Why Is Ele Shaman Dmg Low In Kings Rest

Welcome to this End-Game World of Warcraft Class Guide for Elemental Shamans. This guide is simplified and streamlined to give effective information and advice without over-complicating things. It's intended for players who want to excel at DPS without having to deeply theorycraft every item and encounter or try and digest massive walls of text.
For competitive end-game raiders, we suggest explicitly using simulation tools, spreadsheets, and your own judgement to produce optimal stat weights, talent builds, and ability prioritizations as they ultimately depend on your character profile, raid needs, and preference of playstyle.

My Lava Burst deals more damage with restoration than elemental. I'm a 656 ilvl elemental shaman (main spec) and my Lava Bursts deals 25-26k (36k with Unleash Flame).

Browsing through this guide couldn't be easier. Below are the guides available, and remember you can always use the tabs above to navigate through them.

  • Stat Priority & Summaries

    Optimized Stat Priority and Stat Summaries.

  • Gems, Enchants & Consumables

    Optimized Gems, Enchants and Consumables.

  • Talents & Build

    Max-performing Talent Build and information on talents.

  • DPS Rotation & Cooldowns

    Adobe flash player.dmg mac. DPS Rotation and Cooldown guidance.

  • Azerite Powers & BiS Gear

    Best-in-Slot (BiS) Gear and the best selected Azerite Traits.

Why Is Ele Shaman Dmg Low In Kings Rest Youtube

If you're interested in seeing how Elemental Shaman stacks up against other specs, be sure to check out our spec rankings:

Why Is Ele Shaman Dmg Low In Kings Rest Lyrics

  • DPS Rankings

    Generated using SimulationCraft, the most trusted theorycraft tool.

Why Is Ele Shaman Dmg Low In Kings Rest

Why Is Ele Shaman Dmg Low In Kings Rest In India

I feel like my dps is going down, even though i get abit of gear here and there every week. Im now 957 equipped, and 'supposed' to do around 1.8 million ST dmg accordingly to raidbots.
My stats with ST items is : 30% crit, 15% haste, 55% mastery.
My ST stat weights is supposed to be :
( Pawn: v1: 'Ajukráizy - Elemental (Raidbots)': Class=Shaman, Spec=Elemental, Intellect=23.19, CritRating=38.92, HasteRating=36.24, MasteryRating=33.67, Versatility=34.81 )
combatlog : https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports..pe=damage-done
Im Ajukraizy.
I used to do blue logs pretty easily, but i dont know. Something feels wrong. Ive had a 10 day break from raiding, and this surely doesnt wanna make me go in there again
Can someone take a look at what im doing wrong? I feel like there something im forgetting
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