Spell Area Of Effect Templates Dmg

  1. Spell Area Of Effect Templates Dmg Download
  2. Spell Area Of Effect Templates Dmg 10
  3. Spell Area Of Effect Templates

Cubase 9.5 osx dmg torrent. Area of Effect Templates. Some spells affect an area. Sometimes a spell description specifies a specially defined area, but usually an area falls into one of the categories defined below. Regardless of the shape of the area, you select the point where the spell originates, but otherwise you don't control which creatures or objects the spell. Templates are modifications that can be applied to existing monsters. Some templates require you to recalculate the monster's CR, per 'Creating a Monster' (DMG p. A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within range then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of flame. Each creature in a 20-foot radius sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 8d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire spreads around corners. Area of effect (or AoE ) is a term used in many role-playing and strategy games to describe attacks or spells that can affect multiple targets within a specified area. Spell vamp have reduced effects when used with AoE abilities. Chain area of effect spells start their effect with a single target, but, if there is another valid target within the range of the chain, the effect will jump to.

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Templates are modifications that can be applied to existing monsters. Some templates require you to recalculate the monster's CR, per 'Creating a Monster' (DMG p. 273)

NameSummaryRecalculate CR?
Arachnicid Beast Half Spider Half Beast<!-yes or no - after this template is applied, should the monster's CR be recalculated?-->
Astrovarg A spacefaring variant of wolf or other pack hunter.yes
Atrophic One A Being corrupted by the forgotten shard or flesh of a long lost or dead God.yes
Awakened Animal Animals that have had their intelligence awakened and increased to human levels because of exposure to magic.<!-yes or no - after this template is applied, should the monster's CR be recalculated?-->
Banshee A sentient, disembodied specter of the original creatureyes
Boss An alternate way to make singular, challenging enemies for your PCs to fightyes
Celestial Creature Celestial creatures dwell on the upper planes, the realms of good, although they resemble beings found on the Material Plane. They are more regal and more beautiful than their earthly counterparts.yes
Ceremorphous Creatures warped through the reproduction of IllithidsNo
Chosen of the Ooze A creature whose mind has been corrupted by an oozing insanity.yes
Clockwork Construct A construct made from clockwork and animated with magic.yes
Cursed Monster Creatures imbued with a dark energy to curse adventurers.yes
Demizen yes
Dire A beast that is stronger than the norm for its kind.yes
Dogfolk <!-yes or no - after this template is applied, should the monster's CR be recalculated?-->
Dread Golem A golem made with the spirit of a dead humanoid.yes
Elemental Creature (Air) An elemental creature originating from the elemental plane of air.yes
Elemental Creature (Earth) An elemental creature originating from the elemental plane of earth.yes
Elemental Creature (Fire) An elemental creature originating from the elemental plane of fire.yes
Elemental Creature (Ice) An elemental creature originating from the elemental plane of ice.yes
Elemental Creature (Storm) An elemental creature originating from the elemental plane of storms.yes
Elemental Creature (Water) An elemental creature originating from the elemental plane of water.yes
Feral yes
Fey Knight's Fairy A Fey that has been brought into the service of a Fey knight.yes
Fey Touched A creature of whom one parent is some sort of fey being.yes
Fiendish Creature Fiendish creatures dwell on the lower planes, the realms of evil, although they resemble beings found on the Material Plane. They are more fearsome in appearance than their earthly counterparts.yes
Foo Animal Celestial relatives of the beasts of the Material Planes, found dwelling in the Upper Planes and Astral Plane.yes
Giant Creature A creature that is larger and stronger than normal.yes
Giant Golem A golem made larger than usual for its kind.yes
Golden Monster Touched with radiant magic, a golden monster is unusually fast, resilient, and powerful.yes
Great Elemental An elemental of great power.yes
Great Master A creature that has reached the epitome of power for its kind.yes
Great Undead A frighteningly powerful undead creature.yes
Half-Celestial A creature blessed by radiant good.yes
Half-Fiend A creature tainted by terrible evil.yes
Hollowed Carrier A mindless necrotic worm-infested undead version of the base creatureyes
Kaiju A creature enlarged to gargantuan proportions.yes
Lesser Shadowfallen
Lesser Vampire Cursed undead humanoids that feed on the blood of the living.No. Usable by PCs as well.
Master A creature that has become stronger than the norm for its kind.yes
Melancha What would once have been a mere ghost, is now something else entirely by the virtue of a desolate soul.Yes
Metagaming Creature A creature that has learned the secrets of metagaming.yes
Minion Meant to replicate the 4e minion monster role, minions focus on quantity over quality.yes
Mob of Creatures A group of creatures who move and act as a (semi)-coordinated unit.yes
Needsbalance horribly overpowered what the hell man<!-yes or no - after this template is applied, should the monster's CR be recalculated?-->
Pseudonatural Creature Pseudonatural creatures dwell between the stars, beyond the planes as we know them, or nestled in far realms of insanity. When summoned to the Material Plane they often take the form of and emulate the abilities of familiar creatures, though such a creature is more gruesome in appearance than its normal earthly counterparts.yes
Radiant Shardling A shardling that has been empowered by the forces of good.yes
Raid Boss
Reduced-Threat Monster A less powerful version of a normal monster.yes
Shadowfallen A creature corrupted by the Shadowfell. The creature becomes a literal shadow of its former self.yes
Skeleton An animated, skeletal shell of the original creature.yes
Sped-Up A creature who possesses unearthly speed.yes
Tainted Shardling A shardling that has been corrupted by darkness.yes
Time-Tortured A creature that has known an eternity of suffering.yes
Vampire Cursed undead humanoids that feed on the blood of the living.yes
War Golem A golem built for the express purposes of battle.yes
Wight A sentient creature that has transformed into an undead wightyes
Winged Creature A creature with wings, either magical or mundane in origin.yes and no
Worm That Walks A being made up entirely of worms that once feasted on corpses imbued with evil magic.yes
Young Creature A creature who is considered young in the eyes of its kin, either due to age or an apparent lack of maturity.yes
Zarikytonic Creature A creature infested by a vile magical parasite.yes
Zombie A creature that has been raised from the dead as a zombie through necromancy.no

Templates with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.

Templates that are works in progress.

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I’m confused about reach and diagonals. I heard somewhere online that you don’t threaten the second diagonal with a 10-foot reach but that you somehow get an attack of opportunity when opponents move out of that square, but the Rules Reference Cards show that you do threaten the second diagonal. Which one is correct?

The cards are correct. As an exception to the way that diagonals normally work, a creature with 10 feet of reach threatens the second diagonal. These changes will be reflected in the next errata.


Errata: 2d Grids and Planes or 3d Cubes and Spheres?

Are spell and other area of effects 2d (as in, they affect a flat grid only) or are they 3d (as in, they affect cubes and spheres)?

Just because things are normally expressed on a flat grid doesn't mean they're actually flat. Any effect with a radius affects a sphere, not a circle. A cone is a 3d area. A line is a line, not a plane.



This page includes examples of creature's sizes, space they occupy, and various area-of-effect templates to aid you in visualizing combat and encounters.

Area of Effect Templates

Some spells affect an area. Sometimes a spell description specifies a specially defined area, but usually an area falls into one of the categories defined below.

Regardless of the shape of the area, you select the point where the spell originates, but otherwise you don't control which creatures or objects the spell affects. The point of origin of a spell is always a grid intersection. When determining whether a given creature is within the area of a spell, count out the distance from the point of origin in squares just as you do when moving a character or when determining the range for a ranged attack. The only difference is that instead of counting from the center of one square to the center of the next, you count from intersection to intersection.

You can count diagonally across a square, but remember that every second diagonal counts as 2 squares of distance. If the far edge of a square is within the spell's area, anything within that square is within the spell's area. If the spell's area only touches the near edge of a square, however, anything within that square is unaffected by the spell.

Spell Area Of Effect Templates Dmg Download

See Aiming a Spell for full details.

Circle (5' radius)

As is the normal with most area of effects, the caster or source of the effect must select an intersection of squares as the center of the effect. In the circle templates below the intersection is indicated.

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Areas of Effect and Larger Creatures


The rules often assume that creatures are Medium or Small. In the case of a handful of spells or effects with areas that feature a “radius emanation centered on you” such as antimagic field, aura of doom, and zone of silence, as well as some of the spells presented in this section, this can result in an area that is effectively useless when coming from a Large or larger caster. As an optional rule, when a creature casts an emanation or burst spell with the text “centered on you,” treat the creature's entire space as the spell's point of origin, and measure the spell's area or effect from the edge of the creature's space. For instance, an antimagic field cast by a fire giant would extend 10 feet beyond his space (effectively increasing the emanation's radius by 5 feet).

Cone (30')

In the cone templates below 'C' is the caster of the spell or the origination point of the effect. If 'C' is replaced with (c) that indicates that the caster may choose one of the (c) positions.

Line (30')

A line-shaped spell shoots away from you in a line in the direction you designate. It starts from any corner of your square and extends to the limit of its range or until it strikes a barrier that blocks line of effect. A line-shaped spell affects all creatures in squares through which the line passes.

Spell Area Of Effect Templates Dmg 10

In the line templates below 'C' is the caster of the spell or the origination point of the effect.

Creature Sizes


A creatures size comes up frequently. Here is some of the more commonly required information. Below this table are several diagrams showing a creatures space, reach, and reach wielding weapons.

Creature SizeSize
Special Size
Size Modifier to
Size Modifier to
Fine+8-8+8+161/2 ft.06' or less1/8 lb. or less
Diminutive+4-4+6+121 ft.06' to 1 ft.1/8 lb. - 1 lb.
Tiny+2-2+4+82-1/2 ft.01' to 2 ft.1-8 lbs.
Small+1-1+2+45 ft.5 ft.2' to 4 ft.8-60 lbs.
Medium+0+0+0+05 ft.5 ft.4' to 8 ft.60-500 lbs.
Large (tall)-1+1-2-410 ft.10 ft.8' to 16 ft.500-4000 lbs.
Large (long)-1+1-2-410 ft.5 ft.8' to 16 ft.500-4000 lbs.
Huge (tall)-2+2-4-815 ft.15 ft.16' to 32 ft.2-16 tons
Huge (long)-2+2-4-815 ft.10 ft.16' to 32 ft.2-16 tons
Gargantuan (tall)-4+4-6-1220 ft.20 ft.32' to 64 ft.16 - 125 tons
Gargantuan (long)-4+4-6-1220 ft.15 ft.32' to 64 ft.16 - 125 tons
Colossal (tall)-8+8-8-1630 ft.30 ft.64 ft. or more125 tons or more
Colossal (long)-8+8-8-1630 ft.20 ft.64 ft. or more125 tons or more

1 A creatures size modifier applies to its attacks and Armor Class.
2 A creatures special size modifier applies to it's Combat Maneuver Bonus (CMB) and Combat Maneuver Defense (CMD).
3 These values are typical for creatures of the indicated size. Some exceptions exist.
4 A different size modifier applies to Fly and Stealth skill checks a creature makes.

Natural Attacks Damage by Size
Base Damage by Size*
Hoof, Tentacle, Wing-11d21d31d41d61d82d62d8
Pincers, Tail Slap11d21d31d41d61d82d62d84d6

Spell Area Of Effect Templates

* Individual creatures vary from this value as appropriate.

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