Mapleroyals How To Boost Dmg

Sep 23, 2017 hello there i have few question's about hacking in mapleroyals server 2days ago i was able to hit mobs with accu hack at hige LV like im lvl 15 and i was able to hit LV 40 Mobs also the DMG hack was worked as well, but now after the update i cant hit any mobs over my level+ the dmg hack works but only server sides only me can isee the Hige DMG. Dec 14, 2018  hmm my excuse is it was 4am;) come relive your childhood by joining mapleroyals today! The christmas event is going on!! Does prophet velen quadruple hero power dmg with auchenai.

Thanks to darklime for the previous guide:
Posting it again along with additional information since the thread was locked.

A Brief History

Elemental weapons were created in the JMS version of maplestory before the big bang update sometime in late 2007.
There are many reasons stated as to why they created the weapons but it was mainly done in order to attempt to balance
archmages and bishops at the time.
Notice how each weapon gives a boost to archmage elements but a penalty to the holy element discouraging bishops from using them.
GMS later introduced the elemental weapons without the bonuses or penalties.
After a few complaints, they introduced the bonuses but left out the penalties.
This lead to both bishops and archmages (now having a damage boost) being able to use the weapons with mass inflation.
The most sought after were the 130 level weapons since there was no luk requirement and lukless was a popular build variation.
Later, after more complaints, GMS finally introduced the weapon penalties resulting in bishops loosing billions of mesos without
means of compensation.
During big bang, GMS removed the bonuses from the weapons stating that they became a balance issue in the newly revamped maplestory.
After many more complaints, GMS introduced the bonuses again but at a nerfed % which we now have today.

Current Damage Bonuses

These are how the bonuses are applied in the game but there are mistakes Nexon forgot about.
Read the [i]Elemental Wands and Staves Glitch[/i] section for more information.
Elemental Staff 1 and Elemental Staff 2 both give +10% fire damage and +5% poison damage.
Elemental Staff 3 and Elemental Staff 4 both give +10% ice damage and +5% lightning damage.
Elemental Staff 5 and Elemental Staff 6 both give +10% fire damage and +5% poison damage.
Elemental Staff 7 gives +10% lightning damage and +5% ice damage.
Elemental Staff 8 gives +10% ice damage and +5% lightning damage.
DmgElemental Wand 1 gives +10% fire damage and +5% poison damage.
Elemental Wand 2 gives +10% poison damage and +5% fire damage.
Elemental Wand 3 gives +10% ice damage and +5% lightning damage.
Elemental Wand 4 gives +10% lightning damage and +5% ice damage.
Elemental Wand 5 and Elemental Wand 6 both give +10% fire damage and +5% poison damage.
Elemental Wand 7 and Mapleroyals how to boost dmg fileElemental Wand 8 both give +10% ice damage and +5% lightning damage.

Current Damage Penalties

If you do not use the correct corresponding wand or staff to a skill's element (Ex. Paralyze has a Poison element), the damage will be reduced by -25%.
(Ex. A f/p mage using a Elemental Wand 3 or Elemental Wand 4 or an Evan using Fire Breath or Earthquake with a Elemental Wand 4 or Elemental Staff 8)
Elemental Staff 1 and Elemental Staff 2 both give -25% Holy, Ice, and Lightning damage.

Mapleroyals How To Boost Dmg Without

Elemental Staff 3 and Elemental Staff 4 both give -25% holy, fire, and poison damage.
Elemental Staff 5

Mapleroyals How To Boost Dmg In Windows 7

and Elemental Staff 6 both give -25% holy, ice, and lightning damage.
Elemental Staff 7 and Elemental Staff 8 both give -25% holy, fire, and poison damage.
Elemental Wand 1 and Elemental Wand 2 both give -25% holy, ice, and lightning damage.
Elemental Wand 3 and Elemental Wand 4 both give -25% holy, fire, and poison damage.
Elemental Wand 5 and Elemental Wand 6 both give -25% holy, ice, and lightning damage.
Elemental Wand 7 and Elemental Wand 8 both give -25% holy, fire, and poison damage.

Mapleroyals How To Boost Dmg File

Elemental Wands and Staves Glitch

There was a mistake made with elemental weapons that occurred in the GMS version 0.96 update:
Some of the elemental wand and staff bonuses were switched resulting in incorrect damage increases.
It has yet to be corrected.
These are the weapons affected by the glitch:
Elemental Wand 6
Elemental Wand 8
Elemental Staff 2
Elemental Staff 4
Elemental Staff 6
Elemental Staff 7
Elemental Staff 8
You can find out more information in this thread on the nexon glitch forums and make a post if you wish for this to eventually be fixed:

Which Weapon to Use?

Bishops do not use any type of elemental weapon because it will decrease their damage by -25% because there is no holy elemental wand or staff.
Ice/Lightning Mages
Should use Elemental Staff 3, Elemental Staff 4 or Elemental Wand 3 in third job because they're mainly focused in mobbing in ice attacks ([skill=Ice/Lightning Mage=Ice Strike] and [skill=Ice/Lightning Mage=Ice Demon]). Elemental Wand 4 won't hurt. In fourth job, Elemental Staff 7 is ideal because of the lightning damage boost for [skill=Ice/Lightning Arch Mage=Chain Lightning], their main attack. Elemental Wand 7 or Elemental Wand 8 is also great.
Fire/Poison Mages
Should use Elemental Staff 1, Elemental Staff 2 or Elemental Wand 1 in third job because they're mainly focused in mobbing in fire attacks ([skill=Fire/Poison Mage=Explosion] and [skill=Fire/Poison Mage=Fire Demon]). Elemental Wand 2 won't hurt. In fourth job, Elemental Staff 5 or Elemental Staff 6 is ideal because of fire boost. If the boosts were corrected, Elemental Wand 6 and Elemental Staff 6 would be ideal because of the poison damage boost for [skill=Fire/Poison Arch Mage=Paralyze] and [skill=Fire/Poison Arch Mage=Mist Eruption]. Elemental Wand 5 or Elemental Wand 6 is also great.
Blaze Wizards
Should only use Elemental Staff 1, Elemental Staff 2 or Elemental Wand 1 because their majority of attacks are fire based. Elemental Wand 2 won't hurt.
Should use either Elemental Staff 1, Elemental Staff 2 or Elemental Wand 1 from level 80-120 because their attacks are fire based. Perhaps level 100-120 would be better because you'd probably be using Dragon Thrust from level 60-100. At the last (tenth) master, Evans should use either Elemental Staff 5 or Elemental Staff 6. Elemental Wand 5 or Elemental Wand 6 is also great.
Battle Mages
Should only use elemental staves because they do not use wands. Any elemental staff will do because Battle Mages use the staves for an attacking speed boost, not a damage boost (since Battle Mages have no element they will not receive a -25% decrease in damage).

Other Information

Thank you Kalemora for pointing out some FAQs.
• Elemental Wands/Staves do not affect the damage of Summons nor Element Composition (EMS).
• Elemental Wands/Staves do not affect the damage of Neutral spells; such as Magic Claw and Energy Bolt.
• Elemental Wands/Staves do not affect the damage of Dark spells; such as Dark Fog and Killing Wing.
• Elemental Wands/Staves do not affect the damage over time effect of spells; such as Flame Gears' burning effect.
• Elemental Wands/Staves do affect the damage of spells made Neutral by Elemental Reset.
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