How Much Healing Does Moira's Dmg Attack Leech

  1. How Much Healing Does Moira's Dmg Attack Leeches
How does Life Leech scale to Elemental DMG, not only converted from Phys but original Ele one.
And Spell Damage too.
Last edited by chistor on Feb 3, 2013, 7:17:46 PM
Posted by
on Feb 3, 2013, 7:17:26 PM
Life leech on gear and passives only apply to physical damage dealt, not elemental.
The Life Leech support gem will apply to damage done by the skill it supports (and supporting gems) regardless if it does physical, elemental, or both damage types. It will not apply to added elemental damage from auras, gear, damage over time effects, or secondary damage (like explosive arrow's explosion damage).
EDIT: not sure about added elemental damage from say Anger on an attack with the support gem, actually.
IGN: Ferriccdin
Officer of Guild Medieval
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Last edited by FriarJon on Feb 4, 2013, 12:13:26 AM
Posted by
on Feb 4, 2013, 12:10:39 AM
Life leech on gear and passives only apply to physical damage dealt, not elemental.
The Life Leech support gem will apply to damage done by the skill it supports (and supporting gems) regardless if it does physical, elemental, or both damage types. It will not apply to added elemental damage from auras, gear, damage over time effects, or secondary damage (like explosive arrow's explosion damage).
EDIT: not sure about added elemental damage from say Anger on an attack with the support gem, actually.

What about converted phys dmg, like phys to fire gems and so on.
Any tell me about spell damage does it has nothing to do with Life Leech/Life on Hit.
IGN chistor
Posted by
on Feb 4, 2013, 7:29:56 PM
im pretty sure it works on Lightning Strike projectiles as well as the initial hit.
Posted by
on Feb 4, 2013, 8:35:42 PM
Any life or mana leech besides the support gems will ONLY leech from physical damage (This does not include physical spells like EK). Not matter how the damage is done. However since life leech is capped at 20% max life a second, its still possible for attacks that split elemental and physical damage to still leech enough life compared to pure physical attacks. Depending on your max health of course.
Damage from Anger / Wrath / Elemental damage mods from gear / ect, can leech life, but only with the use of the support gem.
Last edited by Lionguild on Feb 4, 2013, 9:17:09 PM
Posted by
on Feb 4, 2013, 9:02:48 PM
Life leech on gear and passives only apply to physical damage dealt, not elemental.
The Life Leech support gem will apply to damage done by the skill it supports (and supporting gems) regardless if it does physical, elemental, or both damage types. It will not apply to added elemental damage from auras, gear, damage over time effects, or secondary damage (like explosive arrow's explosion damage).
EDIT: not sure about added elemental damage from say Anger on an attack with the support gem, actually.

What about converted phys dmg, like phys to fire gems and so on.
Any tell me about spell damage does it has nothing to do with Life Leech/Life on Hit.

Life Gain on Hit:
'life gained by each enemy hit by your ATTACKS': meaning it only works on attack skills, not spells.

'% of DAMAGE leeched back as life': the word 'damage' is as general as it gets, any damage done by the skill it supports will leech life. Doesn't matter if it's an attack skill or a spell.
Added Fire Damage:
'20% of physical damage ADDED as fire damage'
* This is not converted damage it's extra fire damage added proportional to your physical damage. Fire damage is not physical damage so this extra damage would only apply to the Life Leech support gem.
Physical damage converted to another type of damage is no longer physical damage, so regular life leech from gear does not work on it, only the support gem.
IGN: Ferriccdin
Officer of Guild Medieval
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Posted by
on Feb 4, 2013, 10:07:15 PM

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How Much Healing Does Moira

How Much Healing Does Moira's Dmg Attack Leeches

Best way to get seeker mine dmg mods pc. EDIT: For all you Moira mains: her healing orb gives you a maximum of 14% ult charge while the damage orb gives you a max charge of 9%. As the title says. Does a fully used damage orb (200 dmg) or healing orb (300 healing) give her more ultimate percentage? There are different ratios for how healing and damage contribute.

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