Tw3 Defense Vs Dmg Reduction

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Dec 24, 2014 Here is a 3-2 Basketball Zone Defence play tutorial, Here I explain what a 3-2 zone is and how it works. A 3-2 Zone Basketball Defense works really well against man to man offences. Sep 02, 2012  Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a ton of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an 'OK'.

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  • 3Game Rule Components
  • 6Side Notes


The build begins with the commoner from the DMG. His saves are base zero which will allow you to get the Survivor PRC from savage species. But you need to have white dragon spawn template from Dragonlance which gives you +2 to con. You'll need an 18 in con for this build the other stats are actually not as important.


Dragon Spawn Template--Dragonlance Campaign SettingCommoner--DMGSurvivor--Savage SpeciesWarrior--Arcana Unearthed

Game Rule Components[edit]


Toughness, roll with it(Savage Species)..


Just to make him harder to hurt get a ring or cloak of resistance as soon as you can and maybe an amulet of Health for the extra hit points

Tw3 Defense Vs Dmg Reduction


Starting Ability Scores (Before Racial Adjustments): Str:11 Con:18 Dex:15 Int:10 Wis:10 Cha:9

Race Human with the whitedragon spawn template (Templates):

Starting Racial Traits: White Dragon spawn template grants +7 natural armor, Flight at twice the movement speed, natural weapons of bite and claw attacks at -5 the base attack, Breath weapon 2d6 cone of cold (reflex for half), death throes (when you die you explode in a 10 foot square d6 reflex for half), Spellcasting as a first level sorcerer, darkvision 30', +2 con and dex. +1 lvl adjustment

1stWhitedragon spawn 1+0+0+0+0Toughness, roll with itsee template features
2ndCommoner+0+0+0+0Next level hello survivor.
3rdSurvivor+0+2+2+2roll with itUncanny dodge(dex to AC)
4thSurvivor+0+3+3+3Evasion+1 dex.
5thSurvivor+0+3+3+3uncanny dodge (can't be flanked)
6thSurvivor+0+4+4+4roll with itimproved evasion
7thSurvivor+0+4+4+4damage reduction 5/-
8thwarrior+1+4+6+4Bonus feat: roll with it+1 to dex

Other Components[edit]


At level 8 you have DR13/- and if your allowed to take flaws you get two more stacks to make the DR17/-. You should try to get a +4 cloak of resistance to get your saves as follows: Fort +9 (without resistance cloak) Ref: +8 (w/o CoR) Will: +4 (w/o CoR). Improved evasion allows you not to take damage from area effects and traps. High DR so you can take damage and ignore most of it.

Munchkin-Size Me[edit]

Again get a cloak of Resistance and something that can enhance your reflex stat.

With 1st level sorcerer spells cast true strike before entering combat.

Side Notes[edit]

Survivor states that you can only enter this PRC if your base saves are lower than your level. repeat warrior till tenth level. If you have a DM that allows you to take flaws get roll with it two more times. The Feat Roll with it gives you DR 2/- if you have damage reduction. It also stacks with itself. till you get the last level of survivor its useless. Get as high of a reflex you can it will help with area spells.arcana unearthed warriors can have a fast save progression in one save and a slow progression in the other two. Here you want to put it in Reflex high saves and DR but low BAB.


the only true draw back is the low BAB.

DM Counters[edit]

Use ability drain touch attacks and something that can break the DR 13/- or dr 17/- w/ flaws. Something with a high AC and good BAB could possibly widdle down this build. Spells, spell-like abilities, and energy damage are not prevented by DR (DMG pg 291-292).

Studio Wildcard/War Drum Studios/Iguana Gaming @ YouTubeLeveling also gives you access to Engram Points. These points give you blueprints to craft new things. Highest dmg possible in blueprints for ark.


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Summary of the 3-5-3

o The 3-5 defense defies what most of us would consider to be “traditional football.” Most of us have grown up and become familiar with the game offootball as a rough-tough game where we put our hands in the dirt and battleto see who is the tougher team. However, as offenses have evolved, defenseshave struggled to stay one step ahead of the curve. No longer is a 6-man fronta base defense. Offenses have become more and more spread out which, inturn, has caused defenses to rely more and more on their athletic-type bodiesto get the job done. Most of us have seen or played in one or all of thesedefenses: 6-3, 6-2, 5-2, 4-4, 4-3. However, the game is changing.

o The 3-5 defense isn’t aiming to stop the wing-t or any sort of double-tightoffense on a regular basis. The aim of the 3-5 is to stop the “spread ” which ispredicated on misdirection and replaces the Tight End position with anotherathlete.

Tw3 defense vs dmg reduction tool

Positives of the 3-5
o Great for defenses that lack the size and power needed to play smash-mouth football.

o It puts another athletic body on the field that can keep up with the speed of the spread offense.

o If done correctly, it can cause confusion at the LOS.

o It is designed to get the defense in an attack and react mentality, as opposed to a react and attack mentality.

o Simple blitzes and line adjustments can cause a lot of confusion for a high school quarterback.

You don’t have to out scheme yourself. (Don’t be a Scheme-a-holic)Focus on Fundamentals.

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Tw3 Defense Vs Dmg Reduction 2

Negatives of the 3-5
o Taking out a lineman makes your team vulnerable to the run.

Tw3 Defense Vs Dmg Reduction 1

o The attack and react mentality can leave your team vulnerable to screens

Tw3 Defense Vs Dmg Reduction Program

and draws.
o This causes you to play a lot of man-to-man coverage.

Tw3 Defense Vs Dmg Reduction Download

o Movement of the line can make it easier for linemen to get washed down.

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