Phantasms Do Spell Or Attack Dmg Poe

PoeCurrencyBuyDate: Sep/07/18 04:27:26Views: 2984

This build focuses on those phantasms while supporting them through MASSIVELY CLEVER use of the player and other minions. You will deal a mixture of mainly Physical and Chaos damage, with poison stacking for additional damage. Smite gives you a small portion of. +5% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff: Staves Warstaves; 68 (8–12)% Chance to Block Spell Damage +5% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff: Staves Warstaves; 68 (5–10)% increased Damage per Power Charge: Wands; 68: 1% increased Projectile Attack Damage per 200 Accuracy Rating: Bows; 68. Once per round, by making a successful incorporeal touch attack, a phantasm can merge its body with a creature on the Material Plane. This ability is similar to a magic jar spell, except that it doesn’t require a receptacle. If the attack succeeds, the phantasm’s body vanishes into the opponent’s body.

The Raider focuses on maintaining buffs, gaining Frenzy Charges, Onslaught, or Phasing through kills. She can specialize in one of these buffs to enhance its effect, greatly boosting her speed and evasion.

This build does not force the user to have some rare equipment, as long as it can achieve the same effect. There recommends windelement, the necessity to stack flat elemental damage is unique to windripper

Phantasms do spell or attack dmg poems

Pros & Cons

  • + Can run 100% unique items with relative ease, so the gearing is simple and smooth
  • + Can run maps up to t16 with ease (though the bosses get tricky from t14 and onwards if you dont invest enough)
  • + Only a few of the uniques are 'mandatory' (And even then the build functions without them)
  • + The league gear on the character does not change the dps
  • - Has a low health pool initally (around lv 70-80), can take a while to ramp that up
  • - Has a substantial (For those who consider 4-5ex a lot) starting cost
  • - Not SSF viable, sure you can farm the wind cards and the ventors gamble cards but the rest are rare-ish and have extremely rare/no divination cards
  • - For the build to really feel its best it requires at least 2 5links (or a 5l and a tempest's binding) and a rigwald's quills.


  • Way of the Poacher
  • Avatar of the Slaughter
  • Quartz infusion
  • Avatar of the Veil

Skill Tree

It is important to remember that you can make adjustments to this to get more intelligence from nodes like 'Wisdom of the Glade' or resists from nodes like 'Cloth and Chain'.


  • From lvl 1: Equip Goldrim, wanderlust and whatever unique items you have otherwise that work for melee (cleave preferably)
  • Level 8: Equip Meginord's girdle (Great strength and dmg suppliment) Get leap slam
  • Level 9: Use Hrimsorrow and path to Winter spirit on the tree as fast as possible (you can refund these points once you're fully levelled)
  • Level 12: Equip Tabula rasa and put the gem you use for damage in it linked to two other damage supports, I normally use added cold support, added lightning support and onslaught support
  • Level 18: Get better gem links from act 2 Yeena, e.g. melee physical damage, maim, faster attacks (for both your dmg skill and leap slam) and get a herald of ash
  • Continue this until you kill act 3 Gravicius and get Cyclone, remember to upgrade your weapons with rares along the way
  • Level 30: Equip a Thief's torment, this will fix all your life gain/mana gain issues through your levelling process until around level 57
  • Level 33: Equip a reaper#s pursuit for increased clearspeed and large dmg
  • Level 49: Equip an Uul-Netol's Kiss to increase your damage greatly
  • Level 57: replace your rings with rares with resists and life
  • Level 66-8: Start the transition into windripper, equip your ripper, your rigwald's quills, your bisco's collar and your queen of the forest. Replacing the rest of your gear with evasion stuff with high life.

Skill Links

The links are sorted in descending order of importance. So the last gem in a chain should be the last one you slot in when you upgrade your amount of links.

Lightning Arrow


Herald of Ice

+ or (depend on your budget)

Blink Arrow / CWDT Immortal Call

+ or+

Wrath / CWDT Ice Golem





  • Adds an additonal arrow
  • +1 to maximum power charges
  • Culling Strike
  • Adds an additional arrow
  • Skills Chain +1 times
Body Armour:
  • +1 to level of socketed gems
  • +1% to all maximum elemental resistances
  • Enemies Can have 1 additional curse (If you have a second curse to apply somehow)
  • +1% to all maximum elemental resistances
Gloves and Boots:
  • +1 to level of socketed gems (Boots and Gloves)
  • +1 to maximum frenzy charges (Gloves)
  • #% Increased Movement Speed (Boots)

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Home >Bestiary >(Bestiary) By Type >Undead >

This entity appears as a translucent humanoid with faintly discernable facial features twisted and corrupted by evil. Its arms are long and thin and trail off in wisps of immaterial matter.

Phantasm CR 8

XP 4,800
CE Medium undead (incorporeal)
Init +9; Sensesdarkvision 60 ft.; Perception +21; Aura desecrating aura (10 ft.), unnatural aura (30 ft.)


AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 13 (+3 deflection, +5 Dex)
hp 114 (12d8+36 plus 24)
Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +12
Defensive Abilitiesincorporeal; Immuneundead traits


Speed fly 60 ft. (perfect)
Meleeincorporealtouch +17 (1d6+2 plus energy drain)
Special Attacksenergy drain (1 level, DC 19), possession


Str –, Dex 21, Con –, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 16
Base Atk +9; CMB +9; CMD 24
FeatsAbility Focus (possession), Alertness, Blind-Fight, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (incorporealtouch)
SkillsBluff +15, Fly +28, Intimidate +18, Perception +21, Sense Motive +21, Stealth +20
Languages Abyssal, Common


Possession (Su)

Once per round, by making a successful incorporealtouch attack, a phantasm can merge its body with a creature on the Material Plane. This ability is similar to a magic jar spell, except that it doesn’t require a receptacle. If the attack succeeds, the phantasm’s body vanishes into the opponent’s body. The target can resist the attack with a successful Will save (DC 21). A creature that successfully saves is immune to that phantasm’s possession ability for one day.

A possessing phantasm automatically deals one negative level (from its energy drain ability) each round. A possessed creature can attempt a Will save (DC 19) each round to force the phantasm out of its body. If successful, the phantasm is ejected from the host and cannot attempt to possess the same host for 1 minute. If turned or subjected to a dismissal spell while possessing a host, the phantasm is likewise ejected. The save DCs are Charisma-based.


Autodesk autocad 2018 macosx.dmg. Environment any
Organization solitary or gang (2-5)
Treasure none

Phantasms Do Spell Or Attack Dmg Poe List

Phantasms are malevolent and sinister spirits that delight in the destruction of good-aligned creatures. While many undead creatures are the undead form of once living creatures, phantasms have no real material connection to living creatures; they are spirits born of pure evil. They are most often found haunting ruined temples or churches dedicated to evil gods, or dungeons constructed by evil creatures; any place where the stench of evil permeates the very air.

Phantasms are sometimes employed by other, more powerful undead, such as liches or vampires, though for the most part they are solitary creatures (though sometimes they are encountered with other phantasms). Phantasm gangs, while rare, work together to bring about the destruction of their foes, using their abilities to destroy and corrupt as many opponents as they can.

Phantasms appear as translucent humanoid-shaped creatures with faintly discernible facial features resembling a human face twisted and corrupted by evil. Hair, if present, is formed of the immaterial stuff the phantasm is composed of. Their arms are long and thin and end in wisps of the very stuff they are made of. Likewise, their lower torso trails off into the same misty substance.

A phantasm is a dangerous foe because of its ability to possess and control a living creature. It begins battle by attempting to possess a foe, and if successful, it then controls the host like a puppet. In addition, while possessing a foe, it is constantly sapping its life energy. When the host is destroyed, the phantasm leaves the body and attempts to repeat the process with any aggressors still around.

Poe Phantasm Support

Phantasm from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene.

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