5e Dmg Monster Creation Vs Monster Manual

5e Monster Manual – Before the Monsters. I’m a little shocked that monster creation rules aren’t in the Monster Manual. I assume they’re in the Dungeon Master’s Guide, then — Mike Mearls said there would be monster creation rules like 3rd and 4th edition.

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This is part of the Mythic Sourcebook

  • 1Mythic Monsters
    • 1.2Other Statistics
5e monster creation rules

Online Monster Creation Games

Mythic Monsters[edit]

Online Monster Manual 5e

Mythic monsters are entities of immense power, beyond that of even legendary creatures. They are rarely found in the Material Plane except at cosmic distances, instead residing in the vast outer planes or even the far realm. When a mythic creature disturbs the mortal realm, it can dominate on a continental scale; a whole nation's army might not be enough to quell the turmoil.

These creatures are a challenge for 20th level player characters, with epic boons or other high-level benefits.



Creatures of colossal size occupy a 45 by 45 ft. space or larger (or 9 by 9 squares). They have d66 Hit Dice (average 33½).


Creatures of titanic size occupy a 90 by 90 ft. space or larger (or 18 by 18 squares). They have d100 Hit Dice (average 50½).

5e Dmg Monster Creation Vs Monster Manual Free

Other Statistics[edit]

Some statistics continue to grow as CR increases, whilst others are bounded.

  • Proficiency bonus continues with linear progression
  • Hit points, damage and save DCs are unbounded
  • AC has no strict bound, but becomes more exceptional the further it moves past 19.

Monster Creation Games

Statistics by Challenge Rating[edit]

Use this in conjunction with the Creating a Monster chapter in the DMG.

Monster Statistics by Challenge Rating

Beyond CR 50?

Since DC 30 represents an 'impossible' task, and an attack bonus of +21 gives the monster a better than 50-percent chance of striking AC 30, I decided to end the CR track at that point. Further progression would simply be a case of increasing the hit point and damage values - you should instead consider creating the monster as a multi-statblock entity (see below). For example, if I wanted my monster to have 10,000 hit points, I could create it with four CR 49 statblocks.

XP awards by Challenge Rating

If you feel the need to advance beyond CR 50, a creature grants an additional 80,000 XP for each challenge rating above 50.

Monster Features[edit]

Most mythic creatures will have legendary resistance and legendary actions.

Here are some ideas for mythic monster features.


The mythic cannot be surprised and always goes first in initiative order.

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  • CR Increase the mythic's effective damage for 1 round by half of it's normal damage.
Legendary Ability (3/day)

If the mythic fails an ability check, it can choose to succeed instead.

  • CR

The mythic is proficient in all skills, tools and languages.

  • CR
Unattune (3/Day)

When the mythic hits a creature, that creature looses attunement to one of their magic items.

  • CR
Unknowing Aura

Creatures within 120 feet of the mythic are not considered proficient with any skills.

  • CR Add 1 to the mythic's effective AC.

Multi-Entity Creatures[edit]

Colossal or larger creatures can be represented by a group of 'entities': a set of core statistics, and one or more peripheral statistics, each acting on its own initiative with its own actions.

  • The core represents the main body – or agency – of the creature.
    • It is the only component that has legendary actions, and is the component that must be defeated in order to defeat the creature as a whole.
    • Its size is that of the whole creature
  • The peripherals represent limbs or modules attached to the core.
    • When a peripheral entity is reduced to 0 hit points, it is disabled, reducing the capabilities of the whole creature but not defeating it.
    • Peripheral entities are usually mindless (INT 1, CHA 1) and oblivious (WIS 1); and have an immunity to these conditions: blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, prone, unconscious
    • They have a speed of 0, and can't benefit from any bonus to its speed: it is always attached to the core entity (either adjacent to it or in the same space as it).
    • They can act even if the core entity is incapacitated, but are incapacitated if the core entity has 0 hit points.
    • They can target anything that the core can see.
    • Peripherals must be smaller than the core entity and have, at most, half as many hit dice.


  • A beholder deity with five or more peripheral eye stalks with different spells-like abilities.
  • A golem with peripheral shoulder cannons, and a peripheral chest plate that must be destroyed to reveal the golem's weak point.

When not to use:If a creature has multiple identical peripherals, it might be better to use a trait similar to the multiple heads of a hydra, as there's no need to players to target a specific location.

List of Mythic Monsters[edit]

Abaddon's Locusts 32fiend
Adult Prismatic Dragon 29dragon
Ancient Prismatic Dragon 36dragon
Calamity Ganon 35fiend
Datara, Initial Form 40Celestial
Datara, Second Form 45Celestial
Datara, Third Form 50monstrosity
Force Dragon Wyrmling 16dragon
Godsend Dippy Doo 35fiend
Great Wyrm Black Dragon 32dragon
Great Wyrm Blue Dragon 33dragon
Great Wyrm Green Dragon 33dragon
Great Wyrm Prismatic Dragon 41dragon
Great Wyrm Red Dragon 39dragon
Great Wyrm White Dragon 32dragon
Living Dimension 38aberration
Mythic Tarrasque 50monstrosity
Prismatic Dragon Wyrmling 15dragon
Walking Castle 35construct
Wyrm Red Dragon 32dragon
Young Prismatic Dragon 23dragon
Zombie Boss 40undead

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