Can A Monk Weapon Use Unarmed Strike Dmg Pathfinder

Weapon finesse, weapon focus (temple sword), slashing grace (temple sword), martial versitility (allows you to add a feat that effects one weapon to the entire weapon group, use it to apply slashing grace to all monk weapons) Pump dex as high as you can, since you get dex to damage by level 7 and can charge and full attack at level 2. A monk or any character with the Improved Unarmed Strike feat can deal lethal or Nonlethal Damage with unarmed strikes, at his discretion. The Damage from an unarmed strike is considered weapon Damage for the purposes of effects that give you a bonus on weapon Damage rolls. An unarmed strike is always considered a light weapon. If the weapon merely changes an unarmed strike to lethal damage, then you should use the damage of your unarmed strike with that weapon. Even if you are a monk (or Warpriest) who deals more than 1d3 damage with your unarmed strike. Plus, doesn't it seem strange that you can punch someone bare-knuckled for 1d10. Yes, your unarmed attack are +4 to hit and deal 1d4 + 2 damage. You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and monk weapons.

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Can someone explain this to me:
Why would a monk ever use a weapon? He does far more damage with his fists, so the fast he has usable weapons is really silly (flavor aside).
I would find it more interesting if the weapons added something to his damage. It is hard to replace a hard hitting fist, just to get a +2 to trip.
Also, the unarmed attack feat.. again, unless you are a monk, who takes this? Your damage doesn't increase, so you are limited to 1d3 or just slightly higher with mods. I ask about this because there are PrC of brawler for a fighter (or maybe they are fighter build options) and they are really cool, except they do crap damage and are pointless.. lol.
So give me the straightdope..
Home >Equipment >Weapons >Weapon Descriptions >

Damage 1d2 (small), 1d3 (medium); Critical x2; Type Bludgeoning
Category Light; Proficiency Simple
Weapon Group Close

Can A Monk Weapon Use Unarmed Strike Dmg Pathfinder 3

An unarmed strike is always considered a light weapon. Therefore, you can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with an unarmed strike. Unarmed strikes do not count as natural weapons (see Combat). The damage from an unarmed strike is considered weapon damage for the purposes of effects that give you a bonus on weapon damage rolls.

A monk or any character with the Improved Unarmed Strike feat can deal lethal or nonlethal damage with unarmed strikes, at his discretion.


Can A Monk Weapon Use Unarmed Strike Dmg Pathfinder 2017

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.

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