Does Prophet Velen Quadruple Hero Power Dmg With Auchenai

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Does prophet velen quadruple hero power dmg with auchenai x

Hero Hero Power Leg. Crafting Guide Classic Curse of Naxxramas Goblins vs Gnomes Blackrock Mountain The Grand Tourney The League of Explorers Whispers of the Old Gods One Night in Karazhan Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Journey to Un'Goro Frozen Throne Kobolds & Catacombs The Witchwood The Boomsday Project Rastakhan's Rumble Rise of Shadows. Feb 20, 2014  I suppose so. I've never seen it come up before, because how often does a mage get Velen? Is it even possible outside of a lucky mind control tech? Edit: Thought of another way. Priest uses thoughtsteal/mind vision/mind control while Cho is on the board. Mage could then use those cards to get Velen possibly. Replacement for Velen in Razakus Priest? I have the dust for Prophet Velen, but i'm not sure if it is worth it as not all decks run it. What is a good replacement for the card? The Pack gives you 5 extra cards for hero power refresh, as well as the possibility of real board threats. I also don't run Circle+Auchenai, because it's.

Dec 06, 2013  Are Sadhu Selvaraj and Vincent Selvakumar true or false prophets? 13: 1- 3 states that God may allow a sign from a false prophet to come to pass, to see if His people will act contrary to His own Word. Therefore, the real test is if a prophecy is in harmony with the Word of God. Anything contrary to the Word is false, for God will.

Abilities:Modify Hero Power
Tags:Damage-related, Healing-related, Hero Power-related, Ongoing effect
Artist:Wei Wang

Double the damage and healing of your spells and Hero Power.

He's been exiled from his home, and all his brothers turned evil, but otherwise he doesn't have a lot to complain about.

Prophet Velen is a legendarypriestminion card, from the Classic set.

How to get[editedit source]

Prophet Velen can be obtained through Classiccard packs, through crafting, or as an Arenareward.

CardCrafting costDisenchanting
Prophet Velen1600400
Golden Prophet Velen32001600

Notes[editedit source]

  • Prophet Velen increases the healing of and the damage dealt by your Hero Powers and spells, with only a few exceptions:
    • Prophet Velen has no effect on the healing restored by Power Word: Glory's enchantment, since the source of the Healing Event is the enchantment created by the spell, not the spell itself.
    • Prophet Velen has no effect on spells like Betrayal which cause characters to do damage, since the targeted minion is considered the source of the damage, not the spell.
    • In-hand effects like Cursed! that are spells are not affected by either player's Prophet Velen.
    • On-draw effects that are spells (such as Ancient Curse and Burrowing Mine) are not affected by either player's Prophet Velen.
    • However, on-discard effects like Fist of Jaraxxusdo benefit from Prophet Velen's bonuses.
    • Prophet Velen boosts healing spells whether or not they are affected by Auchenai Soulpriest or Embrace the Shadow.
    • Prophet Velen boosts damaging Secrets (such as Eye for an Eye and Explosive Trap), since they are spells.
    • Prophet Velen boosts the damage dealt by spells that deal variable amounts of damage (such as Blade Flurry and Shield Slam).
    • Prophet Velen has no effect on healing or damaging effects that are not spells or Hero Powers (like Deathrattles, Battlecries, Fatigue, Cho'gall's effect, triggered effects and combat damage).
  • Multiple instances of Prophet Velen stack.
  • Being a multiplicative bonus, Prophet Velen is applied after additive bonuses like Spell Damage and Fallen Hero.
  • Prophet Velen doubles the healing of and the damage dealt by your Hero Powers and eligible spells. More precisely:
    • Spells that deal a certain amount of damage randomly split among all characters with a given characteristic (Arcane Missiles, Spreading Madness, Avenging Wrath, Timepiece of Horror) have their total damage doubled by Prophet Velen: the spell will thus shoot an increased number of missiles, but each one will still deal 1 damage.
    • All other spells and Hero Powers that heal or deal damage to one or more characters have the healing or damage dealt to each target doubled. This includes single-target spells (for example, with Prophet Velen Holy Light will restore 12 Health), area of effect spells (for example, with Prophet Velen Swipe will do 8 damage to its target and 2 damage to all other enemies), spells that damage 'multiple targets' (such as Cleave and Explosive Shot) or that do a base amount of damage repeated a variable number of times (like Bouncing Blade and Greater Arcane Missiles), and all Hero Powers that restore Health or deal damage (for example, with Prophet Velen Life Tap will deal 4 damage before drawing a card).
  • Prophet Velen will double the damage of Lifesteal spells and hero powers, then double the healing restored from the Lifesteal effect, resulting in double damage and quadruple heal.
  • For additional details, see Damage#Advanced rules and Healing#Advanced rules.
  • Prophet Velen dynamically modifies the numbers printed on the text of eligible Hero Powers and spell cards in your hand accordingly.
Example: with a Prophet Velen in play, Lesser Heal will read 'Restore *4* Health.'.
Example: if you have Prophet Velen, Azure Drake and Auchenai Soulpriest in play, a Flash Heal in your hand will display the text 'Restore *10* Health.' but it will instead deal 12 damage to its target when cast, since Auchenai Soulpriest turned it into a damaging effect which then benefits from Azure Drake's Spell Damage bonus.

Strategy[editedit source]

Prophet Velen can dramatically increase the priest's effectiveness in the late-game. His passive affects the priest's spells as well as their Hero Power. Lifesteal spells (i.e. Spirit Lash) doubles the healing on top of the double damage, resulting in a huge health swing.

This bonus works with all Hero Powers, including the damage of doubling the damage of Steady Shot, Fireblast, Life Tap, and DIE, INSECT!, as well as the Hero Powers granted by Justicar Trueheart, Shadowreaper Anduin, Shadowform and Charged Hammer. Note that the doubled damage on Life Tap is usually a bad thing.

This card should be considered to have a soft taunt. Your enemy will go to great lengths to kill Velen due to the power he brings in the late game. Be prepared to protect him with taunt minions, healing or divine shields.

However, Time Mages have very little offense against generics, barring the extremely slow (cast time and JP wise) Meteor spell.Geomancer:The Geomancer class's main contribution is Attack UP, which is a large boon to any class which focuses on physical attacks. Elemental provides damage and a chance for status effects, but the damage is quite small compared to FFT's many other nukes. Knights do provide excellent earlygame chip though, and make the battles at Dorter and Lenalia far easier.Priest:The Priest's healing abilities are mostly outclassed by that of a Chemist, who has faster and more reliable healing abilities. Fft magic defense up lowers dmg Break skills and potential lategame Knight swords give the class some utility down the line, but slow speed, low move, and lack of any rangemakes the Knight a poor choice once better classes have been unlocked. The Geomancer is a solid class, but its lack of any standout attributes aside from Attack UP prevent it from placing higher.Knight:The Knight is a solid wall for the earlygame, packing good evasion as well as good HP through armour.

His high mana cost makes it difficult to fully utilize his effect. Card that can potentially summon him for cheaper cost like Eternal Servitude lets Velen have a greater effect.

Quotes[editedit source]

Not all who wander are lost.
I foresaw this.

Lore[editedit source]

From Wowpedia:

Velen has been the leader of the draenei people since their flight from Argus 25,000 years before the first orcish invasion of Azeroth. Known by his people as the Prophet, he has been granted the gift of Sight, and — aided by the Light — has guided his people as they fled from, and later fought against, the Burning Legion who had ensnared their eredar brethren. He is first among the draenei and is the arch-nemesis (formerly best friend) of Kil'jaeden.
Following the draenei's flight to Azeroth, and sensing great courage in the Alliance, Velen and his followers pledged themselves to this noble faction. The strengthened Alliance then helped the draenei reclaim their former holdings from the Legion. Most recently, Velen used the heart of a fallen naaru to sanctify the blood elves’ tainted Sunwell, transforming the sacred fount into a source of holy and arcane energies.
Although the Legion’s forces in Outland have been greatly diminished and the demonic invasion of Azeroth has been driven back, Velen remains fearful of an upcoming war between light and shadow.
'Where faith dwells, hope is never lost.' - Velen

Velen is also the mentor of Anduin Wrynn.

Trivia[editedit source]

Hero Power 2 Go

  • During alpha, Velen was a 5/7 with the card text: 'Battlecry: Draw a card for each undamaged character.'[1][2]
  • Velen's summon quote is a reference to J. R. R. Tolkien's 'All that is gold does not glitter' poem from The Lord of the Rings. The line is also spoken by Velen in World of Warcraft.

Gallery[editedit source]

Prophet Velen, full art
Prophet Velen in World of Warcraft.

Patch changes[editedit source]

  • Patch (2013-10-02): Now also affects the priest's Hero Power. Double the damage and healing of your spells and Hero Power. [7 mana, 7 attack, 7 health, Legendary]
  • Patch (April or May 2013): Stats changed from 5/7 to 7/7.
  • Alpha patch (unknown date, pre-May 2013): Text now reads: Double the damage and healing of your spells.
  • Previously:Battlecry: Draw a card for each undamaged character. [7 mana, 5 Attack, 7 Health, Legendary][3]

Does Prophet Velen Quadruple Hero Power Dmg With Auchenai 3

References[editedit source]

  1. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft - Building the Fire (UK). (2013-03-19).
  2. Screenshot
  3. Alpha patch (unknown date) - Prophet Velen: / Old description: 'Battlecry: Draw a card for each undamaged character.' / New description: 'Double the damage and healing of your spells.'
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