Maplestory Final Dmg 25 Of Def

Hey guys, in this guide I'll be informing you on the following topics:
- Which Bosses actually use Damage Reflect
  1. Final damage is a multiplier that adds to your visible damage numbers at the very end. It does not show up on range because it is calculated after your displayed skill damage. For example, your range is 1 million and you cast a skill that does 10 million damage per line.
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  4. Mydefignore = sum of all ignoredef fields on gear and skills damagelost = monsterPDrate. (1 - mydefignore) damagedone = damagedealt. (1 - damagelost) In which case if mydefignore is larger than 1 (100%), the damage actually done to the monster will be higher than your original damage output.

Basically every boss has over 25% PDR so yes your friend's setup wins, if everything else (range + crit dmg + crit rate) is the same. Also, regarding the 'different boss' and 'post-justice' remark, ignore def still matters: even though the PDR amounts for various bosses were reduced, PDR is still there and it is still very noticeable if you. Snow leopard install dmg download.

- At what HP remaining in which the boss triggers DR
- How often and for how long each boss' DR lasts
- The amount in which these bosses actually DR for
Before we get started, I feel it's important to clarify exactly what Damage Reflect is; so here's my take on it.
Definition: Damage Reflect is a skill that certain [typically harder] bosses can use. Once they use this skill, doing damage to them by any means [unless the skill enables otherwise] will result in them taking no damage while you take a set amount of damage regardless of your hp. The amount you take varies from boss to boss ranging from 200-999,999.Def
Sidenote: DR is commonly suggested to be the worst boss skill of all [worst meaning hardest to deal with], followed by Seduce. To 'get around' DR, you really have to simply be aware of the animation that each boss does right before they use the skill. It's also important to study this chart to know how long each boss' DR lasts for, and at what intervals it is used.


  • Note: The amount each boss DR's for is not always the exact numbers shown below; but are always very close to them. For example Pink Bean will sometimes DR for 35k or even 29k, but I generalised it as 30k.
  • Full DR = Damage Reflects towards both Magical & Physical attacks.
  • Phys DR = Damage Reflects only towards Physical attacks.
  • Magic DR = Damage Reflects only towards Magical attacks.

Spirit of Rock - Full DR
Triggers at: 80% hp
Duration: 5 seconds
Interval/frequency: Every 45 seconds
Amount: 220 damage
Giant Balrog (from Balrog PQ) - Full DR
Triggers at: 50% hp
Duration: 7 seconds
Interval/frequency: 60 seconds
Amount: 1000 damage
Lilinouch - Full DR
Triggers at: 50% hp
Duration: 10 seconds
Interval/frequency: 60 seconds
Amount: 2000 damage
Chaos Horntail Head A [Right Head] - Physical DR
Triggers at: 60% hp
Duration: 7 seconds
Interval/frequency: 60 seconds
Amount: 5000 damage
Chaos Horntail Head C [Left Head] - Magical DR
Triggers at: 50% hp
Duration: 7 seconds
Interval/frequency: 60 seconds
Amount: 5000 damage
Dragonoir - Full DR
Triggers at: 60% hp
Duration: 12 seconds
Interval/frequency: 90 seconds
Amount: 15,000 damage
Cygnus Knights 'Black Witch' Boss [to make a UA] - Full DR
Triggers at: 50% hp
Duration: 10 seconds
Interval/frequency: 60 seconds
Amount: 2000 damage
Cygnus Empress - Full DR
Triggers at: 100% hp
Duration: 15 seconds
Interval/frequency: 80 seconds
Amount: 50,000 damage
Mihile v2 [empress summon] - Full DR
Triggers at: 70% hp
Duration: 7 seconds
Interval/frequency: 70 seconds
Amount: 20,000 damage
Easy Arkarium - Full DR
Triggers at: 100% hp
Duration: 15 seconds
Interval/frequency: 80 seconds
Amount: 50,000 damage
Hard Arkarium - Full DR
Triggers at: 100% hp
Duration: 15 seconds
Interval/frequency: 80 seconds
Amount: 50,000 damage
Hilla - Full DR
Triggers at: 90% hp
Duration: 15 seconds
Interval/frequency: 80 seconds
Amount: 50,000 damage
Hard Hilla - Full DR
Triggers at: 90% hp
Duration: 15 seconds
Interval/frequency: 80 seconds
Amount: 50,000 damage
Ranmaru - Full DR
Triggers at: 90% hpMaplestory Final Dmg 25 Of Def
Duration: 12 seconds
Interval/frequency: 50 seconds
Amount: 1000 damage
Madman Ranmaru - Full DR
Triggers at: 92% hp
Duration: 12 seconds
Interval/frequency: 72 seconds
Amount: 2240 damage
Easy Von Leon - Full DR
Triggers at: 70% hp
Duration: 7 seconds
Interval/frequency: 70 seconds
Amount: 20,000 damage
Hard Von Leon - Full DR
Triggers at: 70% hp
Duration: 7 seconds
Interval/frequency: 70 seconds
Amount: 20,000 damage
Blackheart [DiPQ Boss] - Full DR
Triggers at: 90% hp
Duration: 15 seconds
Interval/frequency: 80 seconds
Amount: 50,000 damage
Crimson Queen [Root Abyss] - Full DR
Triggers at: No specific hp, but rather a mode
Duration: 8 seconds
Interval/frequency: 30 seconds
Amount: 100,000 damage
Chaos Crimson Queen [Root Abyss] - Full DR
Triggers at: No specific hp, but rather a mode
Duration: 8 seconds
Interval/frequency: 30 seconds
Amount: 999,999 damage
Pink Bean - Full DR
Triggers at: 90% hp
Duration: 25 seconds
Interval/frequency: 43 seconds
Amount: 30,000 damage
Chaos Pink Bean - Full DR
Triggers at: 95% hp
Duration: 15 seconds
Interval/frequency: 60 seconds
Amount: 50,000 damage
Chaos Ariel [Final Statue] - Full DR
Triggers at: 90% hp
Duration: 15 seconds
Interval/frequency: 90 seconds
Amount: 50,000 damage
Huigin [Left Bird PB Statue] - Full DR
Triggers at: 90% hp
Duration: 25 seconds
Interval/frequency: 43 seconds
Amount: 30,000 damage
Chaos Huigin [Left Bird CPB Statue] - Full DR
Triggers at: 90% hp
Duration: 25 seconds
Interval/frequency: 43 seconds
Amount: 30,000 damage
Resistance 4th Job Boss - Full DR
Triggers at: 95% hp
Duration: 7 seconds
Interval/frequency: 60 seconds
Amount: 5000 damage
Aufheben [Neo City Boss] - Physical DR
Triggers at: 60% hp
Duration: 7 seconds
Interval/frequency: 60 seconds

Maplestory Final Dmg 25 Of Deficiency

Amount: 5000 damage
Some bosses may be missing, if you can think of one and know the stats of the boss (even if you don't) feel free to let me know and I'll happily add it if it's worth the addition!

Maplestory Final Dmg 25 Of Def 2

Thank you ~ From Sorrowful
P.S I would appreciate if you guys gave this thread a thumbs up if you feel it deserves one; so that Basil can better make a decision on whether or not this can be suitable as a Guide in the Guides section.
[I originally made a large portion of the Guide colour-coated but Basil removed all my lovely colours now it looks so bland Sorry!]
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