How Much Dmg Does Cho Gath Ult Do


I main this champ, but i really think he needs a kind of buff, as top or mid laner.
The fact is his damage are ok, no need more damage, even with the nerf of lichbane which was a nerf for midlane..
So.. what's the prob?
To resume his weaknesses for teamfight, his mana pull, not so great regen without farming in comparaison with other tank.. yes lot of hp, but BORK.. and when you kill him, he lost a LOT of hp, and dont tank as good as other tank.
When he is full stack and lost 3 stack.. it means he has to wait 2 min to eat 3 more creeps and get full stack again.. but when he has to ulti creeps, he can't use it in teamfight and lost a lot of his power.. and without his ulti he doesnt make as much damage as actual tank.. renek, mundo, trundle, shyvana..
Maybe Riot can think something to make him less dependant of his ulti to become tanky?
His passive regen is quite useless in teamfight..
Then, in fact i dont really complain about that.
There is other way to make cho gath as balanced champion.
Other problems are his 'high cd' with skillshot, very vulnerable if he miss his Q.
The fact is his W starts from the center of the champ, and not his mouth. So.. the bigger he becomes, the lower the range of his W is ! I think it's like a bug, and maybe Riot can simply move where his W starts, cos the visual spell change, but not the damage spells (hope you can understand my english :x).
The second great problem is his mana, althought he has mana regen for lane phase, in teamfight, his mana cost are a bit high, and his mana pool a bit low.. after some spells, he can't do a **** !
And without mana, as top or mid laner, Cho'Gath lose a lot of his potential, to engage or simply cc or harass enemy team.
So, if Riot could up his manapool, or decrease a bit his mana cost spell, and fix the glith of his W (yes, cos his spines E become bigger the bigger he is, but his W, as explain has lower range.. not as the visual spells before launch it show us..), then Cho'Gath will be, i think, very balanced.
He doesn't need more damage.. not even to reduce his cd spells, but at least the two things i just tell you.
Thx Riot if you could read this and answer.
Maybe for next patch, with maybe a void even with kog maw kha zix vel koz.. it could be sooo cool !

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How Much Dmg Does Cho Gath Ult Do

How Much Dmg Does Cho'gath Ult Do Take

Mar 04, 2018  How Much Damage Riven Can Do Against a Season 8 Tank Cho'Gath? - Best of LoL Streams #312 Synapse. The Most Impressive Blind Nunu Ult You'll See on Youtube. Feb 22, 2017  Cho’Gath’s ability to enjoy a good meal has always been a staple of his champion, allowing him to grow in size and gain health with every successful crunch. Well, in Patch 7.4, Cho’Gath is.

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