Don't Understand The Diablo Dmg Numbers

  1. Don't Understand The Diablo Dmg Numbers For Pc
Hey guys. I'm looking to remake my zons to use some different builds. A bit of info: These two zons were earlier a pit strafe/multi bowazon and LF/PJ javazon running chaos sanctuary. Both those builds were quite successful, but now I wanted to try out something new and hence freezing arrow builds.
I am running WSK on p5, maybe go even higher if possible ( ultimate goal: p8).
Upped mosers with 2 pdiamonds
Silence crusader bow
Nightwing's veil
15 csd/14 lsd Ormus
Thundergods vigor
2/20 bow gloves
Highlord's wrath
rare tri res boots
rare leech ring, ravenfrost.
BC skillers
The idea here was that since LF and FA take up so much mana, I would use silence bow with it's high mana leech to replenish mana using strafe. Since it also gives 75 allres this also meant I could use a resistance shield on switch and thus have max/near max resist both ways. Silence also had +2 skills and decent ias, and strafing would set off ctc blind and flee on all the monsters and provide great crowd control.
The problem? Silence bow utterly sucks. It seems I was misled by my Silence matriarchial spear wielding lightning spearzon who successfully leeches life and mana at an extrordinary rate using fend and thus is greatly helped by infinity merc. With this build though. It seems I can't afford to use infinity merc at all. The leech is pitiful and can't replace insight at all. Hell even with insight I find myself popping potions now and then. Without infinity, the damage isn't as good and this is not a fast build.
I tried replacing defiance merc with might merc with the hope that more physical dmg = more leech. But it doesn't work. Strafe listed damage is 134-502, with might merc 163-802. That is just awful. No wonder it steals nothing, even with 11% mana leech. Went back to defiance merc.
The other problem was gloams.
Yeah, these suckers are deadly. I was so used to cutting them down with 1 swing using sanctuary aura on my p8 running barb and zealot that I couldn't handle them properly. After a while I decided to replace razortail with TGods and this helped a lot. 85% lightning res and some sorb pretty much negates their damage. Also, strafing a bit puts blind on all of them and that helps some.
I still like this character, but having to use insight instead of infinity means that it is a slow build. Not having call to arms doesn't help either. Thing is, I vaguely remembered reading a guide which said that LF/FA was a good build for WSK running amazon, but as it stands this isn't remotely true.
Windforce ( Realgar JOF )
Melody Mat bow ( +6 skills, switch )
Skin of vipermagi
Nightwing's Veil
Highlord's wrath
2/10 BC gloves
rare leech ring, ravenfrost, rare boots
BC skillers
Idea here was, I would use Melody MB for shooting frost arrows, and switch to windforce for strafe. WF would also handle the leech, and infinity merc would be used. In a nice touch, both bows have KB.
Result? It half works. Windforce is amazing. Mana leech with it actually works because of having teh pwnz damage. I also maxed valkyrie since strafe takes much less skill points. It distracts monsters from merc and having all the monsters knocked back and frozen meant that I decided to keep the might merc. Infinity on merc meant much more cold damage. Downside? Melody MB doesn't leech anything. The mana pool is gone in 6 shots.
Effectively 90% of the time I am just using the windforce as keeping up the mana pool matters a lot more than +6 skills. I only switch to the MB for faster and more damaging frost arrows if there's something unleechable and mana leech won't work anyway. In the WSK, that happens a lot. Gloams, skeletons, PIs, you name it. In those cases, I just hit pots, and my mana pool is embarrassingly low ( I had to use res GCs on this character rather than serpents, as it lacks the res from silence/shield )
And of course, there's Baal.
Bowzons suck at act bosses. This isn't exactly news. Fun fact: Even strafing at Baal with windforce doesn't replenish enough mana to keep strafe going due to his low leech effectiveness. With his mana draining attack, it basically means one never has any mana to do anything. I switched out my WF for a fleshripper and whitstan's and it helped some, but I still think merc infinity CB did most of the work. In the end I used the melody bow to shoot frost arrows at him while popping potions.
This character is still good, definitely better than LF/FA, powerful cold damage with infinity and nice leech. Somehow though, I expected more. It's an okay build but nothing compared to summon necromancer let alone barb/zealot.
Anyone has ideas on how to make these characters better, regarding gear or strategies, I'd welcome them.
Note: I don't use time travel equipment.
Thanks for reading!

Don't Understand The Diablo Dmg Numbers For Pc

Aug 12, 2014  If the dev's consistently played D3 on higher torments, they would quickly realize its the HP and Damage scaling as the only difficulty being at the root of the problems of game balance. Another major problem with this dev team is they simply don't understand 'The middleground.' It is a number that is calculated by combining some numbers of your gear and it CAN'T be used to calculate damage of skills. About attack speed: AS doesn't have an effect on the damage that most skills do, it only shows you how often you can use this skill and doesn't take into account, that you don't have unlimited resources. Spss statistics 22 mac.dmg 2016.

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