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・Rivenはその武器専用であるため、Warframeのアビリティで使われる武器には適用されない。 (TitaniaのRazorwing、IvaraのArtemis Bow、MesaのRegulatorsなど) ・修正19.10.1よりArtaxのRivenはソーティーで入手不可能に変更された。. Apr 20, 2017  Warframe aklato riven mod ( +damage + multishot ) Warframe aklato riven mod ( +damage + multishot ) Skip navigation. BEST FL4K CRIT BUILD.


You.. what?

The voice was stunned. More than stunned. The other had never heard that particular voice turn furious before. She hadn't thought it possible. But it was. She was.

The Lotus was angry.

You.. dare.. The voice if the odd being who served as both guardian and guide for the Tenno was.. if anything, getting angrier.

It wasn't us! The Reverend Mother of the Corpus Clergy said desperately. It wasn't a feeling she was used to. Usually she was the one scaring people. But this was not a normal situation. Or.. it was, but.. not intentional.The automated machinery took it out. She was bleeding to death! The machinery was designed to protect the mother. It did as it was designed! It saved her life! But the damage.. Lotus, we didn't know! Not until after she woke! And then.. Vina didn't want to stress her. They couldn't even find it! It had been filed in a vault and it took a week and half to find it with the files as messed up as they were. That piece of human refuse scrambled them to try and hide his crimes. Lotus, please! She begged. We want to make this right!

That is not the only reason. The Lotus said sharply.

No. The Reverend Mother admitted. We.. The Board keep it quiet, but.. we are having problems with inbreeding. Too few fertile females for our population. Too many children by those. We need diversity. More.. She trailed off.

You cannot be asking.. what I think you are asking.. The Lotus sounded.stunned now.

If.. If she tells us to destroy the material, we will. The Reverend Mother said softly. All who know agree. We are in the wrong here. What Maxwell D-90 did to Lis was a horror. Two days.. in that.. that torture device.. It wasn't built to be one. But..

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Human have perverted all kinds of things throughout their history. The Lotus said softly, her tone somewhere between resigned and furious. Hardly the first time someone has done such with reproduction machinery. But.. That..?

It is sealed, under heavy guard. No one else knows what Lis really is. The Reverend Mother said softly. She was fully human according to every scan. Only if one knew the mental peculiarities to look for would anyone have guessed. Who think of Tenno outside of warframes? The energy signature is not detectable with any scanners I know of. But I felt her mind. I knew what she was the moment I did.

I.. The Lotus sounded soft and scared now. I can ask. But.. I do not know what she will say. The probabilities are.. confused.

We can send it somewhere the Tenno can recover it easily. The Reverend Mother offered. Or we can destroy it. I don't want to. We need the diversity. Our branch of the human race is.. stagnating. But.. We are not the Board. We have no right to do anything without Lis' permission.

You got that right. The Lotus said sharply, then sighed. I was female once myself. I.. understand. The machinery did as it was programmed. But you should have told her.

We found it yesterday, corroborated its authenticity four hours ago. The Reverend Mother said quietly. I had to.. get somewhere I could speak to you.And now? We need to make this right. If we can. If needed, I will talk to her. Apologize myself. This..travesty soils us all.

I will tell her. The Lotus said quietly. She will be angry.

She has every right to be angry. The Reverend Mother said sharply. She was violated! I would be far, far more than angry. The one who did it to her has been made into a electronics repair drone. Barely one step above a MOA. I would 'request' that you ask Tenno not to kill him if they encounter him. The Lotus made a noise of understanding and the Reverend Mother's voice turned savage. He doesn't deserve the mercy of death. Not after that.

I will tell her.


Lis was sighing to herself. This situation was not spiraling out of control. It just felt like it.

'Slow and careful, Sara.' Lis said with an inaudible sigh. Getting exasperated wouldn't help Sara's already tenuous emotional control. 'Like I showed you. Like you did before. See the harmonics in your mind's eye. Alter the one for visual light.'

The girl swallowed hard and focused her will carefully. The Tenno who had volunteered -he wore a black and red Oberon warframe- did not move from where Lis had told him to stand. He was not nervous. He knew what was coming. Sara however.. was scared. Lis understood. She had never asked the guy's name. She had just tapped his shoulder to pull him out of the crowd of three hundred Tenno -in warframes and not- who had volunteered as soon as they heard what Sara was undergoing. All of them understood. Not all remembered their training, not completely. Cryonesia had taken its toll on every Tenno. But all knew what they were. What Sara was. What she was facing with gritted teeth.

'Sara.' Lis said quietly. 'Relax. You won't hurt him. You can't. Not in here.'

The room had been set up specifically for Sara's training. The Tenno HQ was a sprawling mass of rooms and compartments. Lis wasn't sure if it was underground, floating in space, or hidden someplace even more exotic like Avalon was. Truth be told? She didn't care. She didn't need to know where it was. The room was dampened and insulated to a fare the well. They hadn't had to train young Tenno for a long, long time. But the records still existed. The Lotus still had access to them. Which was good. She nodded to the Oberon and he raised a hand. A column of blue light erupted from his hand. It went up about twenty centimeters, turned and came back down into his hand. He held it, circulating the power.

'I will hurt him!' Sara protested.


'No, you won't.' Lis sad with a sigh that she let Sara hear this time. 'We have been over this. Sara, change the color of the light. You can do it. It is a harmonic of the visual spectrum. You can do it. You did it with me.'

'I know you.' Sara protested, her eyes on the column of blue light. 'And I hurt you.' Shame sang in her voice but she jerked a little as Lis growled softly. Times like this she had a much better understanding of Leanna, her old teacher, than she had ever wanted to have. It was very frustrating.

'Sara.' Lis said firmly. 'You hurt yourself through me. It was your subconscious. Not your conscious mind. I am protected now. He is protected. Change the color. No more. One wavelength. Control that wavelength. Control is the single most important thing we Tenno learn. Whether we are Archivists, Healers, Elders, Technicians, Warriors or any other path.. All need control at the base level to do anything else. You have chosen to follow the path of the Technician. We are looking for a suitable teacher for that path.' Sara tensed and Lis shook her head. 'No, I am not leaving.' She chided the girl gently and Sara had to smile at that. 'Sara, I am a Warrior, not a Tech. The paths are different. You will need specialized instruction.'

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'As long as it is not Lou.' Sara said with a frown and Lis had to fight to keep from chuckling. The Oberon did chuckle. Lou was a bit much. 'Don't know if I could handle the conspiracy theories on top of everything else.' She took a deep, calming breath and focused on the column of blue energy.

'I wouldn't do that to you, Sara.' Lis said with a snort. 'I may be evil, I am not that evil.' Her dry wit startled a chuckle from Sara and then.. it happened. The energy changed color. From blue to red. Sara froze and the Oberon inclined his head to her.

'I..' Sara stared at the energy, entranced. It changed again, from red to yellow and then to green and then a deep purple. 'This.. This is amazing.'

'Yes it is.' Lis said with a fond smile for her student. 'Congratulations, Sara. You have taken your first knowing step into a far larger world.' Sara stared at the energy, entranced and Lis shook her head. She made a curt gesture at the Oberon who nodded and the energy vanished. 'Sara, be very careful. Visible light is rarely dangerous, but it can be. It can cause seizures in unprepared beings. Or it can be focused.'

'A laser.. I know. I did that..' Sara sounded stunned. 'By altering one wavelength.' Both Lis and the Oberon nodded. 'Oh my god..' She shook herself. She was shivering a bit and Lis took her hand, her warframe sensors checking the girl's vitals automatically.

'You will learn how to do that more efficiently and far more than that, Sara.' Lis promised. 'But for now, you need rest and food. You did it.' She encouraged the girl. 'You did it.' She jerked her head to the Oberon who bowed to both female Tenno and left the room. 'Well done, Sara.'

'I have a long way to go.' Sara said with a sigh that was completely fake. She was exuberant. 'I thought it would be hard.' She said a bit sheepishly.

'Do you really think I would make you lift a mountain on your first day, Sara?' Lis asked as she led the girl towards the door.

'No.' Sara admitted. 'I was just.. afraid of what I might do.' Her hand glowed for a moment and she stared at it, a furrow of concentration appearing on her youthful features. The glow faded. 'This.. is odd.'

'Well..' Lis put just the right tone of nonchalance in her voice. '.. you are odd. So it just figures your first manifestation would be too.'

'Who are you calling odd?' Sara demanded in a joking voice that faded a little. 'I.. Thank you.' She said a bit meekly. 'I know I am.. a handful.'

'Sara.' Lis paused and took hold of the girl's shoulders, spinning her so she stared the Nyx Prime warframe in the faceplate. 'I don't have to worry about seeing you shot, blown to pieces, poisoned, frozen, burnt, stabbed..' She shook her head as she pulled the now shivering girl into a loose embrace. 'If Iriana's treatment works.. I won't have to watch you die..' She gave Sara a hug. 'Anything else is just a bonus.'

'I love you, Lis.' Sara said, hugging the warframe tight. Lis managed to control the hiss of discomfort, but Sara was an observant girl and immediately released her. 'Lis.. You.. I..'

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'Sara.' Lis chided her gently. 'Yes it hurts. No, I won't let them put me in an ICU pod for six months or so while you need me. Maybe when you don't anymore. After you have been started on your apprenticeship.'

'Lis..' Sara's lip was quivering. 'Please. I know you are hurting. Mom is helping. I am getting better. I.. I want you to get better.'

'Sara.' Lis said gently. They had this argument regularly and had since the docs had -reluctantly- let Lis off the table on which she had woken. 'You need instruction. You need protection. I am not going into the field. I am not going to run around and get blown up myself again. Serene and the others..' She sighed inaudibly. She wouldn't mention who those others were, but the Royal Guard were just as persistent in trying to get her to change her mind as Sara and Serene were. '..are getting annoyed with me. But the simple fact is.. you still needme.'

'I don't deserve you.' Sara said sadly. 'I never did.'

'Deserve has nothing to do with it, Sara.' Lis retorted as she had every time Sara said that same thing. She had never expected to love Sara. But she did. Then she sighed. 'If it did.. That whole mess yesterday wouldn't have happened.'

Sara winced and nodded. Neither wanted to remember what had happened when they had found a small human girl crying alone in a disused hallway. A small blind human girl. It had been.. rough. Both had stepped back when older and more experienced Tenno had arrived. But both knew the repercussions of the Tenno known as Malachi's treatment of a small clan of Tenno would be slow to fade. Karl in particular had a long memory. Everyone who met her liked Peri and for the scum to do what he had.. At least he didn't hurt the waif. Lis though with a shudder. If he had, there would have been blood on the walls.

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'I saw Elder Raven moving towards the Admin section earlier.' Sara said with a smile. 'I bet she was going to look at legal precedents.' Lis chuckled darkly. The maimed Tenno might not like field work anymore, but she was just as deadly with her political acumen, biting wit and legal expertise as she had been with her claws in her Valcyr warframe. Sara matched the Nyx Prime's chuckle with her own. 'Yeah.' Then her stomach rumbled. 'Oh come on!' Sara snapped at her belly. 'This is getting old!'

'Come on, Sara.' Lis said with a snicker. 'You need to eat and then rest. Do you want to sleep here or at the Tower?'


'I..' Sara slumped a bit. 'I should socialize. I know. But I prefer the Tower. I know it and.. it feels more like home. More than.. the other does.' She said with an apologetic glance at Lis who nodded.

'Right now, comfort is more important than socializing.' Lis said with a smile that carried right through her faceplate. 'We will continue your training, but..' She paused as a form hurried up from a cross corridor. 'Oh, Elder Raven.' She said, bowing. Sara hastily did likewise.

The female Elder wore formal robes most of the time. Not so much for the formality. To hide the horrific scars that covered every inch of her body. The veil she wore, likewise for her face. She could see just fine. But.. the visage made people.. nervous. Sad. She was a good woman, a good Tenno.

'Lis, Sara.' The Elder's voice was.. odd. Calm, but.. was she angry or crying? Or both? 'You need to come with me, back to the Tower.'

'Elder?' Sara asked her hand going to her mouth. 'Is it..? Has something happened to my mom? Moms?' She corrected herself absently. Having Amelia and Serene as parents was bad enough, but Iriana had adopted Sara too, so it made the family arrangements..a bit complex. No one minded.

'No, Sara.' Raven said gently, obviously forcing herself to calm. 'Your moms are fine. But.. You and Lis need to come with me. Now.' Lis did not argue. She started off as the Elder did, Sara hurrying to catch up. 'I am sorry for worrying you. But.. This is..' She shook her head. 'This is not going to be fun. For any of us.'

Lis felt something in her still as Raven led the way to the closest portal chamber which was..cleared. Something was very wrong. There were always guards at the portal chamber. The Elder waved to the platform and Lis stepped up. Sara followed with only a minor hesitation. Raven started working the controls.

'At least I haven't eaten anything yet.' Sara quipped a bit weakly. 'I hate these.' She said in an undertone. Lis took her hand a gave it a squeeze.

'No one I know likes them, Sara.' Lis said with a snort. 'Useful, but very uncomfortable.' She gave Sara's hand another squeeze and released it as the Elder stepped to the platform which had started to glow.

Then they were elsewhere. Lis checked Sara automatically. Sara's face was more than little green, but she was upright. But then..

The Portal chamber was packed! And.. only with females! Serene stood to one side, her face a mask. Amelia and Kori stood nearby, the human doctor's face a mask, but the Kubrow's anxious. Alicia from Karl's clan stood by Karen, also from that clan. Both wore warframes and looked as if they had been.. Lis went totally still as Michelle stepped forward, her hands reaching for Sara.

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'Sara?' The Princess of Avalon said quietly as Lis suddenly felt faint. What was she doing out of Avalon? A Mag Prime stood just behind her so she wasn't unprotected with Petra around, but still.. 'How did it go?'

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'Ah.. Michelle?' Sara asked, as confused sounding as Lis felt. 'I.. I changed the color.' All of the visible faces smiled.

'Good.' Michelle said with a nod. 'Amelia has a meal and a bed for you. She wants to talk. She has missed you.'

'What are you..' Sara said slowly as Amelia stepped forward her arms out to embrace Sara. 'Wait..' She paused, staring from Michelle to Li, to the others and back. 'No! Whatever you have to say I can hear! Lis! What is wrong with Lis?'

'Sara..' Michelle had tears falling now. 'Nothing is wrong with Lis. Nothing. But.. you do not want to hear what we will have to tell her. You do not.' The Princess said savagely. 'There is nothing you can do about it and if you get stressed, she will get stressed. Stressed worse. We are here.. for her.' At that, Lis felt faint. All of this.. All of her and Sara's female friends? Here? For her? Now?

'Sara. Go.' Lis heard her voice say those words. But they came from far, far away. 'Please.' Sara was crying as Amelia took her in hand and led her away. The Kubrow gave an encouraging whine to the scared little girl before following. 'Tell me.'

'Not us.' Michelle said sadly as she stepped back. Iriana stepped forward, her hand going to the Nyx's shoulders. Was that a stunner in her hand? Lis did not move. She would not resist. Michelle swallowed hard. 'You may need it. I did when they told me.'

'What?' Lis asked, not moving at all as Iriana took hold of her, but did not stun her. Then..

Tenno Lis.. The voice of the Lotus was.. wary. You will not want to hear this.But you must. While you were a prisoner..

Lis went stock still as she listened. She felt her world come crumbling down as the Lotus explained. Then she heard a scream. A terrified female scream of rage and pain and frustration and fear and.. Her voice.

As the stunner flared, she feared nothing would be the same. But.. gentle wings held her as she fell into sleep. Comforting wings.

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