Sto Dmg Vs Crtd Site

Dmgx3 Pen is the best mod combination in the game. What if I want/have CrtDx3 Pen on my tactical captain? There is nothing stopping you, and this is still an amazing combination of mods for any character. You don't need to spend tens of millions of EC getting Dmgx3 Pen. Wait, I thought CrtDx4 or Dmgx4 is better?? Jan 23, 2017 Star Trek Online is a MMO, and it has a meta – in fact, unlike most MMO’s the meta is pretty broad. It isn’t really based on class, or even job, but it centers around how you want to play. The MMO “holy trinity” exists, but not in the same way a lot of people think about it. Oct 27, 2018  What makes Dmg so good for tacs is that it goes after every last damage buff they have. It even buffs off other Dmg mods. A normal Dmg mod is a 3% final dmg buff, and the Epic level xx/Dm mod is 6% final. A weapon with Dmgx4 CritD/Dm would be ideal for a Tac, and would give 20 CrtD and a 19.3% Final Damage Buff (1.03x1.03x1.03x1.03x1.06).

Guide (part II) How to build a DPS beam boat (+Escort):

(Copyright @maverick8711 and DPS-League Channels)

In the second part of the guide we willgo and intensify working with keybinds and then rehandle dual beam bank buils.

Sto Dmg Vs Crtd Site Free

First of all we work through a checklist to make sure you are ready for this advanced information:

– You have a working single beam boat including equipment
– You collected experience with your bridge officer skills and know the effect of each of the bo-skills you use
– You don’t use to die too often
– Have your weapons set to autofire
– You are comfortable with using your abilities and want to use them timed on demand rather than spamming


In the first part we eased up ourselves the skill activation by putting the relevant skills to a spambar.
Now we want to go and time our damage relevant skills precisely:
An easy way to do so is putting the damage relevant skills to a separate bind and only hit it when suitable. (Splitbind)

For this we build a second bind on a separate key, in the following example it will be R! (It can be changed simply by just replacing the R in front of the commands by any other key! Some people prefer using 1,2,3)

Due to the Global Cooldown (GCD), you can only activate most abilities one after another.
Using a Power like Emergencypower to Weapons takes about 0.5 seconds to activate, during this time you can not use any other power, or in this regard start shooting your weapons.
To be more efficient you should only use powers either before you want to shoot, or when your weapons are already shooting.

The weapons activation is indicated by the highlight of the weapons, when they show the 4 second countdown the weapon is shooting off its cycle.
After its shooting cycle it goes to a one second cooldown and then, thanks to autofire starts the cycle over.

You should only use abilities when the weapons are showing the countdown numbers, not when they are about to refresh their cycle to make sure all of them are shooting properly.

This split into different keybinds allows you to more actively decide which abilities you should use next. Try to align your Attackpatterns and Fire at Will while maintaining your buffs and using healing abilities when they are required.

Before attacking a new target you could use some of your buffs. Once you are in proximity to your target and ready to shoot, you press spacebar once, to activate the fireing cycle and only once! When all weapons show the cooldown you should use additional abilities by pressing buttons.

Space “GenSendMessage HUD_Root FireAll”

Shift “+TrayExecByTray 3 0 $$ +TrayExecByTray 3 1 $$ +TrayExecByTray 3 2 $$ +TrayExecByTray 3 3 $$ +TrayExecByTray 3 4 $$ +TrayExecByTray 3 5 $$ +TrayExecByTray 3 6 $$ +TrayExecByTray 3 7 $$ +TrayExecByTray 3 8 $$ +TrayExecByTray 3 9 $$ Lootrollneed $$ GenSetEarlyOverrideFloat Hud_Statustarget_Space_Bufflist scale 2 $$ “

R “+TrayExecByTray 4 0 $$ +TrayExecByTray 4 1 $$ +TrayExecByTray 4 2 $$ +TrayExecByTray 4 3 $$ +TrayExecByTray 4 4 $$ +TrayExecByTray 4 5 $$ +TrayExecByTray 4 6 $$ +TrayExecByTray 4 7 $$ +TrayExecByTray 4 8 $$ +TrayExecByTray 4 9 $$”

Wheelplus “throttleadjust .175”
Wheelminus “throttleadjust -.175”

This new bind also includes the transfer of our throttle control to the mouse wheel as it eases up precise piloting a lot!

You should now go and take your multitarget dps-buff skills (FAW, any attack pattern, directed energy modulation, kemocite laced weaponary) an put them to tray 5, which will be your R button if you use the example bind.
Your shift key will automatically trigger abilities on the 4th tray which could be healing powers or defenses. You should only use this button if you have to.
DON’T FORGET if you use aux 2 bat to put both of them on the left end of the skillbar line, just as in your spambar line! Dmg mori 4 axis lathe. (like mentioned in part I)

This bind is ONLY a good basis to start from as most players personalize their binds fitting their individual requirements.
To give you the opportunity to do so i will give you a short crash course of the syntax of keybinds.
Let’s just take the beginning of our spacebar bind as example:

Shift “+TrayExecByTray 3 0 $$ +TrayExecByTray 3 1 $$ +TrayExecByTray 3 2 $$….

Shift means the key you want to bind at, in this case shift.
The ” opens the command line for the key in front of it, as it will close it at the end.

+TrayExecByTray 3 0 $$ is one small box of your skillbox. the two numbers simply define the LINE and the COLUMN of your skillbar:

CAUTION! Binds count 0 as 1 so the left bottom small box would be +TrayExecByTray 0 0 $$. The bottom 2nd one from left would be +TrayExecByTray 0 1 $$ and so on…
CAUTION! Any changes in your keybind file will first affect after activation via in game chat! (like you did in part I)

Now that you are able to time your buffs precisely you may start thinking about dbb builts which will also make some of the escorts pretty interesting for high dpsing.
Dbb builds are simple: fill front weapon slots with dbbs and aft weapon slots with omni directional beam(s) + cutting beam.
CAUTION! If you chose any ship having 3 aft weapon slots it’s essential you pick Antiproton as your weapon tye as only AP provides the option to get a second omni directional beam + the cutting beam. (Available as mission reward in “Sphere of influence”)

Once you finished your dbb setup you will find out flying it is completely different to a single beam setup as you dont have a 90° targeting angle on each side anymore, but only ONE on the front side of your ship!
Both alternatives are extremely strong builds and it depends on the preferences of the pilot which one is the better one!
I recommend everybody to try both on long terms!

Like at the end of part 1:


Now that we have come to the end of part 2, you should take some time to try and apply what you (should) have learned.

Sto dmg vs crtd site news

As we always want to optimize this guide we would really appreciate any feedback from you! (Even if it’s simply what you benefited from it!)

For any questions or feedback feel free to contact me via ingame mail: @maverick8711 or @ezri_carter, @holofrog, @Felisean, @Hellspawny, @jaymclaughlin

Thx for your attention!

Sto Dmg Vs Crtd Site Online

Copyright @maverick8711 and CombatLogReader DPS-League Channels (DPS-Bronze, DPS-Silver, DPS-Gold, DPS-Diamond)

Sto Dmg Vs Crtd Site Pc

  1. # This program compares the damage difference potentials of STO's weapon mods
  2. # (most notably, a comparison between DMG, CrtD, and Pen, which is done via averaging
  3. # possible team damage potentials). This is useful as an analsis on the subject.
  4. #This function plots a graph, which shows relative effectiveness of a TEAM of modded weapons using certian mod configurations;
  5. # this is done via an average of the entire team (in the case of mixed mods of Pen,
  6. #we assume that Pen is always active, and that only some weapons are being used
  7. # with that mod. The rest are either all dmg mods or all critD mods, and that is what
  8. # we want to compare (that is why I introduced the idea of pets, we assume there are pets/people/ships
  9. #that are basically copies of your stats, and that they are firing at the 'injured with Pen
  10. #
  11. # Example of test: plotCVDVPen2(50,300,300,100,10,60,0, 3)
  12. # Parameter explanation: plotCVDVPen2(critcal chance, catergory 1 buffs, category 2 buffs, r,i,b,d, # of ships firing [in the case of Pen mod])
  13. # Note: r, i, b,d refers to values used in calculating the resistance multiplier of an enemy;
  14. # r = resistance, i = injuries, b= bonus resistance, d = debuffs
  15. plotCVDVPen2 <-function(crit,category1, category2, r,i,b,d, pets){#type in the percent value (not decimals!)
  16. crit_sev<,1000)# crit severity as a sequence
  17. cat2 <- category2 #category 2 buffs
  18. # pets = other weapons that are fired from your ship, pets, or other ships
  19. crit4 <-c(((cat1+1.1)/100)*1.06*(mult(r,i,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)+.8))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/(2))
  20. dmgx4<-c((cat1/100)*1.193*(mult(r,i,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/(2))
  21. dmgx3Penx1 <-c(((((cat1+1.025)/100)*1.158*(mult(r,i+10,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)+.2))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/2)+(pets*((cat1)/100)*1.193*(mult(r,i+10,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/2))/(pets+1))
  22. crit3Penx1 <-c(((((cat1+1.1)/100)*1.06*(mult(r,i+10,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)+.6))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/2)+(pets*((cat1+1.1)/100)*1.06*(mult(r,i+10,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)+.8))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/2))/(pets+1))
  23. dmgx3Penx1All <-c((((cat1+1.025)/100)*1.158*(mult(r,i+10,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)+.2))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/(2)))
  24. crit3Penx1All <-c((((cat1+1.1)/100)*1.06*(mult(r,i+10,b,d))*((x*((cat2/100)+(crit_sev/100)+.6))+((1-x)*(cat2/100)))/(2)))
  25. #Graphics part; also Do not mind the y axis label; I'm just to lazy to relabel it;
  26. # But, the y-axis label should say 'total damage increase proportion' (or something like that)
  27. plot(crit_sev, crit4,type='l',col='red')
  28. lines(crit_sev, dmgx3Penx1,col='blue')
  29. lines(crit_sev,dmgx3Penx1All, col='black')
  30. legend('bottomright',c('Critx4','dmgx4','dmgx3Penx1','crit3Penx1', 'dmgx3Penx1All', 'crit3Penx1All'), lty=c(1,1,1,1,1,1),lwd=c(2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5),col=c('red','green','blue','purple', 'black', 'Grey'), cex=0.8)
  31. title('DMG_Vs_CrtD_vs_Pen: Best Mod?')
  32. #used in calculating the resistance multiplier of enemy/ opposing ships
  33. #used in calculating the resistance multiplier of enemy/ opposing ships
  34. z <-(75/(150+x))
  35. return((1/4)+(3*z*z))
  36. }
  37. #used in calculating the resistance multiplier of enemy/ opposing ships
  38. return((m(r)/m(i))*(100/(100+b)))
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