Pistol Dmg Rainbow Six Siege

A list of every gun's DPS (damage per second), in order of highest to lowest, categorised by full-automatics, marksman rifles, shotguns and handguns. Please keep in mind that recoil patterns, damage falloff and available attachments may affect the consistency of damage with each gun, meaning this is not a reliable source for which gun is best to use.

  • 417 still has the highest DPS out of all assault rifles. It's still a great gun for people that have good aim. I prefer the F2 (FAMAS) myself on Twitch because it's so OP, but 417 is a good gun.
  • Siege: True damage: Sheet1.

Fully automatics (AR, SMG, Machine Pistol, LMG)

  • Sledge/Smoke/Mute SMG-11: 740.83
  • Fuze AK-12: 637.5
  • Jackal C7E: 613.33
  • Hibana/Echo BEARING 9: 605
  • Twitch F2: 604.33
  • Dokkaebi/Vigil/Warden SMG-12: 592.67
  • Nomad ARX200: 587.5
  • Dokkaebi/Vigil C75 Auto: 583.33
  • Hibana TYPE-89: 566.67
  • Ash R4-C: 559
  • Buck C8-SFW: 558
  • IQ 552 COMMANDO: 552
  • Maverick M4: 550
  • Zofia M762: 547.5
  • Thermite 556XI: 540.5
  • Clash SPSMG9: 539
  • Jäger 416-C CARBINE: 530.33
  • Maestro ALDA 5.56: 525
  • Sledge/Thatcher L85A2: 524.83
  • IQ G8A1: 524.17
  • Fuze/Finka 6P41: 521.33
  • Gridlock M249 SAW: 520
  • Capitao PARA-308: 520
  • Capitao M249: 520
  • Lion V308: 513.33
  • Thatcher AR33: 511.82
  • IQ AUG 42: 504
  • Ash G36C: 494
  • Zofia LMG-E: 492
  • Bandit MP7: 480
  • Blackbeard MK17 CQB: 477.75
  • Nomad AK-74M: 476.67
  • Gridlock F90: 468.67
  • Ying T-95 LSW: 465.83
  • Jackal PDW9: 453.33
  • Mozzie COMMANDO 9: 450
  • Finka SPEAR .308: 443.33
  • Vigil K1A: 432
  • Frost 9mm C1: 431.25
  • Kapkan/Tachanka 9x19VSN: 425
  • Mira VECTOR .45 ACP: 420
  • Lesion T-5 SMG: 420
  • Ela SCORPION EVO 3 A1: 414
  • Alibi Mx4 Storm: 411.67
  • Mozzie P10 RONI: 411.67
  • Smoke/Nøkk FMG-9: 400
  • Mute MP5K: 400
  • Echo MP5SD: 400
  • Kaid AUG A3: 385
  • Castle/Pulse UMP45: 380
  • Doc/Rook MP5: 360
  • Valkyrie/Warden MPX: 359.67
  • Doc/Rook P90: 355.67
  • Caveira M12: 330

Marksman rifles/Semi-automatics

It also has the highest DMG fallofff, you need to hug someone to be effective, at 10m it does like 17 DMG to 3 armor ops, any gun is better than that. Git gud And yet it has 99 damage per bullet. Yeah that is at point blank range, at 5m its like 22 dmg per bullet, 10m like 9. 'Fully automatic 9mm machine pistol with a high rate of fire.' — In-game description. The SPSMG9 is a machine pistol featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege in the Operation Grim Sky expansion pack.

  • Twitch/Lion 417: 517.5
  • Buck CAMRS: 517.5
  • Maverick AR-15.50: 465
  • Blackbeard SR-25: 457.5
  • Dokkaebi Mk 14 EBR: 450
  • Glaz Qts-03: 278.08

Convert to img file. Shotguns – *damage capped at use of full magazine

Gear +% Speed: Speeds up recharge time for all gear Augments Javelin (Combat) Ultimate +% Dmg: Increases the damage of your ultimate Ultimate +% Speed: Increases the rate at which your ultimate regenerates Melee +% Dmg: Increases the damage of melee attacks (Weapon/Universal only?) Combo +% Dmg: Increases the damage of Impact (single target) combo. You can identify physical damage because it will have a grey diamond symbol. Blast damage, weapon damage, some gear abilities, and (I think) certain melee. Physical Damage is very common if you aren't playing Storm, but any Javelin can have a build that does not focus on physical damage. It’s gear spesific. Anthem gear dmg affect melee. There is no 'melee damage scales based on GEAR level.' If so, it is lost in the rounding methods of the equation, it is that insignificant. It might scale based on PILOT level, but I'm not going to bother, so essentially BASE = 374 damage for a level 30 interceptor, with 1 masterwork equipped.

  • Kapkan/Tachanka/Finka SASG-12: 275
  • Ela FO-12: 233.33
  • Caveira SPAS-15: 145
  • Maestro/Alibi ACS12: 135
  • Frost SUPER 90: 116.67
  • Valkyrie SPAS-12: 116.67
  • Ying SIX12: 116.67
  • Lesion/Nøkk SIX12 SD: 116.67
  • Thermite/Castle/Pulse M1014: 113.33
  • Jäger/Bandit M870: 100
  • Jackal/Mira ITA12S: 99.17
  • Kaid TCSG12: 630
  • Twitch/Doc/Rook/Lion SG-CQB: 75.08
  • Jackal/Mira ITA12L: 70.83
  • Sledge/Thatcher/Smoke/Mute/Warden M590A1: 68
  • Hibana/Echo SUPERNOVA: 60
  • Gridlock/Mozzie SUPER SHORTY: 49.58
  • Dokkaebi/Vigil BOSG.12.2: 250* (DPS 1041.67 without cap)

Handguns – *damage capped at use of full magazine

  • Maestro/Alibi Bailiff 410: 150 *
  • Ying/Lesion Q-929: 550
  • Blackbeard/Valkyrie/Nøkk D-50: 497*
  • Twitch/Montagne/Doc/Rook/Lion LFP586: 468*
  • Maestro/Alibi KERATOS .357: 468*
  • Glaz/Fuze/Kapkan/Tachanka/Finka PMM: 488*
  • Caveira LUISON: 487.5
  • Hibana/Echo P229: 467.5
  • Sledge/Thatcher/Smoke/Mute P226 MK 25: 458.33
  • Buck/Frost MK1 9mm: 440
  • Jackal/Mira USP40: 440
  • Twitch/Montagne/Doc/Rook/Lion P9: 412.5
  • Maverick 1911 TACOPS: 412.5
  • Ash/Thermite/Castle/Pulse M45 MEUSOC: 406*
  • Glaz/Fuze/Kapkan/Tachanka/Finka GSH-18: 403.33
  • Blitz/IQ/Jäger/Bandit P12: 403.33
  • Ash/Thermite/Caslte/Pulse/Nøkk 5.7 USG: 385
  • Nomad/Kaid .44 Mag Semi-Auto: 378*
  • Gridlock/Mozzie SDP 9mm: 352.5
  • Zofia/Ela RG15: 348.33
  • Capitao PRB92: 315
  • Clash/Warden P-10C: 300

Handguns – unlimited no cap

  • Maestro/Alibi Bailiff 410: 242.5
  • Twitch/Montagne/Doc/Rook/Lion LFP586: 715
  • Blackbeard/Valkyrie/Nøkk D-50: 650.83
  • Maestro/Alibi KERATOS .357: 585
  • Glaz/Fuze/Kapkan/Tachanka/Finka PMM: 559.17
  • Ying/Lesion Q-929: 550
  • Ash/Thermite/Castle/Pulse M45 MEUSOC: 531.67
  • Caveira LUISON: 487.5
  • Hibana/Echo P229: 467.5
  • Sledge/Thatcher/Smoke/Mute P226 MK 25: 458.33
  • Buck/Frost MK1 9mm: 440
  • Jackal/Mira USP40: 440
  • Twitch/Montagne/Doc/Rook/Lion P9: 412.5
  • Maverick 1911 TACOPS: 412.5
  • Nomad/Kaid .44 Mag Semi-Auto: 405
  • Glaz/Fuze/Kapkan/Tachanka/Finka GSH-18: 403.33
  • Blitz/IQ/Jäger/Bandit P12: 403.33
  • Ash/Thermite/Caslte/Pulse/Nøkk 5.7 USG: 385
  • Gridlock/Mozzie SDP 9mm: 352.5
  • Zofia/Ela RG15: 348.33
  • Capitao PRB92: 315
  • Clash/Warden P-10C: 300

Figures are rounded to the second decimal place. Fire rate for all single shot weapons is taken from the Rainbow Six Wiki. All DPS figures reflect the damage of each weapon before damage falloff takes affect.

Pistol Dmg Rainbow Six Siege 2

List made by

Pistol Dmg Rainbow Six Siege

Accurate information as of – 18 August 2019 patch 4.2.0

Source: Original link

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© Post 'Every Weapon in order of DPS' for game Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege.

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