Yasuo Early Gasme No Dmg

  1. Yasuo Early Game No Dmg Free

It is no secret that Yasuo is on the strong side, and with a >50% win rate, >80% ban rate, and a pre-nerf-Riven-level-QQ-rate on GD, windman will probably be hit with many nerf hammers in the near future.
Despite the constant complaints on GD about Yasuo being badly designed, I think he is one of the best designed champions so far. After finally having a viable Melee ADC in League of Legends, I would like to see Yasuo properly nerfed instead of being completely gutted and becoming Olaf.
There are many ways to nerf a champion, especially a champion as overloaded as Yasuo, but to properly nerf a champion, we must first realise WHY Yasuo is overpowered.
GD's reasoning for why YasuOP
1. 'Yasuo gets a free 50% crit from his passive'
On the contray to popular belief, this is actually one of the most balanced parts of Yasuo's kit. Intent is Yasuo's only steroid. At a first glance, an average GD would think that after Yasuo reaches late game, buys an Infinity Edge, and reaches 50% crit, his damage output would be multiplied by 250%.
This is not the case. Intent is actually ALOT weaker than what GD percieves it to be. For the first few minutes of the game, this passive doesn't exist. Even after Yasuo reaches mid-late game and spends 6.3k gold on IE + Shiv, purely offensive stats (not including 800 for vamp, 440 for a blade/shield, and 1000 for boots), he only gains 45% crit unless if he gets 5% crit from runes.
Even then, his damage output is severely reduced by the current meta and the built in 10% reduction.
Damage reductions for Yasuo's Q, which people do not usually take into account:
- Built in 10% reduction
- Reinforced Armour in the defensive mastery, reduces Critical Strikes by 10%, usually taken by 3/5 of roles(Jungler, top lane, support)
- Ninja Tabi, reduces basic attacks and on-hit effects by 10%
Heres are some numbers:
Base crit dmg modifier * built in reduction * reinforced armour * Ninja Tabi
Without Infinity edge
= 2.0 * 0.9 * 0.9 * 0.9 = 145.8% crit damage, a loss of 54.2% crit damage
With Infinity edge
= = 2.5 * 0.9 * 0.9 * 0.9 = 182.25% crit damage, a loss of 67.75% crit damage
Yasuo's damage steroid compared to other Melee ADCs
Yasuo: up to 50% bonus crit chance, but with a loss of 54.2% or 67.75% crit damage
Master Yi: 80% attack speed, 10% passive total AD, base 30 + 20% AD scaling true damage on-hit effect active
Fiora: 140% attack speed, 35 passive AD
Tryndamere: 35% Crit chance, 25 passive AD (60 when ulting)
as you can see, Yasuo's double crit passive is not why he is overpowered, and is actually on the weaker side compared to the steroids of other Melee ADCs.
2. 'Yasuo's shield is too strong late game, at 690, not to mention it refreshes when you ulti'
I have to agree with this statement. A 690 damage shield is already pretty damn high, and being able to instantly refresh it with the ulti for a 1380 shield just makes Yasuo too tanky. Riot has three ways of nerfing this:
i) reducing the shield values at later ranks (down to something like 500)
ii) reducing the flow recharge rate on Wind Wall's passive
iii) Reverting the buff which refreshes the shield on R
I prefer option iii), but since Riot hates admitting mistakes and probably won't revert changes, option i), ii), or a mixture of both should be fine.
3. 'Yasuo deals too much damage'
No. Just no. With the same amount of gold, Tryndamere, Master Yi and Fiora can all outdamage Yasuo with ease.
4. 'Yasuo's E gives him too much mobility and chasing power'
I disagree with this statement. I think Yasuo's E is another part of his kit which is perfectly balanced. Yasuo's mobility is very conditional. If he chases the enemy through a wave of minions, he is able to gapclose very quickly, but if the right conditions aren't met, his E is just a low damage, low range gap closer. Even during the laning phase with many minions to dash to, Yasuo's E is still inferior to escaping ganks compared to dashes or blinks like Tryndamere's E or Katarina's E.
5. 'Yasuo's Windwall is too overpowered, as it can block projectiles and ultimates'
While I think that Yasuo's Windwall is on the strong side, I have to disagree with this statement. Saying that the Windwall is overpowered only because it can block ultimates is wrong. Spell shields like Nocturne's W can also fizzle long cooldown ultimates.
'But Yasuo's wall can block more than 1 ultimate!!!!'
Yeah, because when your team sees Yasuo's windwall everyone is going to cast their ultimates at it.
A way to nerf it is to let projectiles do what they are supposed to do when hitting the wall, instead of completely disappearing. For example, when Gragas ults, instead of the barrel disappearing, the AOE explosion will happen on the wall.
@CertainlyT @Morello

Yasuo Early Game No Dmg Free

Dec 22, 2013  Yasuo useless or im playing him wrong, 1 2 3. Comment below rating. I dont understand the point of this champion.Hes like a worse version of Yi.His early game is arguably one of the weakest in the game.His mid game is terrible since he has mediocre damage and dies in a tickle and his late game is 'meh'. The only downside to yasuo is the. Gives really good early game trading, esp if youre against immobile mage (Lux for example). Slide up, try to attack, about to get snared, just slide back. Also has dmg increase per slide for no reason? Maybe to help his already amazing waveclear, havent you seen a yasuo's endgame waveclear? Jan 10, 2014  The thing is, is that yasuo's passive makes him do 10% less dmg on crits (not just 10% less crit dmg its 10% less dmg of the whole crit) so building IE is a must on him in order to make up for that just to get him at a normal crit dmg% (with alittle above). He's laughably weak early-game and rather imposing late, getting runes that.

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