have resistance to necrotic damage.


At 11th level, you can choose the following feature as your Hunter feature for that level.

Skirmish Attack. You can use your action to choose up to 3 creatures within 30 feet of you that you can see and make a melee attack against each of them. Each creature must be within your reach to attack it, though you can use your movement before and after each attack to put those creatures within your reach.

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Superior Hunter’s Defense

At 15th level, you can choose the following feature as your Hunter feature for that level.

Dnd 3.5 Dmg Undead Stalker Site Www.giantitp.com Torrent

Superior Resilience. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Constitution saving throw, such as a ghast’s stench or a wraith’s life drain, you can use a 20 instead of the number you rolled on the die for that saving throw. You can use this feature up to three times. You regain all expended uses of this feature when you finish a short or long rest.

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Undead Type Monsters, Quality and Featured[edit]

These monsters have been vetted through the Featured Articles or Quality Articles process and are suitable for any normal campaign.


Undead Type Monsters[edit]

Adamantine Skeleton 630 ft.Mediumundeadlawful evil
Adze 430 ft.Mediumundeadlawful evil
Akikage 740 ft.Mediumundeadlawful evil
Anabast 120 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)Mediumundeadneutral evil
Archlich 2330 ft.Mediumundeadany evil alignment
Army of Darkness 1730 ft.Gargantuanundeadneutral evil
Atropal 3010 ft., fly 80 ft. (hover)Hugeundeadlawful evil
Basilisk Zombie 210 ft.Mediumundeadneutral evil
Bastellus 30 ft., fly 40 ft.Mediumundeadneutral evil
Berenike Knight 330 ft.Mediumundeadlawful neutral
Blood Hulk 840 ft.Largeundeadchaotic evil
Bloodborn 130 ft.Mediumundeadneutral evil
Bodak, Variant 720 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Boneclaw 740 ft.Largeundeadchaotic evil
Bonie 130 ft., climb 20 ft.mediumundeadneutral evil
Cadaver Colossus 1930 ft.Gargantuanundeadneutral evil
Caller in Darkness 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)Largeundeadchaotic evil
Camel Zombie 1/840 ft.Largeundeadneutral evil
Chaos Space Marine, Plague Marine 1025 ft.Largeundeadany evil alignment
Chaos Space Marine, Rubric Marine 1025 ft.Largeundeadlawful neutral
Corpse Behemoth 630 ft.Hugeundeadneutral evil
Corpse Gatherer 1940 ft., burrow 10 ft.Gargantuanundeadneutral
Couatl Scorned 430 ft., 90 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Crypt Stalker 330 ft.Largeundeadneutral evil
Cursed Bokoblin 1/220 ft.Mediumundeadneutral evil
Cursed Keese 1/45 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)Tinyundeadneutral evil
Death Drinker 230 ft.Mediumundeadneutral evil
Death Sovereign 2430 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Deathly Servant (5e Spell)Same as in Life20ft.Same Size as Creature BodyundeadNeutral
Deep Tentacle 1/85 ft., swim 40 ft.Mediumundeadunaligned
Demizen Ancient Red Dracolich 3040 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft.Gargantuanundeadchaotic evil
Demizen Vampire Lord 3050 ft., fly 120 ft.Largeundeadlawful evil
Demizen Wraith 100 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)Mediumundeadneutral evil
Draugr 420 ft.Mediumundeadneutral evil
Dread Wraith 250 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)Largeundeadneutral evil
Drowner 135 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Dust Lich 130 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)Mediumundeadany evil alignment
Entombed 430 ft.Largeundeadneutral evil
Entombed Crypt Lord 1830 ft.Hugeundeadneutral evil
Entombed Marauder 730 ft.Hugeundeadneutral evil
Fell Turtle 110 ft., climb 5 ft., swim 20 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Floating Skull 00 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)Tinyundeadlawful evil
User:Geodude671/Workspace2330 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Ghastly Warlock 430 feetMediumundeadchaotic evil
Ghini 110 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)Smallundeadchaotic evil (50%) or chaotic neutral (50%)
Ghoul Jester 530 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Ghoul Lord 630 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Gleeok Head 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)Smallundeadlawful evil
Greater Grung Lich 9SmallUndeadlawful evil
Greater Wight 530 ft.Mediumundeadneutral evil
Halfling Vampire 525 ft.Smallundeadlawful evil
Haunted Armour 530 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)Mediumundeadany lawful alignment
Hexwraith 530 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)Mediumundeadneutral evil
Incorporeal Skeleton 130 ft.Mediumundeadneutral evil
Lady Illugas, Scourge of Pain 3030 ft., fly 90 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic neutral
Lich Wraith 260 ft., fly 90 ft. (hover)Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Liver Leech 015 ft., climb 15 ft.Tinyundeadlawful evil
Living Wall 80 ft.Hugeundeadchaotic evil
Lumbering Zombie 1/220 ft.Mediumundeadneutral evil
Maramorian Sand Echo 630 ft., burrow 30 ft.Largeundeadlawful neutral
Maramorian Skull of the Sky Thief 50 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)Smallundeadchaotic evil
Martial Glory 120 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)Mediumundeadchaotic neutral
Masked Horror 530 ft., climb 20 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Mind Shade 90 ft., fly 30 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Mob of Skeletons 930 ft.Gargantuanundeadneutral evil
Mob of Zombies 920 ft.Gargantuanundeadneutral evil
Mordekaiser, the Iron Revenant 2140 ft.LargeUndeadneutral evil
Mourngul 1410 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)Largeundeadchaotic evil
Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths 2530 ft., swim 80 ft.Gargantuanundeadneutral evil
Necrolyte 230 ft.Mediumundeadneutral evil
Necromanwich 415 hoverTinyUndeadChaotic Evil
Necromass 3045 ftGargantuanUndeadChaotic Evil
Necrosteed 160 ft.Largeundeadchaotic evil
Nightcrawler 1950 ft., burrow 30 ft.Gargantuanundeadchaotic evil
Nightmare Wraith 660ft., 90ft. flyingLargeundeadchaotic evil
Nightshade Zombie 530 ft.Mediumundeadlawful evil
Nightwalker 1640 ft.Hugeundeadchaotic evil
Nightwing 1420 ft., fly 60 ft.Hugeundeadchaotic evil
Nihilator, Lord of The Undead 5060 ftMediumundeadlawful evil
Nimble Skeleton 1/230 ft.Mediumundeadlawful evil
Nuckelavee 1350 ft., swim 40 ft.Largeundeadchaotic evil
Ogre Skeleton 240 ft.Largeundeadlawful evil
Phantasm 100 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)Largeundeadneutral evil
Pixie Skeleton 1/410 ft., fly 25 ft.Tinyundeadlawful evil
Plague Creeper 730 ft.Mediumundeadneutral evil
Plague Zombie 1/220 ft.Mediumundeadneutral evil
Poe 15 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)Smallundeadchaotic evil
Possessed Zombie 130 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Possessing Poe 25 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)Smallundeadchaotic evil
Pumpkin Head 340 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)Largeundeadchaotic evil
Redead 315 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Redead Knight 620 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Reforming Skeleton 330 ft.Mediumundeadlawful evil
Remnant 1030 ft.Mediumundeadlawful evil
Revenant 530 ftMediumundeadneutral
Rotbringer 1930 ft., fly 60 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Rotted Treant 920 ft.Hugeundeadneutral evil
Rust Monster Skeleton 1/410 ft.Mediumundeadneutral evil
Sack Horror 330 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Sanguine Seeker 630 ft., fly 60 ft.Mediumundeadneutral evil
Sculpergeist 3MediumUndeadChaotic Evil
Scythe Poe 25 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)Smallundeadchaotic evil
Sequestered Soul 00 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover)Tinyundeadlawful neutral
Shadow Witch 240 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Silent Abomination 830 ft.Largeundeadneutral evil
Skeletal Pirate 1/230 ft.Mediumundeadneutral evil
Skeleton, Clacking 130 ft., climb 30 ft.Mediumundeadlawful evil
Skeleton Knight 430 ft.Mediumundeadlawful evil
Skeleton Monk 340 ft.Mediumundeadlawful evil
Skeleton Warrior 130 ft.Mediumundeadlawful evil
Skinstealer 130 ft.Mediumundeadlawful evil
Skull Reaper 2480ft., climb 40ft.Gargantuanundeadneutral
Soul Scorcher 60 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)Mediumundeadneutral evil
Spectral Guardian 100 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)Largeundeadneutral
Stalchampion 940 ft.Hugeundeadchaotic evil
Stalchild 1/815 ft.Smallundeadchaotic evil
Staldra 340 ft., swim 30 ft.Largeundeadchaotic evil
Stalfos 1/430 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Stalfos Knight 330 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Stalhead 1/815 ft.Tinyundeadchaotic evil
Stalmaster 840 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Storm Giant Skeleton 1150 ft., swim 50 ft.Hugeundeadlawful evil
Strahd Von Zarovich, Variant 1830 ft., climb 30 ft.Mediumundeadlawful evil
Terrorgheist 1325 ft., fly 80 ft.Hugeundeadneutral evil
The Four Kings 100 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)LargeUndeadchaotic evil
The Jailer 725 ft.Largeundeadchaotic evil
Tormented Soul 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Twilight Stalker 940 ft., climb 40 ft.Mediumundeadlawful evil
Typhus the Traveller 1820 ft.Largeundeadneutral evil
Tyrannosaurus Rex Zombie 840 ft.Hugeundeadneutral evil
Ultaria 50120 ft, 300 ft climb, 120 ft swimmediumUndeadneutral evil
Undead Lake Monster 1620 ft., swim 40 ft.Gargantuanundeadchaotic evil
Undead Sharkenbear 535 ft., swim 45 ft.Hugeundeadunaligned
Undead Unicorn 560 ft.Largeundeadlawful evil
Undying 1530 ft.Mediumundeadneutral evil
Ursolavee 850 ft.Largeundeadneutral evil
Vampire Lord 2550 ft., fly 80 ft.Largeundeadlawful evil
Vargheist 230 ft., fly 40 ft.Largeundeadchaotic evil
Varghulf 840 ft.Hugeundeadchaotic evil
Verminoth 3060 ft, swim 60 ft, fly 240 ftmediumUndeadneutral evil
Wailing Hermit 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)Largeundeadchaotic evil
Warhorse Zombie 1/250 ft.Largeundeadneutral evil
Whale Zombie 40 ft., swim 50 ft.Hugeundeadneutral evil
Wight Tyrant 830 ft.Mediumundeadneutral evil
Wraith Weed 90 ft.Largeundeadchaotic evil
Yurei 1240 ft.Mediumundeadchaotic evil
Zombie, Child 1/820Smallundeadneutral evil
Zombie, Kobold 1/420 ft.Smallundeadneutral evil
Zombie Boss 40200 ft.Titanicundeadneutral evil
Zombie Horror 230 ft.Largeundeadneutral evil
Zombie Lord 630 ft.Mediumundeadneutral evil
Zombie Warrior 130 ft.Mediumundeadlawful evil

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