Nerf Galio Q Base Dmg

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Didn't riot's balance team decision on it make it a bit too much weaker? It's less than 1/3 of it's original damage due to not only changing the % max hp damage but the ap ratio as well. Honestly Galio isn't that strong early especially when they reduced his base damage on his Q this patch so they could buff it in other ways. Now his Q only gains .05 more ap ratio and have to stack up the % health even more due to it being hit hard. Could've made it at least 1.5% or 2% per 100. So now he would be more reliant on late game since his early game as ap galio is going to be pretty weak. His other abilities aren't as strong not to mention his ult can't be self cast like pantheon's. Also any suggestions on a new viable build to help him get to late game and be strong?

Nerf Galio Q Base Dmg 2


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Galio trades base damage for ratios. Jayce Q nerf. It’s no secret that Jayce has been incredibly dominant in the current meta. Patch 9.11 addresses this by reducing the Shock Blast Q base damage by 7.8% at max rank. Moreover, the AD ratio on the spell was bumped down from 1.2 to 1.0, so Jayce will have less burst in the late game. ↑ Galio's profile page at Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Jan 31, 2015  Fizz nerf was too much? D&d 5e dmg 32. But I think that doesn´t cover his too big nerf to early game. Fizz´s Q dmg almost decreased by half, then his AP ratio also went down from 0.6 to 0.3 JUST WHY Thats just too much! I do agree with that ap ratio, but Q base dmg drop was waaay too big. IT`S GOOD THAT THEY NERFED HIS Q BUT TOO MUCH IF YOU. The latest major League of Legends update, Patch 9.15, feature a variety of champion balance changes, including updates for new champion Qiyana and further adjustments for Swain and Poppy.


Q Base Springfield Ohio

In this game, being a good 'damage per second' champ doesn't mean anything unless you have the survivability to keep you up.
Burst champs have many advantages, among wich are the fact their damage is hard to avoid or defend against, and they don't plan to stay in the middle of the fight long enough to take a beating.
Annie and LeBlanc deal more burst damage, both of them during a silence/stun, wich results in being able to get in -> dish out damage -> out before you do any meaningful damage to them.
A decent Annie player will have a stun ready when he decides to fight you.
By the time you're out of the stun, you'll be dead or nearly, and Annie will be full health.
Same deal with LeBlanc. She goes in, silences, damages, out.
Last but not least, champs aren't comparable 1v1. This is a team game.
Pressure (in terms of damage), burst, utility, laning, pushing, etc.. all matter.
Champs also have different levels of scaling, item dependancy, mana sustain, etc.
Forgive me but I won't bother discussing any math on this subject.
If Anivia has a very good early game, she could get a similar treatment to Ahri, by decreasing base ability values BUT increasing scaling.
But I don't think it is necessary.

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