Use Dmg File In Virtualbox

For Mac OS X hosts, Oracle VM VirtualBox ships in a dmg disk image file. Perform the following steps to install on a Mac OS X host:

Feb 03, 2016  Notes: If you use both Virtualbox and VMware, notice that installesd.dmg works with Virtualbox and installesd.iso works with VMware. How to convert dmg file to iso file in windows 10/8/7. Feb 17, 2012  The DMG format is not an ISO image. DMG supports compression (zip/bzip2) and checksums, and it can be used for read/write images. VirtualBox supports a subset of read-only DMG files for CD/DVD images, but not for virtual hard disks. I personally like the DMG format because unlike ISOs, the CD images are compressed and checksummed. Check destination folder. This is your file for installation in VirtualBox. There should be a.iso file extension. Installation in VirtualBox. Open VirtualBox. Click 'new' Type the name for virtual machine and Mac OS X for type. Choose your version (if you have Mojave or Catalina, choose Mac OS X (64 bit). Select memory size. 1) Then you need to install VirtualBox on your Mac, to do so double click on the DMG file of VirtualBox that you just downloaded and follow the instructions to finalize the installation of VirtualBox. 2) You can now launch VirtualBox by going in your Applications folder and clicking the VirtualBox. Oct 16, 2016  Therefore, to use them it is necessary to convert the IMG files to Virtualbox VDI format (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure). In order to convert the IMG files to Virtualbox VDI format we will use VBoxManage, a tool developed by Oracle and included by default in VirtualBox, with which we can resize the virtual machine, change the resolution,.

  1. Double-click on the dmg file, to mount the contents.

  2. A window opens, prompting you to double-click on the VirtualBox.pkg installer file displayed in that window.

  3. This starts the installer, which enables you to select where to install Oracle VM VirtualBox.

  4. An Oracle VM VirtualBox icon is added to the Applications folder in the Finder.

To uninstall Oracle VM VirtualBox, open the disk image dmg file and double-click on the uninstall icon shown.

To perform a non-interactive installation of Oracle VM VirtualBox you can use the command line version of the installer application.

Mount the dmg disk image file, as described in the installation procedure, or use the following command line:

Open a terminal session and run the following command:

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Are you looking to create macOS Catalina bootable USB installer on Windows PC?

Do you intend to install macOS Mojave/ Catalina on your Mac computer?

Or do want to do a clean installation?

If so, this topic is definitely for you.

Creating a bootable USB installer on a mac computer is easy. You can use the build-in-mac-Terminal with few sample codes.

However, if you don’t know how to use Terminal or you don’t have access to a functional mac computer, then you need to do it on a different operating system like Microsoft Windows or Linux.

As far as Linux is a rarely used by people comparing to Microsoft Windows, i will show you how to create a bootable macOS USB installer on a Windows PC.

Download macOS Catalina/Mojave dmg file.

To create macOS USB installer you need to have a dmg file of macOS Catalina/ Mojave.

For this purpose you can use App Store. if you do not have a functional mac you may download the dmg file from third party websites.

How You Can Create macOS Catalina Bootable USB Installer on Windows PC?

After you have downloaded dmg files , you can initiate making a bootable USB installer. On a Windows PC this can be done via a software called “TransMac”

TransMac is available in both 10 days trail version and premium version. If you can effort i suggest you to use the full version.

  • Read Also: Install MacOS Catalina on VirtualBox on Windows PC
  • Read Also: Install macOS Catalina on VMware on Windows PC

Steps to Create macOS Catalina Bootable USB Installer on Windows PC?

Step #1: Download TransMac.
To download this software open your broswer and download it from the official website.

Windows dmg installer If your only Mac was released after Lion, so you can't download the Lion installer from the Mac App Store, I've alsoPart 1: For all types of media. However, unlike with the CD- and DVD-based Mac OS X installers of old, Apple can—and does—update the Mac App Store version of the Lion installer. So if you create a bootable Lion-installer drive using the current version of the Lion installer—which, as of 2/10/2012, installs OS X 10.7.3—that drive will work with all current Lion-capable Macs. (Lion features a new (also called Lion Recovery), but not all installations of Lion get it—and if your Mac’s drive is itself having trouble, recovery mode may not even be available. Also, if you need to reinstall Lion, recovery mode requires you to download the entire 4GB Lion installer again.) Finally, a bootable installer drive makes it easier to (assuming you have the license to do so).Thankfully, it’s easy to create a bootable Lion-install volume from the Lion installer that you download from the Mac App Store; just follow the steps below.Update: When this article was originally published, the Mac App Store version of Lion would not boot any Macs released in mid-2011 or later, as those models shipped with a newer version of Lion preinstalled.

Virtualbox Dmg Image

Step #2: Install TransMac.
Installation procedure of TransMac is as sample as installing other programs on Windows PC. Simply run TransMac.exe then follow on screen instructions.

Step #3: Plug your USB drive to your Windows PC.
You will need at least 8GB USB drive to make a bootable USB installer of macOS Catalina/ Mojave.

Step #4: Open TransMac if it is not already.
Now you will need to run TransMac to procced further if it is not open already. If you are using a trial version of the software you will need to wait a couple of seconds, then click “Run”.

Mac Os X Dmg Virtualbox

Step #5: After TransMac is launched on your PC desktop, right click on your USB drive, then select “Restore with Disk Image” as you see below.

Step #6: Now select macOS Catalina/Mojave DMG file where you have downloaded and click “OK”.


After you selected the dmg file you will be notified that your USB drive will be formated. Press “Yes” to continue.

Well done, your bootable USB installer is going to be ready in about 15-20 minutes.

How to Install macOS Catalina/ Mojave?

After you created bootable macOS USB installer follow the following steps to install macOS Catalina or Moajve on your mac machine.

  1. Plug your bootable USB drive and restart your machine.
  2. Hold ALT+R keys during starting your mac computer. (Before Apple logo appears)
  3. Select your bootable USB on the screen and follow on screen instructions.


You can create bootable USB drive both on mac computer and Windows PC. If you have a functional mac try Terminal and Unibeast.

To create bootable USB installer on Windows PC you can use TransMac for this purpose which comes both in trail and premium version.

I hope you find this article useful. If you find any question leave it in the comment box below.


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