Do Jhin's Auto Hits Deal Magic Dmg Too

Jhins deals damage in windows of opportunity. He doesn't deal consistent damage per second. You have to get the hang of when you can do what. Most of the time Jhin never chases post using his 4th shot. So this is where your window of opportunity ends. There are of course exceptions. Mordekaiser can make a Jhin's ghost have 5924 AD, for up to 19358 damage in one hit (Lots of math inside). Can our Jhin deal on a champion, without any magic pen.

  1. Do Jhin's Auto Hits Deal Magic Dmg Tool
  2. Do Jhin's Auto Hits Deal Magic Dmg Tools

Do Jhin's Auto Hits Deal Magic Dmg Tool

  1. Jhin, the Virtuoso, available now. By fizzNchips. It’s time to get your snipe on. Scope out more Jhin news here: Mind of the Virtuoso; Champion Reveal; Champion Insights; Champion Bio; Champion Q&A; Champion Spotlight; Dust off your duster and saddle up, because High Noon Jhin’s comin’ to town.
  2. Apr 22, 2019 WATER CHARLOTTE SHOWCASE! SMASHING 2M DMG ON OMEN/HEIDE/ISCARIOTS! HEIR OF LIGHT (HOL) Do SUBSCRIBE and if possible please consider Donating for this channel.
  3. Nov 23, 2018  Or, if there are multiple opponents all stacked up, you can deal out even more damage to anyone caught in the blasts. Throw in Karthus’ Defile ability too, which deals consistent magic damage to anyone standing in the aura around him and you can overwhelm entire teams in the blink of an eye.
Right no even though jhin 4 autos are strong they cant do anything vs tanks or prolonged team fights. Honestly almost every adc would do better than him in almost 95% of situations. My solution keep base attack speed the same but make him reload faster with the more attack speed he builds. Capping at like .5 seconds or something. This would increase his overall DPS and make him not struggle as much. And as a master assassin who has hundreds of kills under his belt im pretty sure he can 4 bullets faster than 2 seconds.

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Do Jhin's Auto Hits Deal Magic Dmg Tools

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