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He subdues its power, channeling the power of the dragons to create a Wakfu sword before facing Oropo, who teleports out of Adamai's grasp and knocks him aside before he answers Yugo's challenge, conjuring his own sword. Is there a newbie feca guide? Hey guys I used to play dofus but I heard wakfu is f2p so that's why i'm trying it out. Alot of the new stats are pretty confusing. That would mean that if you had 200% crit, 50% dmg bonus, and 100 base dmg it would equal 350 dmg with one backstab. I can tell you already that, that's not a thing. Plus you can already see that adding a point to DW will increase your damage stat in the attribute page. It's not done at the time of the attack.

Dangers of a No-Chip Manicure

This popular nail trend has some downsides that you may not be aware of.

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No-chip manicures involve a gel-based nail polish that includes a base coat, two coats of polish and a sealer which is applied and then cured to the nail under ultraviolet (UV) lights. When it’s time to remove the polish, the manicurist wraps acetone-soaked pads around the nail for 10 to 40 minutes, depending on the brand and number of coats applied.

In the past decade, the popularity of no-chip manicures has increased. No-chip manicures are applied in nearly the same amount of time as a traditional manicure and provide many more benefits such as durability, high-shine, and the longevity and sturdiness of artificial nails without as much upkeep or time commitment. It also improves the appearance of the nails, especially for those with nail disorders that traditional nail polishes cannot cover.

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Despite the benefits, no-chip manicures have negative health implications. The UV lamp that is required to dry the polish and bind it to the nail, emits ultraviolet A (UVA) rays. Although these rays don’t burn the skin like ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, they penetrate the skin and damage DNA and collagen which can lead to premature aging and increase the risk for skin cancer. Some salons use LED lamps which they claim are a safer option, but this is a misconception. These lamps still emit UVA light and even though the lamps are used for just a short period of time, research indicates that the UV rays emitted are four times stronger than the sun’s UV rays. Moreover, the repeated UV exposure of frequent manicures has a cumulative effect. Other risks include the physical damage to the nail or separation of the nail plate from the nail bed.

Although some salons offer gloves to wear during a no-chip manicure, not all salons provide a safe solution to protect your hands and fingers from UV rays. Until that solution exists across all salons, all customers should protect themselves by using fingerless gloves or sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Remember, most sunscreens need to be applied at least 15 minutes prior to sun exposure for full protection unless using a zinc-based product. There is no need to apply sunscreen to the nails as they have their own natural UV protection and it could interfere with the gel polish.

A no-chip manicure can give your nails a great, long-lasting look. If performed properly with UV protection, you can enjoy the benefits without experiencing the negative side effects. If you do get no-chip manicures regularly, be sure to ask your dermatologist to check your hands thoroughly during your annual skin check. To schedule your skin check, visit dupagemedicalgroup.com/dermatology.

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Canker Sore or Cancer?

Wakfu Dmg Difference Between Back And Side

Sores in and around the mouth can be a source of embarrassment for many people. However not all sores are the same. Primarily there are three different types of sores that can occur in the mouth; canker sores, cold sores and oral cancer lesions. Understanding the difference between these three types can help you make wise decisions and stay healthy.

Canker Sores

  • Roughly 80% of the US population, between the ages of 10-20, gets canker sores. Canker sores, also called aphthous ulcers, are typically small, shallow bubble-like ulcers inside the mouth – either on the inside of the lip, cheeks or tongue. While these symmetrical sores hurt after they open up, they are not contagious and generally heal in 5-10 days on their own. There are many lifestyle changes that you can make to aid in healing, such as eating soft food or soups, drinking cold liquids, rinsing with salt water or over-the-counter medications. Canker sores are different than cold sores.

Cold Sores

  • Cold sores generally appear on the outside of the mouth around the lips. They can occur in other areas of the mouth, but that is rare. They look like fluid-filled blisters, but will eventually open, crust over and dry up. These “fever blisters” are caused by herpes simplex virus–type 1 (HSV-1) once it becomes active and can be contagious. Cold sores can spread via kissing or through something simple like sharing a glass of water. This virus can be transmitted to others even when no blisters are visible. Treatment consists of an antiviral ointment.

Oral Cancer Lesion

  • Oral cancer lesions – in their early stage – could mimic the look of an open canker sore anywhere inside the mouth and throat or be a discolored lump on the edge of your lip. Generally these do not heal or go away. Cancer cells may stay in a concentrated spot for a while, but will eventually spread more aggressively. It’s important to have the spot checked out sooner rather than later by your primary care physician, dentist or otolaryngologist. Normally your dentist or hygienist will do an oral cancer check (as well as examine your neck and throat) at your bi-annual dental cleanings/check-ups, which is why it is important to stick to a routine schedule.

HPV & Cancer

Oral/throat cancers are uncommon, but on the rise. In the past, oral cancer was thought to be caused by tobacco use and alcohol. However, research has recently found a new culprit that is leading to rising rates: human papilloma virus (HPV) strains 16 and 18, which account for up to 30% of all oropharyngeal (tonsils, base of tongue and back of throat) cancer cases. This sexually transmitted disease can be passed by both men and woman primarily through oral sex. You can proactively fight this disease by getting the HPV vaccine which prevents this infection. HPV vaccine is only effective in people who do not yet have the disease and is recommended for males and females between the age of 9-26.

If you find a sore in your mouth, and it doesn’t heal after two weeks, be sure to talk to your doctor.

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