Good Genji Dmg Per 10

Armor 0
  1. Good Genji Dmg Per 10 Pounds
  2. Good Genji Dmg Per 10 2017
  3. Good Genji Dmg Per 10 Minutes



Real Name: Gabriel Reyes
Age: Unknown
Occupation: Mercenary
Base of Operations: Unknown
Affiliation: Unknown

Reaper steals health from his enemies as he damages them.

May 29, 2016  Today in Overwatch I want to cover how to counter the infamous Mei, with some tips and tricks that may help you avoid getting killed by her over and over again. The public mindset currently is. One thing I would just like to add to Reaper is he is especially good on defense for setting up ambushes. Because of his short range it can sometimes be difficult when attacking to get good positioning, but on defense you just hide around corners or on ledges and let them walk into you.

Good Genji Dmg Per 10 Pounds

Damage: 42 – 140 (20 pellets that each do 2.1-7 dmg)
Falloff Range: 10 – 20 meters
Ammo: 8
Reload Time: 1.5 seconds
Fire Rate: 2 shots per second


Can headshot

  • Reaper can animation cancel his reload with a melee attack
  • Because Hellfire shotgun projects 20 pellets, headshots are unreliable beyond 5 meters
  • Instead, aim for the neck

Reaper steals health from his enemies as he damages them.

Ability: Reloads Primary fire ammo
Movement Speed: 7.1 m/s (+50%)
Duration: 3 seconds or until canceled
Cooldown: 8 seconds

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Reaper becomes a shadow for a short period of time. While in this form, he takes no damage and is able to pass through enemies, but cannot fire his weapons or use other abilities.

Range: 35 m range
Cast Time: 1.5 seconds
Duration: 2 seconds
Cooldown: 10 seconds

  • Reaper is invisible while exiting Shadow Step
  • Disabled by Zarya’s Graviton Surge and Junkrat’s Steel Trap

After marking a destination, Reaper disappears and reappears at that location.

Damage Rate: 170 AoE damage per second (510 Max)
Radius: 8 m
Movement Speed: 3 m/s
Duration: 3 seconds

Cannot headshot

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  • Primary attack ammo is automatically reloaded on completion

In a blur of motion, Reaper empties both Hellfire Shotguns at breakneck speed, dealing massive damage to all nearby enemies.

Strong Against

Weak Against

Synergizes With

Teleport Locations

Tip For Every Hero

Armor 0



Real Name: Amélie Lacroix
Age: 33
Occupation: Assassin
Base of Operations: Annecy, France
Affiliation: Talon

Damage: 13 per shot
Ammo: 30 shots
Fire Rate: 10 shots per second
Reload time: 1.5 seconds
Headshot? Can headshot

Widowmaker’s rifle can be shot in fully-automatic mode allowing her to effectively shoot targets from close to medium range.

Damage: 120 fully charged (12 uncharged)
Charge Time: .75 sec to fully charge and 0.33 sec to scope in/out
Ammo: 30
Ammo Used: 3 per shot
Reload time: 1.5 seconds
Movement Speed: 1.9 m/s
Headshot? Can headshot

Widowmaker’s versatile sniper rifle is ideal for scope-aimed shots at distant targets.

  • Scoped sensitivity is separate from regular sensitivity
    • A recommended value is 37.89 (at 16:9 ratio with 103 FoV)
  • Critical hit multiplier is 2.5x
    • 45% charged critical kills a 150 health hero
    • 63% charged critical kills a 200 health hero
    • 82% charged critical kills a 250 health hero
  • Target priority should be
    1. Enemies that present a threat to you
    2. Supports
    3. Other DPS
    4. Tanks

Widowmaker’s Movement Speed: 16 m/s
Projectile Speed: 20 m/s
Range: 20 m
Cooldown: 10 seconds

Widowmaker launches a grappling hook towards the location she’s aiming at – when the hook connects with a scalable surface, she’s quickly drawn towards it, allowing her to expand her view of the battlefield and evade or flank targets.

Damage: 15 per second (75 total)
Radius: 3 m
Duration: Lasts until destroyed
Projectile Speed: 19 m/s
Cooldown: 15 seconds

Widowmaker adheres a swiftly-arming venom mine to nearly any surface. When a target wanders within range of the mine’s motion trigger, it explodes, delivering poison gas to any enemies in the vicinity.

Widowmaker’s recon visor allows her to see the heat signatures of her targets through walls and objects for a moderate amount of time. This enhanced vision is shared with her allies.

Strong Against

Good Genji Dmg Per 10 2017

Countered By

Synergy With

Tip Against Every Character

Good Genji Dmg Per 10 Minutes

Widowmaker Guide

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