Fortnite Going Down Immune To Dmg

Feb 08, 2018  Fortnite Servers Down Right Now Update: Back Online With New Patch The popular Battle Royale game will be unplayable for a period of time. Other Factors. When using melee weapons, you're usually trying to kite enemies instead of standing still to avoid damage. As such, your accuracy falls further since you have to factor in more 'time between hits'. There are a lot of downtimes when running melee especially since enemies can zone you. With a +20% Damage on Weapon A and +45% Crit DMG on Weapon B, B becomes better than A at 812 offense points. Throwing on a second perk putting A with +40% DMG and B with +21% Crit Chance & +45% Crit DMG, B becomes better than A at 85 offense points. Dec 06, 2017  Enemies are given a specific velocity (I think some of the newer perks refer to this as Knockback Magnitude). As a rough answer to your question, you can generally assume they will be moved 1 tile. 7) Yes, the Freeze Trap uses the Impact system.

The latest patch update for Fortnite hit the live client earlier today, adding loads of new features, gameplay changes, and bug fixes to both Save the World and Battle Royale modes. Since the patch notes for Update v3.4 went live this morning, players have been buzzing about one particular adjustment that reclassifies two shotgun types in Fortnite. These changes have caused a seemingly new blue pump shotgun to become available in Battle Royale, prompting players to keep an eye out for these rare blue weapon drops.

In Fortnite Update v3.4, Epic has reclassified shotguns based on rarity, changing the rarity colors and categories for both Tactical and Pump Shotguns in Fortnite Battle Royale. According to Epic’s patch notes, they have adjusted the rarity colors on shotguns to better represent their effectiveness.

Tactical Shotguns will no longer have an Epic variant and will now only come in Common, Uncommon, and Rare rarities. However, it’s the Pump Shotgun that has garnered attention today, as pumps will now drop as either Uncommon or Rare weapons rather than Common/Uncommon, resulting in rare blue pump shotgun drops in Fortnite.

Although the shotgun rarity colors have changed, characteristics such as weapon damage and drop rate will remain the same. Blue pump shotguns only differ from their previous version in rarity category and color.

The stats of the blue pump shotgun are effectively the same as its former Uncommon version. For reference, we’ve included the stats for Fortnite's rare blue pump shotgun in the chart below.


I have 40% damage absorbtion from Primal Bond and Maiven's so I was curious if they made the turtle shield stronger. Constellations grim dawn vitality dmg 3. I've started a Vitality damage druid and so far it's going pretty good, but people don't seem to think much of the Turtle constellation and I was wondering if it was decent in my build and worth keeping.




Fire Rate



Pump Shotgun







Unfortunately, this means that the blue pump shotgun is not really anything new, as it is functionally and statistically the same as it was when it was an Uncommon pump. However, the new Heavy Shotgun was added to Fortnite just last week, giving players another powerful close-quarters weapon to look for in Battle Royale.

Fortnite Update v3.4 still had plenty of new content in store for players looking to get their hands on a new weapon in Fortnite. Today’s patch added a brand new Guided Missile weapon to Battle Royale, a unique launcher that allows players to control individual missiles and guide them toward a target. A seasonal Egg Launcher is also available for those who want to celebrate Easter by rocket-riding across the battlegrounds in style.

Alongside Update v3.4 came a new series of challenges for Battle Pass owners as well. Head over to our guide on where to search between a metal bridge, three billboards, and crashed bus to earn yourself ten quick Battle Stars in Fortnite Battle Royale.

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About the author

Larryn is a content creator on YouTube and a full-time writer who has written guides and editorial features for various gaming websites. She can often be found at small gatherings preaching the gospel of The Witcher 3.

If you play Fortnite Save the World like its Call of Duty, it certainly can be done, but you are going to have to take a timeout every few missions to go round up a bunch of nuts and bolts for all that ammo you use up. Instead, you can spend less material for a trap that murders all those husks for you. However, you need to know what traps are effective for what sort of situations. You also need to take care in leveling traps with relatively decent rolls. You don’t want want a level 3 trap with terrible rolls because chances are something better will come along much sooner. So head on down below to learn all about trappin’.

*The Trap Stats shown on this page are credited to Whitesushi and his epic Google Doc Speadsheet.

Recommended Reading:How to Choose the Best Stat Rolls for Your Traps

Wall Traps

Wall Darts

This trap shoots darts out in a straight line in front of it damaging enemies. Excellent for the far end of kill tunnels in which multiple enemies will be in a straight line. These darts only have a maximum range of three tile, but they can shoot over low walls and pyramids. As they do not require precious nuts and bolts, they also are a good “I want to put a trap on this wall, but I don’t want to spend a lot of resources” trap.

DMGDelayReloadStunCrit ChanceCrit DMGDurability

Wall Dynamo

Let’s out a big shock burst in front of the trap area. These wall traps feature both high damage and a stun for enemies, but the trade-off is that it has a long reload time. The major benefit is that this is one of the few traps you can put on low walls making it great for combining with other traps like having wall darts on a full wall behind your half wall.

DMGDelayReloadStunCrit ChanceCrit DMGDurability
Uncommon 183 1 12 .5 10% 50% 27
Rare 204 1 12 .5 10% 50% 30
Epic 224 1 12 .5 10% 50% 33
Legendary 245 1 12 .5 10% 50% 36

Wall Launcher

Fortnite Going Down Immune To Dmg Work

A spring loaded launcher that can launch husks 1 to 2 tiles away. This offers a light stun in the form of a knockback. However, the best way to utilize these traps, aside from keeping husks off important walls, is to launch husks off a cliff or into a basement pit with no stairs upwards. In both situations, those husks will despawn.

DMGDelayReloadStunCrit ChanceCrit DMGDurability
Uncommon 1 8 KB 18
Rare 1 8 KB 20
Epic 1 8 KB 22
Legendary 1 8 KB 24

*KB means knockback, which is technically a stun. Install dmg on usb windows.

Wall Lights

A set of lights that turn on to stun husks. This is an excellent choice for stunning husks so you can shoot them. However, it is best utilized to stun husks in ceiling gas traps or other damage traps, especially those with a fast reload.

Fortnite going down immune to dmg 2
DMGDelayReloadStunCrit ChanceCrit DMGDurability
Rare 1 12 2.5 20
Epic 1 12 2.5 22
Legendary 1 12 2.5 24

Wall Spikes

It’s a board. With spikes on it. This trap can be placed on any size wall and has a low reload time. This trap essentially does damage every time a husk beats on that wall, but the wall will still take damage. The damage is, unfortunately, low, though so it is difficult to make great use of.

DMGDelayReloadStunCrit ChanceCrit DMGDurability
Uncommon 61 1 2 5% 50% 202
Rare 61 1 2 5% 50% 223
Epic 61 1 2 5% 50% 245
Legendary 61 1 2 5% 50% 270

Ceiling Traps

AOE Ceiling Zapper

A trap that send an AOE shock pulse out in a 3×3 field from the center. This bad boy is excellent for clearing a lot of weak husks, but at least one husk has to pass immediately under it to trigger.

DMGDelayReloadStunCrit ChanceCrit DMGDurability
Rare 50 1 6 5% 50% 30
Epic 55 1 6 5% 50% 33
Legendary 60 1 6 5% 50% 36

Single Target Ceiling Zapper

It zaps a single target. This is like a wall dynamo for the ceiling. It does a lot of damage, but takes a while to reload. Decent if you have a lot of strong husks passing through a long, thin area.

DMGDelayReloadStunCrit ChanceCrit DMGDurability
Uncommon 277 3 12 .5 5% 50% 18
Rare 308 3 12 .5 5% 50% 20
Epic 338 3 12 .5 5% 50% 22
Legendary 369 3 12 .5 5% 50% 24

Ceiling Gas

Gases out your enemies. This ceiling trap is great for damage over time, but what you want is something that slows or stuns enemies to keep them in it longer. Best used when alternated with some sort of ceiling zapper.

DMGDelayReloadStunCrit ChanceCrit DMGDurability
Uncommon 34 1 8 5% 50% 27
Rare 38 1 8 5% 50% 30
Epic 41 1 8 5% 50% 33
Legendary 45 1 8 5% 50% 36

Ceiling Drop

Drops tires on husks. Can be triggered from three-titles-tall ceiling, but does not effect damage. Due to fall time, tires actually only do damage when set on a one-tile-high ceiling. =/ Will fall down at least two tiles of stairs, though.

DMGDelayReloadStunCrit ChanceCrit DMGDurability
Rare 41 1 12 5% 50%
Epic 45 1 12 5% 50%
Legendary 50 1 12 5% 50%

Floor Traps

Floor Launcher

A spring-loaded plate that launches enemies upwards. Like the wall launcher, but floor-style. Enemies, however, need to be relatively centered to trigger it. Best used to launch an enemy up and out using a slanted surface placed about it.

DMGDelayReloadStunCrit ChanceCrit DMGDurability
Uncommon 1 8 KB 18
Rare 1 8 KB 20
Epic 1 8 KB 22
Legendary 1 8 KB 24

*KB means knockback, which is technically a stun.

Retractable Floor Spikes

A pad with spikes that will shoot up and retract back. Preferable to wooden floor spikes due to their high damage. However, they are nuts and bolts costly and have a high reload time. Best used for big groups, if possible.

DMGDelayReloadStunCrit ChanceCrit DMGDurability
Uncommon 108 1 6 10% 50% 27
Rare 122 1 6 10% 50% 30
Epic 132 1 6 10% 50% 33
Legendary 144 1 6 10% 50% 36

Wooden Floor Spikes

Boards. With nails in them. Wooden floor spikes do low damage over time, which is helpful when enemies are stunned on them. however, their real benefit is that they slow down enemies around 30%. A good advanced trap to slow down and group up husks.

DMGDelayReloadStunCrit ChanceCrit DMGDurability
Uncommon 14 1 2.2 5% 10% 202
Rare 15 1 2.2 5% 10% 223
Epic 17 1 2.2 5% 10% 245
Legendary 18 1 2.2 5% 10% 270

Healing Pad

Heals you. It has low durability, each durability being a healing potion, and takes a while to reload. Helpful if you need heals, obviously.

Fortnite Going Down Immune To Dmg Download

HealingDelayReloadStunCrit ChanceCrit DMGDurability
Uncommon 140 1 10 5
Rare 155 1 10 6
Epic 171 1 10 7
Legendary 186 1 10 8

Patrol Ward

Fortnite Going Down Immune To Dmg 2

A ward placed down to prevent spawns in the effected area. Does not effect the spawns that come from the little purple tornado funnels. Although useless early in the game, they are excellent later in the game so you can build in peace. Durability appears to work on a time.

DMGDelayReloadStunCrit ChanceCrit DMGDurability
Uncommon 1 1 18
Rare 1 1 20
Epic 1 1 22
Legendary 1 1 24

Freeze Pad

Fortnite Going Down Immune To Dmg 3

They freeze husks in place. Good for stunning husk fodder, but with a high reload time. Do note that resistances mean you will need higher values to freeze bigger husks. For example, Husky Husks take being hit by two freeze traps to freeze while standard husks only need one. Does not effect different elements differently.

DMGDelayReloadStunCrit ChanceCrit DMGDurability
Rare 1 12 20
Epic 1 12 22
Legendary 1 12 24
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