Mage Caps Base While Taking Dmg

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  1. Mage Caps Base While Taking Dmg Download
  2. Mage Caps Base While Taking Dmg Free
  3. Mage Caps Base While Taking Dmg 2
  4. Mage Caps Base While Taking Dmg In Windows 7
  1. Pros & Cons of being an Arc Mage
  2. Race Choosing
  3. Talent Tree
  4. Glyphs
  5. Statistics
  6. Gear
  7. Enchants
  8. Gems
  9. Professions
  10. Rotation Explanation
  11. Tips & Tricks
  12. Macros & Keybindings
  13. Addons & UI
  14. Frequently Asked Questions

Battlemage Build Guide for Red Prince or any Lizard. This build is meant for 4-man Party. Team comp: best goes with a second mage so both can combo spells with each other. Last two should be either ranger or rogue, having a second front-liner is not recommended, since this build involves alot of close range AoE that can friendly-fires. How to build a blaster/damage wizard or sorcerer in Pathfinder? Base level 5 spell slot is 20d6+40 dmg, 165 dmg. And he can add metamagic both at preparation.

While it's obvious that 100% means every hit will crit, you still can counter resilience by overstacking crit rate. This doesn't work for crit dmg though. It's hard capped at 300% before stats like resilience apply. The amount of base dmg only matters when discussing the priority of ailments applied. So if you deal fire, shadow and rend damage, but can only apply two ailments in a single hit with a single skill, then it will take the two highest dmgs of the tree types you deal in order to decide which ailment is applied.

Pros & Cons of being an Arc Mage
  • Pros
    - Increase your party/raid members damage by +3% from Arcane Empowerment (more about it below)
    - 'Easy' spell rotation (huge damage even without skill)
    - Low Hit Cap (good for low geared players)
    - Easy switch between Brust (high DMG) and Mana-Saving modes (allows you to manage your mana all time)
    - Each gear upgrade will give you awesome DPS upgrade
  • Cons
    - Buggs on Molten: sometimes, with higher latency and haste close to hard cap (cast in 1 sec) your Arcane Missiles launch only 3-4 times instead of 5 (huge DPS lost)
    - Some uneducated players will name you 'arcane noob'
    - Very restricted gearing (you can't depend only on GearScore, but need to re-think every item in inventory three times)

Now, more about raid buff from Arcane Empowerment. Some people says that +3% is nothing special, but lets do some maths.
  • What we know for sure:
    - Icecrown Citadel 25-mode bosses have - in average - 50'000'000 health (I'm not counting Lower Spire)
    - There are usualy 2 tanks, 5 healers and 18 DPSers in 25-man raid
  • Raid math without Arcane Mage:
    - Lets count how much DMG is required
    50'000'000 HP : 18 DPSers ~ 2'777'777 DMG on 1 head

    - It means each DPS must do around 2'770'000 DMG during the fight to kill boss
  • Raid with Arcane Mage
    - All raid members have +3% of their normal DMG
    - It means 1'500'000 DMG comes for free without any special activity
  • Conclusions
    - In raid without Arc Mage every DPS must do 2'770'000 DMG
    - In raid with Arc Mage 1'500'000 DMG comes for free
    (1'500'000 * 100%) / 2'770'000 ~ 54%

    - Arcane Empowerment gives you another (hypothetical) DPSer with 54% of normal DPSer damage (so it's like 'Twenty-five An Half Man' mode ;) )

Race Choosing
  • Gnome:
    - In my opinion best Alliance race for mage PvE
    - Expansive Mind gives you +5% of your Intelect what means more Mana and Spellpower from Mind Mastery
    - Escape Artist may be useful is some fights, not only PvP
    - Arcane Resistance - minor meaning
    - Engineering Specialization allows you to level Engineering easier (what is not a bad choice for mage)
  • Human
    - In my opinion best Alliance race if you want also PvP much, but not bad in PvE too
    - The Human Spirit means more mana regen and some more Crit from Molten Armor
    - Every Man for Himself and nothing can stop you. useful for PvE and PvP.
    - Diplomacy - easier reputation farm means you will be able to buy fractions gear and enchants faster
    - Perception- only PvP usage
    - Sword Specialization, Mace Specialization - useless for mage
  • Dranei
    - Heroic Presence lower Hit cap, but for most time you wont be only Dranei in raid
    - Shadow Resistance - minor upgrade for some fights
    - Gift of the Naaru - well, you heal yourself a bit (really 'a bit').
    - Gemcutting - easier Jewelcrafting leveling, not a bad choice for mage profession

  • Troll
    - In my opinion best Horde race for mage PvE
    - Berserking - Haste brust!
    - Regeneration - some free health in combat
    - Da Voodoo Shuffle may be usefull in PvE
    - Beast Slaying - 5% more damage on beast type mobs..
    - Bow Specialization, Throwing Specialization - useless
  • Blood Elf
    - Not a bad choice for PvE too
    - Arcane Torrent - free 6% mana restore
    - Magic Resistance - minor upgrade
    - Arcane Affinity - easier Enchanting leveling, not a bad proffesion for mage
  • Undead
    - In my opinion best Hurde race for mage PvP, not so good for PvE
    - Will of the Forsaken may have some use in PvE, but mostly PvP skill
    - Cannibalize - like above
    - Shadow Resistance - mionr upgrade
    - Underwater Breathing - useless in combat

Talent Tree
This is my recomended Talent Tree for Arcane Mage raiding:
Molten Armory Mage build 57/3/11
I'm not recomending any changes in Frost and Fire tree - those points are 100% worthy to spend. You want to know why? Use your brains - at the end you want to be mage so start think ;)
Now, about Arcane tree. There might be some variations of those 57 talents. Fell free to find your own set. This is some other builds i saw in-game:
  • Molten Armory Arcane Mage long range shooter - two points in Magic Attunement can do amazing things in ICC battles. I'm recomending to use this build if you have enough end-game gear to reach higher Hit cap.
  • Molten Armory Arcane Mage build with ArcBarrage - gives you Arcane Barrage spell to reset Arcane debuff, usefull for mages with lower gear and Mana issues, not recomended at end-game raiding
  • Molten Armory Arcane Mage build with ArcBarrage and Slow - I'm recomending to use it only in 5-man instances, becouse you shall use Slow only for Torment the Weak and there will be plenty of similar effect from other raid members
  • Paulacatob Talent Tree with 2 points into Magic Attunement (longer range) and 1 point into Magic Absorption (resistance and mana restoration). You have also 2 points into Frost Warding (what seems not fully working at the moment)
  • TIP: Arcane Focus is better than Arcane Meditation.

Major Glyphs
  • Glyph of Molten Armor - yes, Molten Armor is better than Mage Armor, at the end of this guide you will understand that Arc Mages never have 'mana issues' just play as they were designed so we shall increase DPS
  • Glyph of Arcane Missiles - description says everything, 25% critical hit bonus
  • Glyph of Arcane Blast - you are DPSer so +3% is always good for you

Minor Glyph
  • Glyph of Slow Fall - no more feathers in your bags, life saving spell when Archmages come at Valithria Dreamwalker encounter
  • Glyph of Frost Ward - you may use Frost Ward sometimes while moving at Sindragosa and Lich King encounter, it gives healers a bit help. Better than any other Minor Glyph.
  • Glyph of Fire Ward - you may use Fire Ward sometimes while moving at Blood Prince Council (Valanar) and Koralon the Flame Watcher encounter, it gives healers a bit help. Better than any other Minor Glyph.

You shall read proper sections of this topic:
[3.3.5a] Ultimate Mage Theorycraft - Everything is Here! 3.3.5a
It explains everything about differences between Ratings and Chances, etc.
In short words for Arcane Mages PvE:
  • Statistics priority:
  • Hit Cap (never miss on boss) = 17% Hit Chance (446 Hit Rating)
  • With Arcane Focus and Precision you need 289 Hit Rating to cap (11% Hit Chance)
  • Every point less in Arcane Focus means that you need 26.232 Hit Rating more to cap
  • Spell Power - around 3'000-3'500 is good
  • Haste - as much as you can get, until you reach Arcane Blast casting time = 1 sec (count all haste buffs like Icy Veins, Heroism, etc.)
  • Critical strike - you shall focus on it when you reach good amount of Haste
  • Spirit - well, better don't go for it, let Priests, Warlock and Fire Mages have items with +Spirit. Equip such items ONLY if you don't have any replacment. Contribution from Molten Armor shall not be reason to waste item slot for +Spirit. If you have weaker item with stats other than Spirit better use it instead - your DPS will be higher.

  • Comming soon.

This is only enchants without any Prfessions on your character. Bonuses from them will be show in proper section.
  • Weapon (One-Handed) - Mighty Spellpower or Black Magic
  • Weapon (Two-Handed) - Greater Spellpower or Black Magic
  • Head - Arcanum of Burning Mysteries
  • Shoulder - Greater Inscription of the Storm
  • Back - Greater Speed
  • Chest - Powerful Stats
  • Wrist - Superior Spellpower
  • Hands - Exceptional Spellpower
  • Waist - Eternal Belt Buckle with Runed Cardinal Ruby
  • Legs - Brilliant Spellthread
  • Feet - Icewalker or Tuskarr's Vitality

Use Icewalker only if you need some Hit Rating to cap. Otherwise i recomend Tuskarr's Vitality - wasting less time on moving means you can start casting faster, what is better than +12 Crit (you don't benefint from Hit after cap). And +15 Stamina isn't bad at all.
The choice of gems is pretty much dictated by the weights of the stats. Best choice is of course the pure +spellpower gems. Carefully consider how much benefit you get from the socket bonus, and decide if it's worth to discard them and putting just red spellpower gems into the sockets.
Best gems at proper socket color:
  • Meta socket - Chaotic Skyflare Diamond
  • Red socket - Runed Cardinal Ruby
  • Yellow socket - Reckless Ametrine
  • Blue socket - Purified Dreadstone

In order to activate the Chaotic Skyflare Diamond meta gem, you need two blue gems (2x Purified Dreadstone). Place them ONLY in blue sockets.
Decide which yellow sockets you want to fill with Reckless Ametrine - do it only if the socket bonus is worth it (personaly i place it in +7 Spell Power and +9 Spell Power bonuses).
Fill the rest of the sockets with Runed Cardinal Ruby, regardless of their color.
If you have Eternal Belt Buckle on your belt fill that socket with Runed Cardinal Ruby - it doesn't count for socket bonus anyway.
  • Comming soon.

Rotation Explanation
This is power of Arcane Mage - easy rotation that allows you to manage your mana all time and decide how much and HOW LONG you need to DPS on boss. When raid is going fine you can do 100% of your abilities, if something went wrong (and half raid is dead) you can maintain DPS mostly forever.
Basic Rotation
  • Arcane Blast (Stack 1)
  • Arcane Blast (Stack 2)
  • Arcane Blast (Stack 3)
  • Arcane Blast (Stack 4)
  • If Missile Barrage is up cast Arcane Missiles
  • Otherwise cast Arcane Blast until Missile Barrage is up or cast Arcane Barrage if you have it to reset Stacks and save mana
  • Repeat

Mana-saving Rotation
  • Arcane Blast (Stack 1)
  • Arcane Blast (Stack 2)
  • If Missile Barrage is up cast Arcane Missiles
  • Otherwise cast Arcane Blast until Missile Barrage is up or cast Arcane Barrage if you have it to reset Stacks and save mana
  • Try NOT to cast Arcane Missiles without less than 2 Stacks of Arcane Blast unless you are realy out of mana and don't have it to cast one more Arcane Blast
  • Repeat

High Damage Rotation (without Heroism)
  • Cast Presence of Mind
  • Arcane Blast (Stack 1)
  • Arcane Blast (Stack 2)
  • Arcane Blast (Stack 3)
  • Cast Mirror Image (if you have T10 4 pieces set bonus)
  • Cast Icy Veins, Arcane Power, use Trinkets
  • Arcane Blast (Stack 4)
  • If Missile Barrage is up cast Arcane Missiles
  • Otherwise cast Arcane Blast until Missile Barrage is up. DO NOT reset stack without Missile Barrage and Arcane Missiles
  • If you reach 1 second Arcane Blast cast u can decide to cast it more than 4 times before reset (watch your mana pool carefully)
  • Go back to basic rotation

High Damage Rotation (with Heroism)
NOTE: most end-game guilds I play use Heroism/Bloodlust after around 10sec from Pull, so:
  • Boss pull here
  • Arcane Blast (Stack 1)
  • Arcane Blast (Stack 2)
  • Arcane Blast (Stack 3)
  • Arcane Blast (Stack 4)
  • If Missile Barrage is up cast Arcane Missiles
  • Otherwise cast Arcane Blast until Missile Barrage is up
  • Somewhere here shaman will use Heroism/Bloodlust, if no start 1 more Basic Rotation and wait for it
  • Cast Presence of Mind
  • Arcane Blast (Stack 1)
  • Arcane Blast (Stack 2)
  • Arcane Blast (Stack 3)
  • Cast Mirror Image (if you have T10 4 pieces set bonus)
  • Cast Icy Veins, Arcane Power, use Trinkets
  • Arcane Blast (Stack 4)
  • If Missile Barrage is up cast Arcane Missiles
  • Otherwise cast Arcane Blast until Missile Barrage is up. DO NOT reset stack without Missile Barrage and Arcane Missiles
  • If you reach 1 second Arcane Blast cast u can decide to cast it more than 4 times before reset (watch your mana pool carefully)
  • Go back to basic rotation

AoE Damage Rotation (Area-of-Effect)
NOTE: Different ranks of Flamestrike give separate DoT (Damage-over-Time) effects. You may cast as many Ranks as you want, but i recomend only Rank 9 and 8.
  • Cast Presence of Mind
  • Cast Flamestrike (Rank 9)
  • Cast Flamestrike (Rank 8)
  • Cast Blizzard
  • Repeat (DoT's will fade before you stop casting Blizzard)

Tips & Tricks
  • 'Heeee 500 mana here XD' - MAJOR RULE FOR ARCANE MAGE. When boss is dead you shall have only several percent of mana. If you have more it means you didn't make 100% od possible DPS. Try re-think High Damage Rotation and add more Arcane Blast casts.
  • 'Keep castin yo @#$!%#!' - you shall casting spell 99,99% time of encounter, any second non-casting = waste of DPS
  • 'Police! Dont Move!' - realy, you shall reduce your moving to minimum. Move only if your (or raid mambers) life is in danger
  • 'Drinkin, drinkin..' - use first Mana Sapphire after you have 4'000 mana lack in your mana pool (around second Basic Rotation) and another as soon as possible. Also use Runic Mana Potion and/or Runic Mana Injector when needed.
  • '<DND> Meditating' - if you are runing out of mana in long fight use Evocation while you will be able to use Icy Veins again (after High Damage Rotation). NEVER Evocate in fight without Icy Veins!
  • 'So cold here, folks..' - your Ice Block is miracle from Heaven. You can use it if healers stoped healing you for some reason or raid (or only you!) is going to take heavy damage from boss abilities
  • 'Keep the distance.. dude.. dude!' - stay in range. Simply. Dont go closer to boss than 20-30 yard range. There is no need to go closer and it may cost you life. In several encounters you shall watch range between raid members too.
  • 'Klickin, klickin..' - use Keybindings. I still see players who obviously use mouse to cast spells etc. It's pitiful waste of time.

Mage Caps Base While Taking Dmg Download

Macros & Keybindings
This is all my Keybindings and Macros I use at the moment. Specially for this guide i re-wrote all of them and set easier keybindings. You can place all those macros in a single action bar.
Missing things: Arcane Brilliance, Focus Magic, Potions.
'W','A','S','D' - Moving
'Space' - Jump
KEY '1' - Spell Mirror ImageMage caps base while taking dmg free
KEY '2' - Macro 'AB Normal':
/cast [mod:ctrl] Presence of mind
/cast [mod:shift, nochanneling] Arcane Missiles;
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2 Arcane Blast, Arcane Blast
KEY '3' - Macro 'AB Power':Mage caps base while taking dmg in windows 7
#showtooltip Arcane Blast
/use 14
/cast Icy Veins
/cast Arcane Power
/cast [mod:shift, nochanneling] Arcane Missiles;
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=2 Arcane Blast, Arcane Blast
KEY '4' - Macro 'AoE Eye'
/cast [mod:shift] Arcane Explosion
/cast Frost Nova
KEY '5' - Macro 'FireB/Cone'
/cast [mod:shift] Cone of cold
/cast Fire Blast
KEY 'Q' - Macro 'AoE Zone'
#showtooltip Flamestrike
/cast Presence of Mind
/castsequence Flamestrike(Rank 9), Flamestrike(Rank 8), Blizzard
KEY 'F' - Macro 'Counter/Slow'
/cast [mod:shift] Slow
/cast Counterspell
KEY 'T' - Macro 'Morph/SSteal'

/cast [mod:shift] Spellsteal
/cast Polymorph
KEY 'G' - Macro 'Escape'
/cast [mod:shift] Blink
/cast [mod:ctrl] Invisibility
/cast Escape Artist
KEY 'E' - Macro 'Defense'
/cast [mod:shift] Ice block
/cancelaura [mod:shift] Ice block
/cast Mana Shield
KEY 'R' - Macro 'Regen'
/cast [mod:shift] Evocation
/use Mana Sapphire
KEY 'Z' - Macro 'PvE Buff'
/castsequence [mod:shift,@player] reset=3 Dampen Magic, Molten Armor, Arcane Intellect
/cast [@mouseover, exists][@player] Slow Fall

Addons & UI
  • Comming soon.

Frequently Asked Questions
From this topic and PM's.

Mage Caps Base While Taking Dmg Free

  1. What slowing effects which works in bosses activates torment the weak?
    Look over here: List of Snare effects, List of Slow effects.
  2. Can i win a frostfire mage with this spec and the correct rotation?
    Depends on fire mage you will compare. Arcane Missiles problem makes your dps lower than skilled fire mage with same gear but don't forget about raid buff - none fire mage can bring that to raid.
  3. Potion of speed (500 haste in 15 seconds [30 seconds if you are alchemist]) is better than the Runic Mana potion?
    Well, good question. personaly i dont like haste potions and always use mana instead (more brust AB). but i think its every mage decision. probably haste potion give you more dps..
  4. Any method or haste cap to prevent fire less missiles with missil barrage in latency moments? Or a 'latency cap' to use this spec?
    No. simply. just tested some new macros on Dummies in IF and with 150ms and 1.2 sec AB cast i had some (minimum but still) bugged missiles.. I think it's about luck..
  5. Whats the priority in brust damage rotation ? Arcane Blast or T10 2 piece bonus?
    If you still can benefit from Bloodmage's Regalia 2 pieces haste buff (your cast is longer than 1sec) it is majority in spell casting. Try to rebuff it every 4 Arcane Blasts. But if you reached 1sec casting, cast Arcane Blast until you can (watch mana pool here!).
  6. Is 3/3 Arcane Stability really necessary? Can I move some point from it?
    There are plenty encounters where whole raid, not only tanks, get damage. ANY pushback you will suffer means HUGE dps lost! If you have Paladin with Concentration Aura you can move 1 point from Arcane Stability. Otherwise better don't.

Mage Caps Base While Taking Dmg 2

Mage Caps Base While Taking Dmg In Windows 7

*Constructive criticism is always welcome. Feel free do send me PM about any improvements in this topic.
**Please, remember that I am a living person who has real life and can't be here 24/7.
Comments are closed.