Maplestory 2 Physical Attack Vs Boss Dmg

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This bonus is not additive with other stun avoidance modifiers from passive skills and equipment; the chance to ignore stun granted by energy shield is rolled separately. This recharge rate can be increased with #% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate modifiers.Stun preventionWhile the character has any energy shield remaining the character has a 50% chance to ignore being. 20.0% of Recharged per secondEnergy shield will stop recharging if the character takes damage. Killing an enemy while this buff is active refreshes the buff duration, and can grant a Frenzy Charge. Skills Skill gemBlood Rage,Mana Cost: (7-16)Can Store 1 Use(s)Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec Requires Level 16 Adds a buff that deals Physical Damage over time, while increasing Attack Speed and Life Leech. Path of exile faster dmg.

Nov 14, 2018  Physical piercing should be maximum of 15% (easily achievable with physical piercing on weapon + gloves). After that boss damage has the highest possible rolls on equipment. If that's not possible ranged damage is a good alternative. If you get high rolls of dex/physical attack that's nothing to scoff at either since they directly impact damage.

According to a potential list site, at legendary, you can get 40% boss damage and +12% atk.
  • Oct 27, 2018  Each weapon ricochets to other enemies within 3 m and deals 76% damage two times. The damage of each attack is affected by the weapon that is thrown. Shadow Cutter: Throw your weapon forward 8 m with a strong spin to deal 99% dark damage 2 times to 8 enemies. Damage of this skill is affected only by the weapon in your right hand.
  • MapleStory Screens, Videos and Forum. Total damage vs atk and boss damage Bow Master Forum Talk about Hunter, Ranger and Bow Master. 9% Total will increase your range from before 4.5% as will%Attack (109% is 2.09x and 100% is 2x, so 2.09/2 = 1.045). However, there are other sources that usually increase your%total, thus making%Total.
So here is your balance of stats between att% and boss damage% at its simplest:
Boss Damage% Atk%Maplestory 2 physical attack vs boss damage
.4 .12
.8 .24
1.2 .36
1.6 .48
2 .6
2.4 .72
2.8 .84

Maplestory 2 Physical Attack Vs Boss Damage

3.2 .96
3.6 1.08

Maplestory 2 Physical Attack Vs Boss Dmg System

Obviously, you cannot have less than 0% att (which is at 1+0=1.00). So let's look at the ratio after atk% rises to/above 1. Ideally, according to the chart, when you reach 3.6 or 360% boss damage, you should have 1.08 or 8% atk. But of course, you can get 12% atk so you just try to match it up as close to this as possible.
Basically, it's saying you do not get att% until you have 360% boss damage. So I'll prove the chart is correct and that you should only get atk% after getting 360% boss damage. Simply put, if you were at 360% boss damage, and you had the choice of either getting 12% atk or 40% boss damage, what would be the better choice?
With +40% boss damage, you go from 360%-> 400% boss damage and that is 4.0/3.6=1.11 or about +11% damage increase. However, since we so far have 0% atk, and if we choose to add +12% atk instead of +40% boss damage, we get a flat +12% dmg which is > than the 11% damage increase.
But it's a little bit trickier than that. Since you basically the formula is 1+(boss dmg%), it's kind of like saying you get a base of 100% boss damage (becuase if you had 0, you do 0 damage [0xanything=0]) . And same for atk% (1+atk%), we start with a base of 100% atk. So basically, from the chart, you need to minus 1 from your boss damage% and from atk%. 360% or 3.6-1=2.6.
So really, at 260% boss damage, you should get 8% atk. At 300% boss damage, you need 20% atk. At 340% boss damage, you need 32% atk, etc..
Here's the new chart that shows those ratios:
Boss Damage% Atk%

2.6 .08 (at +260% boss damage, you should have 8 atk%)
3 .2 (at 300% boss damage, you should have 20 atk%)
3.4 .32 (at 340% boss damage, you should have 32 atk%)
So I'll prove this chart is correct.
We have 340% boss damage. The chart says I need 32% atk. But let's say you think I'm wrong and think that 40% boss damage is better and that we should get +40% boss damage instead of another +12% dmg. So in that scenario, we would get 380% boss damage and 24% atk.
Basically, 340% boss damage and 32% atk vs. 380% boss dmg and 24% atk.
damage = (STUFF) * (1.0 + %att)) * (1.0 + [total boss dmg%+total damage%])
340% boss dmg and 32% atk = (stuff)*(1+0.32)*(1+(3.4)=stuff*5.808
380% boss damage and 24% atk = stuff*(1+0.2)*(1+(3.8)=stuff*5.76
So obviously stuff*5.808 > stuff*5.76
So you just follow the chart, and your damage will be optimized.
Note that total damage adds to boss damage, and so do dmg% from skills. You should just try to match your stats as closely as possible to the chart.
Hi guys, so i'm trying to get a better dojo time. I have about 227% boss damage without the dojo gloves but my range is a bit lower compared to the boss damage. After like 100% boss, boss damage doesn't help as much and gets worse the higher you go. My gun has a pot of 20% boss damage and my secondary has 30% boss damage, but neither of them give me range with the potentials. Should i sacrifice 50% boss damage and go for % attack? (which will probably give me like 50k range). Basically, 227% boss vs 177% boss+50k range? How should i go about funding my sair to get a better dojo time? Thanks in advance
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