League Of Legends Dmg Items

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There are three types of damage in League of Legends. Physical damage: associated with auto-attacks and attack damage. Armor reduces incoming physical damage. Magic damage: associated with champion abilities and ability power. Magic resistance reduces incoming magic damage. True damage: damage that ignores resistances. This damage cannot be reduced and always does exactly the value stated, although can be blocked by invulnerabilities and health shields.

I do not like the way the game is currently balanced, where every single champion in the game is forced to buy a survival item in order to 'survive'.
Tanky dps appear to be overpowered at the moment. I do not have any maths to back this statement up, but it feels true after my in-game experiences thus far.
I believe if you pit a carry champion with full dps items against a tank champion with full tank items, the tank champion will win the fight every single time.
Should this really be the case?? Should a tank be able to out-last a carry to the extent that they deal more damage to the enemies health (percentage) and kill them first??
In this genre of game it is generally accepted that:
BURST ownz SQUISHY CARRY which ownz TANKZ which ownz BURST
at the moment the game feels like TANKZ ownz ALL and are unkillable by any champion type, other than someone who has 10x more farm than them.
I believe the way to fix this problem is to either:
a) increase the price of all items which contain a survival stat (health/armor/mgc res)
or b) reduce the amount of survival stats currently on items
or c) reduce the cost of penetration based stats on items.
If you stack FULL AD items on a champion which has abilities which synergise with AD, a tank buying thornmail / stacking armor will COMPLETELY counter you.
If you stack FULL AP items on a champion which has abilities which synergise with AP, a tank buying banshees veil / stacking armor will COMPLETELY counter you.
Thus every champion has to buy survival to be effective =/= balance in my opinion.

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League Of Legends Dmg Items Download

I cant be the only one aroud here who has noticed that there are not so many magic resist items for tanky champions. There are a lot of powerful armor items, but none for mr.
For example in ARAM, there are many games when all the enemies are ap, and if you are going as a full tank, than the only magic resist items you can buy are:
Bulric, (30 mr)
Spirite Visage (50 mr)
Banshee veil (45 mr).
If you are an ap tank, then you can buy
Abyscal scepter, (45 mr)
Athenes holy grail (60 mr)
Mihaels Crucible. (40 mr)
For ad champs:
Maw of malmortius (36 mr)
Mercurial Scimitar (45 mr)
The items are good, but they dont have as much magic resist as needed.
For example take such champion as leona. If the enemy team champions are mostly ap, and she is going full tank, then the onlt items to counter their attacks are Bulric, Spirite visage and Maw of malmortius
But when the enemy team has heavy ad dmg, than there is:
Randuin omen, (70 armor)
Thornmail, (100 armor)
Iceborn gountlet, (70 armor)
Frozen heart (95 armor)
Guardian angel, (50 armor)
Atma's impaler, (45 armor)
Sunfire cape, (45 armor)
Zhonya (50 armor)
My point is, that there are 6 armor items that has 50 and higher armor, but only 2 magic resist items that has 50 and higher mr. Not so much to choose from..
I understand that 'Force of nature' was pretty op because of its health regen for champions like Mundo or Garen and you took that item away from us lol. But you could have just remade it. Made the hp reg lower and left the high magic resist on it.
So I have been thinking about my own fantasy items:
The first one for tanky support/ap champs like Galio, Malphite, Alistar, Amumu.. I think this could be really cool in ARAM.
1. *Insert name here* item
70 Magic resist
200 Health
300 Mana
Unique active - restores 150-350 hp and 100-250 mana (based on lvl) on allied champion (60 second cooldown)
It could cost about 2900 gold.
(Item made from: Catalyst the protector, Negatron Cloak, Null-magic mantle)
This could be good for offtank champions like, Olaf, Pantheon, Mundo, Gangplank, Yorick etc..
2. *Insert name here* item
55 Magic resist
500 Health
Unique passive - Tenacity (reduces the duration of stuns, slows etc.)
The price could be about 2500 gold
(Item made from Giants belt, Negatron cloak)
This item could be op for champs like Mordekiser, Poppy, Kayle, Jax..
3. *Insert name here* item
50 ability power
40 magic resist
Unique passive - grants 15 Spell Vamp
Unique aura - Grants nearby allied champions 20 magic resist
Price of the item 2700 gold
(Item made from 2 Null magic mantle's and Hextech Revolver)
Sorry for the long post and my english.
Please leave a coment and tell me your opinion on this.

League Of Legends Attack Damage Items

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  4. So if you have 3 or more casters on your team then dmg to the turrets is considerable slower. With that being said, does that not make Physical Dmg much more powerful than AP dmg. Then add the factor if the items like the Mercury threads and the Executioner's Calling.
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