Does New Rek Ult Do More Dmg

  1. Does New Rek Ult Do More Dmg Free
Does new rek ult do more dmg lyrics

Does New Rek Ult Do More Dmg Free

I hope a Rioter can read this, or else someone else who can forward it to them, but I don't feel as if Rek'sai's ult is working very well in the current patch. I just played it and not only is the mark sometimes difficult to spot and its not really clear when and if you hit someone with the Q to activate it, the ult works in a mysterious way. I didn't get to use it a lot during the game (we kinda were behind by a lot) however, from the times I activated it, I got one execute as its intended, one use to gap close and kill someone, the other time someone flashed away from it, which caused me to be at the position I would be if they didn't flash with no damage done and the other time it somehow missed. Is this intended? Can you dodge it? Its supposed to be a point and click ability right? How can I miss it? I don't usually play rek'sai, or at all really, so this is a first timer's perspective. The W is weird as in that it doesn't prioritize champions, so if minions are nearby, good luck hitting it. Her ult is confusing as its not always clear if its ready to go and I can't even be sure to hit it or actually get onto my target, as they can just flash away or apparently dodge it! And for a tank, she feels so damn squishy, just as Nautilus in the jungle. But thats another issue. I certainly wouldn't advice anyone to pick up Rek'sai, maybe she's just intended to be a pro pick I guess.

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A Caitlyn does 700 base damage + 200 bonus AD, late game she'll one shot nuke someone for up to 1500 damage or some shit. Rek'Sai doing 400 base with like a 0.7 AD scaling or 1.4 bonus ad scaling + 30% missing health doesn't seem out of place at all. Against a full health target she'll do less than many other ults. Dec 24, 2019  Rek’Sai should be feared for her individual threat, not the followup of her team. With these changes, we’re reimagining a Rek’Sai who has better backline access in teamfights and does more damage when she gets in there, but is less consistent when behind or built tanky. For more information, check our our post on Rek’Sai’s update.

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u guys are stupid she has the lowest starting dmg i have seen on any jungler. riot doesnt make new stuff op. msot fo these new champs are freeking balanced. u cant say they dont know how it ffits in the game theres a reason this stuff hits pbe for testing before it hits live. FACT: of all the global ults this is the one with worst positioning as u can only do it on a burrow compares to tf who first sees everyone and can teleport anyhwere. FACT: if ur burrows are placed wrong or constantly broken ur tricks and ult is useless. FACT she has the lowest starting dmg of almost all junglers . FACT ur q reveals and based on ap which shes not which means 1 of her skills is pretty much useless seeing as it doesnt slow it doesnt do good dmg it just lets the enemy know ur near which is anything but op. her movement speed isnt faster than other champs cause if u pick heca or rammus then u can complain about speed. u people need to stop calling everything that releases op. u say that about every single new champion and after a month when ppl realise its not op and learn to counter it everybody stops complaining. everyoen said same about azir and anyone barely picks him. its been like that with every new champ. go l2p and learn to counter something new bfore u cry. use ur brain not ur mouth

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